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Coding, surfing, controlling other machines, slight gaming and pretty much everything else.
I haven't really used windows on my main desktop for ages now.
I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.
Translator here - books, nothing technical. Haven't used M$ for 6 years (I don't like losing 3 pages, never mind 300...) - as for usage: OOo, Firefox, Kontact (KDE vanilla) and audacity for mixing my radio show and basket to keep tabs on the next show is going to be about. Oh, and the one and only digikam!
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
chatting, surfing, listening to music, play along the guitar to guitar pro (through wine ), laughing at others ...
Absolutely everything.
Mythtv/file/mail/www server, XBMC/Myth frontends, DVD ripping/burning, listening to music, some coding. All the net stuff, email, printing, fax,downloading, irc, icq, surfing. Even gaming with FOF, World of Goo etc. Boot into XP about once a year when some new game comes out that I play for a day and tire of. Have been 100% Linux now for a couple of years. The media center was the last to be switched from that crappy product called MCE. There's not 1 single task I need Windows for except for quicken for the finances and that's a legacy requirement. I just haven't bothered to convert to GNUCash or KMymoney so I keep a vm handy for that.
I haven't got time for the instability and frustration that Windows (any version), brings me.
I write code, short stories, more code, and listen to music. I read the Arch Linux forums and do a bit of gaming (0.5-1 hr a day average).
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
Music, videos, internet browsing, IM, torrent, and somethimes 3d games... mostly Nexuiz.
And i obsessed with tweaking. You give me phone, car, pc, OS and I will understand that system, and max it performance/possibilities.
So arch is perfect for me.
Yeah, its my only OS for a 8 months now. Dual booted it with Ubuntu before that.
Am I only non-developer, no-sys admin.. On this forum?
Talk to corporate, like a boss.
Do you also manage workflow, like a boss?
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
I browse the internet, check my e-mail, chat with friend, and play the occasional game. Nothing work related (my work provides a computer for that) and nothing serious.
Surfing, mailing, blogging, playing, tweaking, procrastinating: i have a list of like 20 things i want to do with my arch install, that never gets done.
Soon to be programming, the library just got my python book, gonna go get it tomorrow
Go? Interesting What rank/skill level?
Roughly 18k - 13k depending on the day, the sun's elevation relative to the moon & whether I'm really tired or not. I'm on KGS often times, and if you ever wish to play that would be fine with me. I should make a go thread on here as I know a few people who play also use arch.
Sorry for the off-topic.
I forget to add making (not-so-great) music to my list:
What software do you use for creating music? I found Rosengarden the best sequencer (closest to Logic Audio, which I prefer), but still using Emagic Logic Audio under windows, because can't find an equivalent to windows' VSTis — avaliable synths in linux are so poor IMO. Or maybe I'm wrong?
Oh, I totally forgot the MOST important thing I do with my Arch box ..... watch FanSubs.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
DevoidOfWindows wrote:I forget to add making (not-so-great) music to my list:
What software do you use for creating music? I found Rosengarden the best sequencer (closest to Logic Audio, which I prefer), but still using Emagic Logic Audio under windows, because can't find an equivalent to windows' VSTis — avaliable synths in linux are so poor IMO. Or maybe I'm wrong?
OpenMPT (Wine) and LMMS (native).
Porn, homework, watching movies, facebook, ssh into my server
I do almost everything through Arch. Currently that involves writing a lot of code in Matlab, statistical analysis in SPSS and writing a lot of documentation and reports in LaTeX. Everything works just that little bit better together in Arch than it does on XP or Vista, although I do boot into that a fair amount, and I have to use XP at work (although I use Virtual PC and Arch as my working OS )
Just average stuff. (I'm no programmer or sysadmin or anything.)
Browsing the internet, IM chatting, watching anime (sometimes dramas), playing games (occasional Littlebusters or Touhou).
I had to do a little music stuff for music class the other day, but I did that on the school computers with the programs recommended by the teacher.
In fact, I don't do any schoolwork on Arch. I use my slackware box for doing writeups when I have to, but that is rare since I prefer to writeup by hand (I'd only type if it was a requirement); and I use the school computers for any other weird things.
Browsing the web a lot, IRC and IM, programming, homework, and some graphics in GIMP. I don't even have Windows on any of my machines or in a VM.
Porn, homework, watching movies, facebook, ssh into my server
Hah! At least someone was honest.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Linux has been my main os since 2004. My laptop serves its purpose as a development machine.
Virtual machines(XP/Vista/*BSDs/)
C/Python Programming
Counterstrike: Source for over 2 years now via wine.
As for me I use arch on my home NAS for file sharing, as http and ftp servers, vpn access. On laptop for a day-to-day activity such with movie and Internet and other stuff like that. Also it is host for virtual machines with winxp (company uses Juniper VPN and I can't find how to connect to it without winxp).
I use it mainly for entertainement (watching movies and listening to music). But also some web dev.
Well, apart from the main stuff stated above I also use it to back up dvds , watch telly, record the odd TV and BBC radio programme, listen to music and I need it to keep my life organised.
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Everything possible (casual...), Windows is just for a few games.
Last edited by Exitium (2009-06-15 20:35:00)
My main laptop is used for general day to day stuff like web browsing, music, papers for school, etc. but I've also been using it to record my band, and also to make my own music.
The older laptop is a torrent slave, and the old desktop I got at a recycling center is being a media center, sort of. I still have some kinks to work out on that.
Mostly Internet related stuff, reading news on google reader, emails, facebook, chatting and diving on wikipedia and reading about various stuff, i also listen to lot of music, having a PC with internet connection makes it easy to find music you love, having a PC made me a music geek. Sometimes i watch movies, play some native or wine games, and rarely i need to type something in lyx for school, do something in audacity/gimp and other stuff like that.
I fiddle around with my arch install a lot , tweaking it till it cry's and sometimes i test some experimental OS like haiku and ...
If it ain't broke, broke it then fix it.