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#1 2009-06-16 20:34:15

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 126

E17 release
I was already expecting that I wouldn't live to see this yikes Awesome!
Will the stable development snapshot be available when it's released?


#2 2009-06-16 21:17:48

From: /dev/null
Registered: 2008-02-03
Posts: 248

Re: E17 release

Wow.  Thanks for posting, that's a surprise!

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


#3 2009-06-16 21:31:32

From: Skopje, Macedonia
Registered: 2007-10-16
Posts: 353

Re: E17 release

so E17 will be out around chrismas ?
IMHO it was about time to put out a stable version, kudos to the devs!!

If it ain't broke, broke it then fix it.


#4 2009-06-16 22:12:24

Registered: 2008-10-10
Posts: 110

Re: E17 release

About time smile


#5 2009-06-16 23:56:04

From: Toronto, Canada
Registered: 2008-12-31
Posts: 44

Re: E17 release

Can't wait. Even if the release gets delayed (which I'm guessing it will, a lot), just the prospect of more frequent snapshots is a huge plus.

\_\__     __/_/ 
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#6 2009-06-17 00:52:32

Registered: 2008-03-23
Posts: 510

Re: E17 release

I don't use E17, but I know a bit about it and from an outsider it just seems funny to me. smile

urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand


#7 2009-06-17 02:39:47

From: Kingston, Canada
Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 150

Re: E17 release

Finally it will release a stable version. I still remember the first time I tried it, it was back to 2005!

Archlinux x86_64 on Thinkpad T400
Intel X4500MHD / ATI HD3470 Graphics, 2G RAM, 160G HD


#8 2009-06-17 04:38:01

Registered: 2008-08-12
Posts: 2,563

Re: E17 release

E17 is getting released? Lolwut!?

First E16 was released just a little while ago, and now this... well, I think it's awesome big_smile Although do note that their page says it won't be a "real" release, just a code snapshot basically, tagged as E17. I think despite that devs will work to make it "1.0 quality" though, and at the very least E17 should start getting some more support from distros, etc. smile

/me fervently hopes ecomorph will make it in, or at least some of it...


#9 2009-06-17 07:51:06

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 126

Re: E17 release

No, no, it really is a release. At the bottom of the page it says:

If things go well, we can schedule beta for October and RC for November, release as Christmas gift for all!

Two or three years back I used DR17 for about a year before getting tired of having to reconfigure everything every update. It was suprisingly stable though, especially so for SVN code. When I have some spare time I'll have to try out a snapshot to see how it has evolved since then.

@Ranguvar: E16 is an old release that still gets maintained. For E17 they developed a whole new codebase, then scrapped that and started over again. It's been in development for a long time now. I'm really happy for the E17 team, they've written some literally beautiful code. big_smile


#10 2009-06-17 08:05:01

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 126

Re: E17 release wrote:

Why has E17 taken so long?

    The current stable release of the window manager is DR16.7.1, which was released to the world on Aug 24th 2004. The last stable release was DR16.5, which was released to the world on Oct 27th 2000. At that time work was already well underway toward DR17, Imlib2 1.0 was released on Oct 16th 2000 and EVAS v0.0.1 was released on Oct 24th 2000.

    Since that time the EFL has grown into a mature suite of libraries which are now capable of supporting the applications and window manager for Enlightenments DR17 release. In the interim we saw a lot of people and code come and go. GEVAS was a created to use EVAS with GTK, Eprog simplified EVAS, Ebits became the themeing and interface library for E applications, Etcher and Ebony were created as tools for creating Ebit themes and backgrounds, EFSD was written to support the file management for E which grew out of a prototype (EFM) that worked with DR16, not to mention an advanced prototype of the window manager itself! But as the code matured and we moved closer to what we wanted DR17 to become it became clear that many of the components had already been pushed beyond their initial design and it was clear that they would need to be replaced. The debates raged on whether to release what was there or start rewriting in order to get things done right the first time.

    As it should be, Raster decided he would not release code that would just need to be immediately replaced and that we'd need to get it right. And so EVAS 0.6.0 gave way to a rewrite known for a short time as EVAS2, later renamed back to EVAS 1.0. Ebits gave way to it's rewrite renamed to Edje, which meant that applications using Ebits were no longer needed (Etcher and Ebony). EET was developed to more efficiently handle many of the tasks Edb was being used for, namely packing theme data and images. And other libraries such as EWL and Etox went along for the ride evolving with EVAS. Ecore was built to tie everything together and thus displaced Eprog. And now that the back end is now roughly where it should be work on the replacement for the window manager can occur.

    We know it has been a long frustrating wait for users and we appreciate everyones patience. Enlightenment has a long proud history of producing the best ahead-of-it's-time eye-candy on the planet that is emulated for years to come, and we have no desire to release a half assed product just to make people happy for 2 or 3 days until they start complaining. The results will be well worth the wait. And if you're a developer there are plenty of toys for you to play with now. If you aren't a developer you'll find no better or more inviting place to start learning than with the EFL. The work being done to make the next generation of the Enlightenment Window Manager will bring a lot more than just some pretty borders around your Eterm, it will drive the development of graphical applications industry wide for several years to come.

When will E17 be released?

    The release date for Enlightenment DR17 is sometime in the distant future; a date unknown yet even to the developers themselves. The release day in fact will probably be something that just happens one day and not something in anyway planned.

So it's been in development for 9 years! I took a look at the site of, it really was put up in 2000. Now, if someone could enlighten me about how many ecstasy addicts stumbled upon "" ...


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