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Rookie, ftp mirror is fixed in next version, found the part which is affected, thx for reporting
Glad to help
I'm new to Arch Linux but have installed it on several machines.
so what is this exactly? an install iso? What makes it not an official Arch iso? Will you be releasing another official iso since the February release?
Thanks in advance.
this is an testing release ( i think )
Known Issues and limitations:
- dmraid might be broken on some boards
Just attempted to install on a system in raid 5 with an nvidia (read: fake) raid controller. Running
dmraid -ay
Error: device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel
I'm going to try to get this kernel into the installer and see if that brings about a better outcome.
Last edited by jb (2009-06-04 19:04:46)
For clarification, archboot is different to official isos, the Readme explains it.
It's a further development of the earlier official isos from 0.7.2 till 2008.10.
It is not a testing release it's a type of installation/erscue media maintained at the moment only by me.
What is archboot?
- Archboot is a set of scripts to generate bootable media for CD/USB/PXE.
- It is designed for installation or rescue operation.
- It only runs in RAM, without any special filesystems like squashfs,
thus it is limited to the RAM which is installed in your system.
Please read the according Changelog files for RAM limitations.
- Git repository:;a=summary
- It is developed by tpowa.
What is the difference to the official install media (latest version)?
- It uses syslinux as initial bootloader.
- It provides x86_64/i686 architecture in one image.
- It uses hybrid iso format.
- It runs a modified Arch Linux system in initramfs.
- It is restricted to RAM usage, everything which is not necessary like
man pages etc. is not provided.
- Initial module loading and hardware detection is done by the hwdetect script.
- It doesn't mount anything during boot process.
- It uses a different setup script.
It would be sweet if we could get -3 release featuring kernel 2.6.30, bash 4.0, pacman 3.3, and new mkinitcpio. /* keeps dreaming */
come on, i start working on .30 tomorrow, so this month a new release will come probably.
About bash and pacman i can't tell ya much, others develop this.
Due to the new mkinitcpio and kernel i have to do some work on archboot again.
Sure as usual it depends on my free time
Just burned 2009.05-2
Maybe it's corrupt though unlikely I think.
Gets me to the bot prompt. I type 'arch' and get:
ERROR with IF=0
repeating over and over with code between the lines
this happens when I type 'arch' at the boot prompt.
I don't think I found anything in the thread here about that.
And, I searched the forums for if=0
thanks! very very cool ARCHBOOT!!!
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-14 07:54:43)
did you check the md5sum?
well, amazingly it seems to have been a bad burn or download..... doesn't happen, um, ever if I remember my past right.
hurray! I'll be back.
[redowned from another mirror and all fine!!]
ARCHBOOT is really really really really nice..... to me.... :--)
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-14 18:59:41)
My bad cd assumption turns out to be some incompatibility with core2duo laptop and booting ARCHBOOT 2009.05-2
To explain: ALL 3 of the CDs I've now created all work on another 5 year old P4 3gig intel machine. or, vbox.
Though none work when booting from my laptop. The 1 year old intel asus laptop is fine for booting though hitting enter to continue, the bootup goes for a little bit, then I get the:
ERROR with IF=0
error streams endlessly with some code between the streaming lines.
This happens right after I try to go past the initial ARCHBOOT screen.
I hit 'return' and then streaming error lines.
Probably just me, though interested to know if anyone has any ideas.
I can run fine in VBox. That's what I tried last night after re-downloading.
Obviously I'll need to solve this to use on my laptop. Very interesting!
Also, I seem to have repeated a bit in this one post. sorry.:--)
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-15 09:45:05)
Same error here. I just ignored it and the iso booted after a while.
When is a 2009.06 release scheduled?
really! So, you just ignored crazy scrolling of that line with code between it and then repeating over and over 100's of times and THEN it's stops? or maybe yours was a bit different. thank you.
I think I'm really looking forward to 2.6.30 and bash 4, etc.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-15 22:08:46)
It was *exactly* the same error. And yes, I waited and then it worked like a charm.
WOW freakie cool .... it DOES go past the crazy scrolling.... I would never have guessed/tried that!
As I sat there watching it happen I imagined how you discovered it. Mezmerized? Took a break and returned? hehehe
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-16 09:54:54)
The second one
Nice to hear that it finally works while just waiting
2.6.30 will need some time because i need to adopt recent changes into archboot which need some time/testing.
Having a great deal of success thank to help on the forum. This is REALLY great to have ARCHBOOT with a custom repo.
NEXT OBJECTIVE: get ARCHBOT running on a WRITABLE flash stick so I can have my entire custom repo on there.
1) possible to install isolinux/ARCHBOOT on a partition of a flashstick?
2) possible to have the ARCHBOOT iso via dd extraction become Writable ??? Currently read only
UPDATE COMMENT: been looking into the read only flash stick issue - I believed that the ARCHBOOT hybrid ISO meant I could treat it as a '.img' image. IS that PARTLY why it's not writable when extracted to USB flash stick?? guessing not - really still don't have a clue though writing to say I'm trying and that I think I'm OFF-TOPIC perhaps as I guess it's not ARCHBOOT related.... sorry, and thanks!
----------- INITIAL POST BELOW ------------
I've extracted the archboot out to a 4 gig flash stick. Boots fine from flash stick without that crazy scrolling thing so that narrows things down on that.
Can't write files manually to mounted flashstick with extracted ARCHBOOT from iso on it
Right now I've search and can't figure out how to have the flash stick writeable whether I boot from it or just insert it while running from hard drive boot.
I considered fam, couldn't unmount via pcmanfm, managed to unmount via term though that's when I found out it's read only.
So did I do something wrong to create the flash stick with ARCHBOOT ??
dd if=/root/Desktop/archlinux-2009.05-2-archboot.iso of=/dev/sdb
I think it maybe that there's got to be something after the end of the dd command
Its read-only at the moment and no matter what I've tried it stays that way.
Went to the isolinux/syslinux site. Still googling. :--)
Maybe I need to use the HPdrivekey on it to format it. It's current fat16 with gparted
It definitely isn't writeable so I won't ponder or note observations here save to say that 'm stumped as to how to get files copied to it.
I would like to have my repo-add database and all my packages on there.
As it's a 4gig stick I thought I could MAYBE have two partitions though I dn't think the isolinux will boot if I install to sdb1 as oppposed to sdb.
Of course right now the main thing is to be able to copy files onto the read only drive.... hehehe
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-19 07:56:56)
Hi, forget the above post of mine basically, thanks. TOO many late 5 a.m. nights I think.
I need to find a way to extract the hybrid ISO to a flash stick AND be able to put my packahes on there as well.
Trying all kinds of things and no luck yet.
Anyone have any clever ways to do something like this.
Basically wishing to have a local repository on and the entire ARCHBOOT on one flash stick.
Could i simply copy the folders from the ARCHBOOT ISO (deleting the x64? folder??) and then put syslinux (isolinux?) on the flash stick WITH my packages folder?
I've done this with Larch.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-20 04:21:11)
basically should this work, but you need a modified packages.txt if setup should pick up those packages.
UPDATE COMENT: just put my 4gig stick in a PC to format it and laughed as it seems that the dd command to extract ARCHBOOT only uses the 459 meg and leves the rest unallocated! interesting, though it may be some kind of fluke I did.
--------- ORIGINAL POST BELOW -----------
1) I just need my packages folder on there and don't need ARCHBOOT to install the packages during install. i'll just have my packages folder there as a repositry after I do the base install.
The thought to add the packages to the ARCHBOOT list is VERY interesting!!! thanks.
2) I had good time with syslinux formating of the flash stick and then just copying the larch folders onto the stick. Don't think I needed to alter anything in the isolinux folder (syslinux folder?) when I did my Larch stuff... OR...hmmm was it a syslinux folder? I am thinking that ioslinux is the builder part and that I can use syslinux to format the flash stick and I WON'T need to alter anything in the isolinux folder that's there in ARCHBOOT. may I ask about this? Just leave the isolinux folder as it is? Whatabout the name of the stick/cd after it gets created. Arch Linux ALLINONE I guess that will still get created this way. Gonna try it now, or in a bit.
3) Can I delete the entire core-x86_64 folder ?? Or do I need to alter a script if I do that?
REALLY looking forward to this as I have had a great result so far. Getting everything on one flash stick will REALLY be great!
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-20 06:22:46)
The flash drive boots syslinux 3.81 fine though error is:
Cannot find kernel image: Linux
Now, I could easily play with this one for hours, happily. Thinking I should ask though as I'm guessing that syslinux bootable flash stick is not currently (for me) able to see inside and find vmlinuz or something. I feel like this is not going to be a big week long attempt. It's gotta be something simple.
syslinux booting flash stick works. Now I must ask if anyone can say how to make the change to get it to boot what's in the ARCHBOOT isolinux folder etc.
Right now the stick boots, gives the cannot find kernel image : Linux and ten I am at a Boot: prompt.
So, I put /dev/sdb /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb/isolinux /dev/sdb1/linux
Evertime I get the error though
Cannot find kernel image: Linux
is replaced with:
Cannot find kernel image: /dev/sdb etc etc etc
Yes, I'm relentless though justas dumb on this one. Happy though!
I think I may beed to bootstrap and get it to find and boot the isolinux.bin in ARCHBOOT's isolinux folder.
Select the file that SYSLINUX will boot. The "kernel" doesn't have to be a Linux kernel; it can be a boot sector or a COMBOOT file.
BOOT image
Bootstrap program (.bs, .bin)
I am now creating a syslinux.cfg file at the root level of the stick and wil hope to find what to put in it to get it to look in the isolinux ARCHBOOT folder. I don't think I'll get too far though I'm going for it! hehehe
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-20 06:58:20)
SUCCESS: just need to rename the isolinux FOLDER to syslinux and inside the isolinux folder the isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg.
Now to alter the package list as told about! um, I found the packages.txt file ....yet. I wouldn't do a repo-add and alter the core.db.tar.gz in the core-i686 folder would I ??? !!!
I'd love to know the best way to consider and try adding all my custome repo pacages to ARCHBOOT. I also of course have my custom.db.tar.gz that i created with repo-add.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-20 07:45:11)
ISSUE: after copying archboot files to usb with my own syslinux install on it and doing an install to harddrive from the usb stick the install's filesystem is read only and i can't edit anything.
Anyone know what it might be??
Having an amazing time with ARCHBOOT...
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-21 20:40:21)