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Trying out evilwm. I really like it's simplicity, but it almost does too little I guess, since I have some problems I think can be attributed to it's lack of EWMH compliance (can't get trayer out of alt+tab, devilspie/wmctrl flat out don't work). Anyone have suggestions for a similar WM?
Also, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get xcompmgr to stop giving conky a shadow. This has been an intermittent problem that seems to come and go with each release. Not really that big of a deal though.
The file manager is pcmanfm and the gtk theme is Nova-Arch since didn't detect it.
First post woooo. Long live Arch!
Last edited by Brownigan09 (2009-06-25 05:08:25)
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
~Leonardo da Vinci
My awesome setup seems to be getting more boring, in a good way. I recently ditched wallpapers, the awesome menu, and fancy fonts. Xdefaults stolen from thayer with slight modification.
Could post your .Xdefaults,which gnome theme and icons are you using
atleast i manage to post one screenshot this month
capnmoney wrote:My awesome setup seems to be getting more boring, in a good way. I recently ditched wallpapers, the awesome menu, and fancy fonts. Xdefaults stolen from thayer with slight modification.
Could post your .Xdefaults,which gnome theme and icons are you using
I just matched this up to the gtk theme a little and switched blue and cyan, otherwise it's the same color scheme as thayer's.
URxvt*font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=11:antialias=true
URxvt*borderLess: false
URxvt*externalBorder: 0
URxvt*internalBorder: 2
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*depth: 24
URxvt*shading: 00
URxvt*tintColor: #ffffff
URxvt*transparent: true
!URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/ffff
!URxvt*foreground: #c8c8c8
URxvt*cursorColor: #ffffff
URxvt*cursorColor2: #000000
URxvt*cursorBlink: true
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
!URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode
URxvt*saveLines: 1000
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true
URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false
URxvt*cutchars: `'",;@&*=|?()<>[]{}
URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.dpi: 96
! A tango-esque light theme
*color0: #151515
*color8: #505354
*color1: #F92672
*color9: #FF669D
*color2: #A6E22E
*color10: #BEED5F
*color3: #FD971F
*color11: #E6DB74
*color4: #5e7175
*color12: #66D9EF
*color5: #9E6FFE
*color13: #9E6FFE
*color6: #66d9ef
*color14: #A3BABF
*color7: #CCCCC6
*color15: #F8F8F2
icons are minimal perception: … n-67892707
I couldn't find the original author or location for the gtk theme, but it was on deviant art at some point: … 29.tar.bz2
Last edited by capnmoney (2009-06-25 15:35:55)
Trying out evilwm. I really like it's simplicity, but it almost does too little I guess, since I have some problems I think can be attributed to it's lack of EWMH compliance (can't get trayer out of alt+tab, devilspie/wmctrl flat out don't work). Anyone have suggestions for a similar WM?
Seems there was some development version which was ewmh compliant (it lacks some of 1.0.1 patches though, and doesn't have keyboard window resizing)
ri wrote:atleast i manage to post one screenshot this month
nucleuswizard wrote:capnmoney wrote:My awesome setup seems to be getting more boring, in a good way. I recently ditched wallpapers, the awesome menu, and fancy fonts. Xdefaults stolen from thayer with slight modification.
Could post your .Xdefaults,which gnome theme and icons are you using
I just matched this up to the gtk theme a little and switched blue and cyan, otherwise it's the same color scheme as thayer's.
URxvt*font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=11:antialias=true URxvt*borderLess: false URxvt*externalBorder: 0 URxvt*internalBorder: 2 URxvt*scrollBar: false URxvt*depth: 24 URxvt*shading: 00 URxvt*tintColor: #ffffff URxvt*transparent: true !URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/ffff !URxvt*foreground: #c8c8c8 URxvt*cursorColor: #ffffff URxvt*cursorColor2: #000000 URxvt*cursorBlink: true URxvt*inheritPixmap: true !URxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode URxvt*saveLines: 1000 URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false URxvt*cutchars: `'",;@&*=|?()<>[]{} URxvt.urlLauncher: firefox Xft.hinting: true Xft.hintstyle: hintslight Xft.antialias: true Xft.dpi: 96 ! A tango-esque light theme *foreground:#a0a0a0 *background:#151515 !black *color0: #151515 *color8: #505354 !red *color1: #F92672 *color9: #FF669D !green *color2: #A6E22E *color10: #BEED5F !yellow *color3: #FD971F *color11: #E6DB74 !blue *color4: #5e7175 *color12: #66D9EF !magenta *color5: #9E6FFE *color13: #9E6FFE !cyan *color6: #66d9ef *color14: #A3BABF !white *color7: #CCCCC6 *color15: #F8F8F2
icons are minimal perception: … n-67892707
I couldn't find the original author or location for the gtk theme, but it was on deviant art at some point: … 29.tar.bz2
My Gnome for June, with a quick custom background:
Well, may be quick, but it's kinda nice as a simple/non-photo background.
@ Crows
.conkyrc pls if you dont mind.
My Gnome for June, with a quick custom background:
Been a long time since I posted a screenshot there. Still Xmonad. Still minimal.
This is how i take notes ( with Xmonad.shellPrompt and a custom convert-script ):
And this is how they look like:
I put the calendar on the wallpaper using this site: I made pictures with a calendar for june,july .. named them 06.png, 07.png and I use this script - setbg, to set my background:
feh --bg-center /home/tch/wallpapers/`date +'%m'`.jpg
Here is my (ripped-off) xmonad.hs, not very nice but works:
import XMonad
import XMonad.Operations
import XMonad.Actions.DwmPromote
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog ( PP(..), dynamicLogWithPP, dzenColor, wrap, defaultPP )
import XMonad.Layout
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import XMonad.Prompt ( XPConfig(..), XPPosition(..) )
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell ( shellPrompt )
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.Ratio
import Graphics.X11
import System.IO
statusBarCmd= "/usr/local/bin/dzen2 -bg '#000000' -fg '#0000ff' -w 1080 -sa c -e '' -ta l -fn '-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
main = do din <- spawnPipe statusBarCmd
xmonad $ defaultConfig
{ borderWidth = 0
, workspaces = [".", ":", ".:", "::", ":.:", ":::"]
, terminal = "urxvt"
, modMask = mod4Mask
, manageHook = manageDocks
, logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ robPP din
, layoutHook = avoidStruts (Mirror tiled ||| tiled ||| noBorders Full)
, keys = \c -> robKeys `M.union`
keys defaultConfig c
tiled = Tall 1 (3%100) (1%2)
defaultGaps' :: [(Int,Int,Int,Int)]
defaultGaps' = [(12,0,0,0), (12,0,0,0)] -- 15 for default dzen font
-- redifine some keys
robSPConfig = XPC {
font = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, bgColor = "#111111"
, defaultText = "note "
, fgColor = "#d5d3a7"
, bgHLight = "#aecf96"
, fgHLight = "black"
, borderColor = "black"
, promptBorderWidth = 0
, position = Bottom
, height = 15
, historySize = 256
, autoComplete = Nothing
robKeys = M.fromList $
((mod4Mask, xK_Return), dwmpromote)
,((mod4Mask, xK_b), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
,((mod4Mask, xK_n), shellPrompt robSPConfig)
,((mod4Mask, xK_m), spawn "setbg")
,((mod4Mask, xK_Print), spawn "import -window root /home/tch/shots/shot.png; mv /home/tch/shots/shot.png /home/tch/shots/`date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'`.png")
-- dynamiclog pretty printer for dzen
robPP h = defaultPP
{ ppCurrent = wrap "^fg(#000000)^bg(#0000ff)^p(2)" "^p(2)^fg()^bg()"
, ppSep = " | "
, ppLayout = dzenColor "#80AA83" "" .
(\x -> case x of
"Tall" -> "T"
"Mirror Tall" -> "M"
"Full" -> "F"
, ppTitle = wrap "[ " " ]"
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
Here the note script:
convert -font "-xos4-terminus-bold-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -fill "#c2c2c2" -draw "text 60,60 '$*'" /home/tch/wallpapers/`date +'%m'`.jpg /home/tch/wallpapers/tmp.jpg
feh --bg-center /home/tch/wallpapers/tmp.jpg
The note-taking mechanism is very basic and allows only one note at a time, but so far I'm satisfied with the outcome.
Last edited by tch (2009-06-26 15:32:12)
Kernel: 2.6.29-ARCH
WM: Openbox
WM Theme: GraceW
Icons: Meliae-Dark-mod
Font: Sans 10
GTK: nooto-mod
Last edited by wujaklija (2009-06-26 16:03:12)
@ Crows
.conkyrc pls if you dont mind.
No problem. May be a bit messy:
alignment tr
background yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
default_color 2c1704
double_buffer yes
draw_borders no
border_margin 10
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
gap_x 15
gap_y 50
text_buffer_size 2048
maximum_width 200
minimum_size 200 200
mpd_host localhost
mpd_port 6600
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
override_utf8_locale yes
own_window yes
own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
total_run_times 0
update_interval 1
use_spacer none
use_xft yes
xftalpha 1.0
xftfont Aller:size=8
${color 784A1F}${offset 10}${font Aller Display:size=28} ${offset 4}Neon
${voffset -20}${font}${color}${alignc}--------------------
${font OpenLogos:size=14}${color 9D5E25}B ${voffset -5}${font}${color 784A1F}on ${kernel} ${machine}${alignr}${color D49963}$uptime
${voffset 2}${color}${alignc}--------------------
${color}Proc:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${freq} ${color 9D5E25}Mhz${alignr}${color D49963}$acpitemp°C
${color}Cpu 1:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${cpubar cpu1 5,125} ${color 9D5E25}${cpu cpu1}%
${color}Cpu 2:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${cpubar cpu2 5,125} ${color 9D5E25}${cpu cpu2}%
Mem:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${memmax} ${color 9D5E25}Max
${color}Used:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${membar 5,125} ${color 9D5E25}${memperc}%${color 784A1F}
${color}Swap:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${swapperc} ${color 9D5E25}%${color 784A1F}
${color}${alignc}--------------------${color 784A1F}
${color}/${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${fs_bar 5,125 /} ${color 9D5E25}${fs_used_perc /} %
${color}/home${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${fs_bar 5,125 /home} ${color 9D5E25}${fs_used_perc /home} %
${color}/var${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${fs_bar 5,125 /var} ${color 9D5E25}${fs_used_perc /var} %
${color}${alignc}--------------------${color 784A1F}
${if_up wlan0}${color}Net:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${wireless_essid wlan0}${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0} ${color 9D5E25}%
${color}Up:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${font}${upspeed wlan0}${color 9D5E25}${goto 90}${voffset 1}${font Pointers:size=10}F${font}
${voffset -1}${color}Down:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${downspeed wlan0}${goto 90}${voffset -4}${color 9D5E25}${font Pointers:size=10}Ï${voffset 2}${font}${color 784A1F}${else}
${alignc}${color}No Network Available
${color}${alignc}--------------------${color 784A1F}
${color}Pac:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${texeci 900 ~/.scripts/}
${color}${alignc}--------------------${color 784A1F}
${color}Total:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${processes}
${color}Active:${goto 50}${color 784A1F}${running_processes}
${font FreeSans:size=6}${color}NAME${goto 77}CPU${goto 115}NAME${goto 190}MEM
${color 784A1F}${top name 1}${color 9D5E25}${goto 75}${top cpu 1}${goto 115}${color 784A1F}${top_mem name 1}${color 9D5E25}${goto 190}${top_mem mem 1}
${color 784A1F}${top name 2}${color 9D5E25}${goto 75}${top cpu 2}${goto 115}${color 784A1F}${top_mem name 2}${color 9D5E25}${goto 190}${top_mem mem 2}
${color 784A1F}${top name 3}${color 9D5E25}${goto 75}${top cpu 3}${goto 115}${color 784A1F}${top_mem name 3}${color 9D5E25}${goto 190}${top_mem mem 3}
${color 784A1F}${top name 4}${color 9D5E25}${goto 75}${top cpu 2}${goto 115}${color 784A1F}${top_mem name 4}${color 9D5E25}${goto 190}${top_mem mem 4}
${color 784A1F}${top name 5}${color 9D5E25}${goto 75}${top cpu 2}${goto 115}${color 784A1F}${top_mem name 5}${color 9D5E25}${goto 190}${top_mem mem 5}