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I'm trying to adjust my cpufreq up_threshold settings but it keeps reverting to the default setting of 95 everytime i reboot.
I have followed the wiki where it says
# echo 50 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold
the governor will switch to a higher clock rate if a core reaches 50% utilization. If you want to re-apply this setting during boot, add the command to /etc/rc.local.
Note: I had to use (sleep 2 && echo 50 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold) & or the command would fail with a 'path not found' message during boot.
but it displays a quick message on boot saying something about no such file or directory, but i can edit the directory and change the values with no problem once it booted, i also tried changing the line from sleep 2..... to sleep 1..... which doesn't display an error message on boot but when i check the threshold values they still haven't changed.
is /etc/rc.local still working? i can't find any error messages in any of the logs regarding it
Edit: /etc/rc.local is working because i could change the cpu governor ok but still can't do anything with the up_threshold
Edit: I solved it, i was using quick-init now i've switched back to the original inittab and everything's working fine now
Last edited by guzz46 (2009-07-17 06:40:35)
Yeah, /etc/rc.local is the jolyjoker ))