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After entirely too long, and more than one false start, I have finally released the first completely functional version of the little cli todo script I've been working on. It's nothing fancy, and most of you probably won't ever have a need for it, but it works! Now to find another project to test the limits of bash!
Check it out here!
Nice little app. This will work great with zenity.
Found a few typos/mistakes in the man page. Addlist will be -al i guess. And there is an isoman there
Last edited by u_no_hu (2009-07-13 11:58:28)
Ghost1227, keep your good work. Switched from osmo. handy for the vacation plan
Nice little app. This will work great with zenity.
Found a few typos/mistakes in the man page. Addlist will be -al i guess. And there is an isoman there
I'm working on an update with zenity, and thanks for letting me know the two littl typos... they're both fixed!
i made a quick dirty patch to change the default behaviour to print instead of displaying the usage.
whoever likes this behaviour better can apply this small patch
--- orig/todo 2009-07-13 17:04:11.000000000 +0200
+++ patch/todo 2009-07-13 17:26:13.000000000 +0200
@@ -264,5 +264,6 @@
exit 0
really cool work ghost1227!
Ghost 1227, white spaces before the items are ignored. for eg
visit Plans
Bank Matters
Son's coaching classes
Travel Booking
will look nice. This could be achieved by directly editing the file but not by adding from the command line. Tho' it is not a big deal only a suggestion.
Ghost 1227, white spaces before the items are ignored. for eg
[todo] visit Plans Bank Matters Son's coaching classes Travel Booking
will look nice. This could be achieved by directly editing the file but not by adding from the command line. Tho' it is not a big deal only a suggestion.
Not sure I understand what you're asking for...
can you see the alignment given in the be clear
visit plans
-----Bank Matters
-----Son's coaching classes
-----Travel Booking
----- represents either white space or tab
hope this is clear. I said this white spaces/tab is ignored when entered from the command line .
Can the default todo path be changed? I see it uses the variable $LPATH... Other than editing /usr/bin/todo directly, can I do something like this?
$ LPATH=/documents/todo todo -a test
Another suggestion (by request) would be an archive feature. In a similar way to the delete, could you add a method of deleting an item from one list and moving it to another? This second list could be used an "archive" list.
I originally suspected "todo -el" could be used for this, but realised you can't use it to move between different lists.
Also, this might be due to my lack of bash knowledge, but can you delete multiple items? i.e. something like: todo -d 2,5 (to delete items 2 and 5) or todo -d 2-5 (to delete items 2, 3, 4 and 5)
Last edited by gladstone (2009-08-04 18:36:20)