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I found an old message without answer about that
Can pacman (and makepkg) use proxy connection?
If yes, how can I configure pacman to use a proxy?
No, pacman currently does not support proxy connections. However, makepkg simply calls an external ftp agent, so you should be able to use a proxy-enabled program here. I believe wget supports proxy servers.
::edit:: help if i read everything others posts... evidently pacman does not coll wget from what apiero said.... in any event, if it did.. you could ::/edit::
theres a way to hack around it i believe
::if:: pacman uses wget (i think it does.... maybe):
1) setup a /etc/wgetrc file and enable wget through proxy (read man wget)
2) export the http_proxy environment variable
now it shousd get through a proxy
Well, pacman uses a ftp library statically linked to the binary, so that there's no possible workaround...
proxies support, as well as http protocol support are on pacman wishlist.
what about now? does pacman support proxies now?
Well you can use the
XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
in pacman.conf, options section, this will give u wget usage, wget support Proxy AFAIK so this would be the solution for u...
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pacman has proxy support now. there's a proxyserver option. look in your pacman.conf
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