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Can any body tell me how to get access to another partition from the installation cd?
i have install Arch at /dev/sda7 then i add kde desktop.
i add kdm to daemon but i forget to add hal.
after reboot the login window will appear but the keyboard and mouse not working.
If you are not comfortable with the arch CD you may prefer something like Knoppix where all partitions appear on the desktop upon booting up.
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Can any body tell me how to get access to another partition from the installation cd?
i have install Arch at /dev/sda7 then i add kde desktop.
i add kdm to daemon but i forget to add hal.
after reboot the login window will appear but the keyboard and mouse not working.
Boot the Arch-CD login with "root".
Then create a directory for example "hd"
mkdir hd
Mount the partition to this directory with the mount command "mount -t "filesystem" /dev/sda_your-filesystem-number /hd"
Could look like this:
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda7 /hd
Change ext3 with the filesystem of the partition you want to mount.
Done:) Now you can access your old disk under /hd .
First boot from arch installation cd
nano /etc/fstab
add this line under mount filesystem:
/dev/sda7 /home ext4 defaults 0 0
save the file then exit
enter this command:
mount /dev/sda7
nano /home/etc/rc.conf
change then save and reboot..
Last edited by m7d (2009-07-23 10:14:36)
Yeah, and of course you can chroot to it too
You can search on google for chroot + gentoowiki/archwiki, and you will so much describtion about this basic operation.
Pages: 1