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First, the details:
I will purchase a lowest–end Macbook Pro 13″ ($US 1,200 on Apple's store, new) for the first person to deliver to me a working set of step–by–step instructions for installing the latest Arch Linux on top of Amazon's EC2 platform.
Caveats & Rules:
- I don't care how long it takes you—there's a good chance I'm doing something absolutely stupid in my noobishness that's causing the problems I've been experiencing; if it takes you half an hour to make a working AMI, and produce instructions to do such… you just won yourself a Macbook Pro for half an hour's work. Booyah!
- Again, I say, I don't care how long it takes you—if you don't produce a working set of instructions, there will be no payout, even if you spend 200 hours trying (as I already have!). It's a bounty, not a work contract d-:
- You must provide me with instructions that work for me (as I don't intend to use your AMI, but rather modify the steps that worked for you a bit at a time until I arrive at an AMI configured exactly as I want it). If you arrive at a working AMI, and can reproduce your steps successfully locally, but they can't be made to work for me, I may be able to go about procuring alternative hardware for myself on which to preform the steps, or taking other measures to reproduce your environment; but the bottom line is I will not shell out until I can, personally, produce a working AMI running Arch Linux.
- The instructions are considered to be "working" when I can successfully SSH into the root account on an instance instantiated from an AMI created by following the instructions using the key generated by EC2.
- Your instructions must work both for x86_32 and x86_64 instance types; however, this shouldn't be too much of a problem, as (barring any weirdness) anything that works on x86_32 should be easily made to work on x86_64.
- Instructions that involve instantiating an intermediate bundling host (say, a CentOS or Fedora Core instance) and then installing Arch to a loopback filesystem using a statically–built pacman are much preferred to instructions that involve me having to install and package Arch locally and then ship it up to S3, because my upstream is unimaginably slow and I eventually will need to create something between eight and twenty different AMIs (see below). But anything that works will be accepted.
- If you don't want a Macbook Pro, alternative payment methods may be arranged, though you need to contact me before you start and arrange these, as there's only so much I can do.
- If you are in any way confused or unsure of what I'm offering here, please contact me before you start (see below for contact info)
I set up the first AMI for Arch Linux on Amazon, but unfortunately, I did some really stupid things (hey, I was completely new to Linux at the time, gimmie a break!). The root filesystem was limited to 1GB, there was a whole bunch of software that really was completely unnecessary (WiFi drivers? on a virtualized server? seriously?), there were no kernel modules provided… and so on.
So, after running all my stuff on instances of that for a while, I finally got fed up and found the time to start setting up a newer, cleaner AMI. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of deleting my old AMI before starting work on the first. Now I find myself completely unable to create an AMI that will work whatsoever, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why.
I've already invested 200 or so hours of my personal time since deleting my original, broken AMI; I'm very fed up and in badly need of working instances. I tried every method I could think of; running the Arch installer from a LiveCD locally and then bundling the running (and thus proved working) Arch install and shipping it off to S3; installing Arch on a loopback filesystem locally, cloning it to a local partition, booting to it to ensure it works, and shipping it off to S3; installing Arch on a loopback filesystem on a remote bundling host running CentOS or whatever and then shipping it off to S3… I've tried installing nothing but the essentials, I've tried installing everything the installer offers… I've tried to do my best to remember the exact steps I took the first time around, years ago, and reproduce them exactly… nothing has worked.
If I take EC2 out of the equation, and install the images I've prepared locally, they work. If I take Arch out of the equation, and install, say, CentOS instead, and then ship it off to EC2, it works. The only time I have problems is when I attempt to install Arch Linux specifically on EC2 specifically; the exact use–case I need.
I've run into a lot of problems along the way, and fixed them as I go, but I universally end up with an AMI that, once instantiated, does not successfully boot. Worse yet, I get absolutely no output from the console (provided by the ec2-get-console command–line tool) to help me debug the problem. I can't give you any more specifics beyond this to help you, because I don't want to insinuate some idea that will cause you to make some little stupid mistake that I also made, thus dooming the project.
For more info of any sort, please hit me up on Google Talk or Jabber (… or any other XMPP–federated chat service, or AIM, or ICQ, or MSN, or whatever you like, they all use the same address anyway) at the following address:
Edit: I should point out that it would be good form to post here if you're going to make a stab at it, so interested parties know how many people are already making attempts.
Last edited by elliottcable (2009-07-25 03:59:46)
The cloud.
rms does not approve.
Already tryin'.
dnyy in IRC & Urban Terror
from fryguy
Last edited by drtoki (2009-07-25 04:14:55)
drtoki wins
drtoki you're a jerk fryguy ftw!
"I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems."
~ Need moar games? [arch-games] ~ [aurcheck] AUR haz updates? ~
::pokes his head into the thread::
please PM me for payment info.
drtoki you're a jerk fryguy ftw!
I gave him credit
arkham wrote:drtoki you're a jerk fryguy ftw!
I gave him credit
Probably true, but where're the tacos?
"I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems."
~ Need moar games? [arch-games] ~ [aurcheck] AUR haz updates? ~
Public AMIs aren't what I need, because I need to mass–produce quite a few AMIs with different custom configurations for different purposes; so I have to be able to start from scratch and arrive at a working AMI *myself*.
As for the script, I'm sitting down to play with it now; it looks just about exactly like what I've been doing so far. Maybe there's some small thing he did differently that will make it work. Here's hoping it works for me; that'll be a real load off my chest.
Did you ever get this working? If so, what type of AMI did you create? I'm looking to use an EBS-backed 32-bit Arch base install and build my server from there.
More importantly: did he pay ??
BTW sjnims: ressucitating old threads is bad !! Create a new one with your question and link to this one if relevant !!
BTW sjnims: ressucitating old threads is bad !! Create a new one with your question and link to this one if relevant !!
^ This. Closing this thread, the topicstarter can request one of the moderators to reopen it if desired.
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