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I had no problems installing Archlinux on my Macbook (5,1). In fact, the first time I followed the Wiki's instructions for installing ALSA, I could play sounds just fine. However, ever since my first restart, the ALSA daemon complains that I have no sound cards installed. lspci shows that it sees an audio device, but /sys/modules/snd no longer exists. I do not know much about useful diagnostic information for this situation, so please let me know what else could be of use.
Thank you,
Last edited by rennis250 (2009-07-28 20:58:00)
I had forgotten that I installed OSS, which caused conflicts with a previously installed copy of ALSA. Once I removed OSS completely, rebooted, and went through the ALSA setup again, I had fully working sound. This problem can be marked as solved.
You can edit your own topic title, so you may do that yourself . Glad you got it sorted out.
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