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I hacked a little script together a few weeks ago to keep track of the time left until my girlfriends exams. I decided to tidy up the code and flesh it out a little bit and now I deemed it fit for the public
Maybe someone can use it. I used icons from the Oxygen iconset and licensed the code under a 3-clause BSD-style license.
All the configuring is done in the file "settings.php" (which should be pretty self explanatory, i hope)
/* ****************************** */
/* Countdown script in PHP */
/* settings.php */
/* copyright 2009 by Philip Stark */
/* ****************************** */
/* array of events */
/* Syntax:
array("Name of event", mktime(hour, min, sec, day, month, year))
$events = array(
array("Math I" , mktime(9 ,0,0,7,13,2009)),
array("History" , mktime(9 ,0,0,7,20,2009)),
array("Linear Algebra" , mktime(14,0,0,8,10,2009)),
array("International Relations" , mktime(14,0,0,8,12,2009)),
array("Physics" , mktime(14,0,0,8,14,2009))
/* $days days, $hours hours(, $minutes minutes)$suffix */
$suffix = " left\n";
$display_minutes = 0;
$display_next_event = 1;
$display_event_list = 1;
a preliminary homepage
a demo of the script (in the demonstration the events will always be evenly distributed around the current date for illustrative purposes)
github repository
have fun with it