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Pages: 1
changed the processor and motherboard+memory of a Arch m/c recently (Athlon to AthlonXP). Only had to do modify the xorg.conf. Since then Firefox and Openoffice crash once in a while, and a couple of programs failed to compile (complies on another arch m/c).
Does a proc and mobo change warrant a initram rebuild or something similar? Dmesg is posted on pastebin, linked below, it is too long to fit here
This is almost a newbie question, but I guess this sub-form is better placed to help on this.
It boots, so its not too much of an issue, but rebuilding the initrd wouldn't hurt. I did a similar thing the other day, but the change was a bit more drastic. Complete hard drive transplant, went from a Socket A Athlon, to a Pentium 3, very few issues once i got it booted with failsafe and fixed X. Nothing like what happened when i tried it with Windows XP, it worked, but damn was it unhappy about it.
Boot the fallback initrd image and rebuild it
There is a script and a program too on AUR to rebuild all your installed packages.
Rebuilding the initram seems to have solved the problem,
Thanks for your inputs
Pages: 1