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lifeafter2am wrote:First screenshot from my brand new workstation!
Running 2x AMD Quadcore Opterons @ 2.4Ghz; 8 GBs of RAM; NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700; dual 22" Samgsung's. Made this thing specifically for rendering and 3D modeling. Soo sweet!
And OF COURSE it runs XMonad!
Mind if I peek at your Xmonad and (dzen?) configs?
Been looking to try it out for some time now and your setup looks mighty sexy. If not, no worries. Love the desk.
Not a problem at all! Just an FYI, my XMonad is pretty tweaked.
import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.IO
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- layouts
import XMonad.Layout
import XMonad.Layout.IM
import XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.Combo
import XMonad.Layout.Grid
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import XMonad.Layout.Gaps
-- layout definitions
customLayout = gaps [(D,16)] $ avoidStruts $ ResizableTall 2 (3/100) (1/2) [] ||| withIM (1%7) (ClassName "Buddy List") Grid ||| layoutHook defaultConfig
-- Workspaces
myWorkspaces = ["1:term","2:www","3:blender","4:gimp","5:irc","6:im","7","8","9"]
-- Window rules
myManageHook = composeAll
[className =? "wicd-client" --> doFloat
,className =? "xine" --> doFloat
-- icons directory
myBitmapsDir = "/home/ishikawa/.dzen"
-- main config
main = do
dzenSbar <- spawnPipe sBarCmd
dzenConkyTop <- spawnPipe topBarCmd
dzenConkyBot <- spawnPipe botBarCmd
spawn "xcompmgr"
xmonad $ defaultConfig
{ manageHook = manageDocks <+> manageHook defaultConfig
, terminal = "urxvt"
, workspaces = myWorkspaces
, borderWidth = 0
, normalBorderColor = "#000000"
, focusedBorderColor = "#3399ff"
, layoutHook = customLayout
, logHook = dynamicLogWithPP $ myDzenPP dzenSbar
, modMask = mod4Mask -- Rebind Mod to the Windows key
} `additionalKeys`
([ ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_z), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
, ((controlMask, xK_Print), spawn "sleep 0.2; scrot -s")
, ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot")
, ((mod4Mask, xK_a), sendMessage MirrorShrink)
, ((mod4Mask, xK_z), sendMessage MirrorExpand)
-- mod-[1..9], Switch to workspace N
-- mod-shift-[1..9], Move client to workspace N
[((m .|. mod4Mask, k), windows $ f i)
| (i, k) <- zip (myWorkspaces) [xK_1 .. xK_9]
, (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]])
-- dzen config
sBarCmd = "dzen2 -fn '-*-nu-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -bg '#2d291e' -fg '#ffffff' -h 16 -w 840 -ta l"
topBarCmd = "conky -c /home/ishikawa/.conkyrc | dzen2 -fn '-*-nu-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -bg '#2d291e' -fg '#ffffff' -h 16 -w 840 -x 840 -ta r"
botBarCmd = "conky -c ~/.conky_bottom_dzen | dzen2 -fn '-*-nu-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -bg '#000000' -fg '#ffffff' -h 16 -y 1034 -w 1680 -ta c"
myDzenPP dzenSbar = defaultPP
{ ppCurrent = wrap "^p()[^fg(#be8d41)" "^fg()]^p()"
, ppUrgent = wrap "!^fg(purple)^p()" "^fg()^p()"
, ppVisible = wrap "^p()[^fg()" "^fg()]^p()"
, ppTitle = wrap "^fg(#be8d41)< ^fg(#ffffff)" "^fg(#be8d41) >^fg()" . shorten 90
, ppSep = " : "
, ppWsSep = " : "
, ppLayout = dzenColor "#ce4d2d" "#2d291e" .
(\x -> case x of
"Tall" -> "^i(" ++ myBitmapsDir ++ "/tall.xbm)"
"Mirror Tall" -> "^i(" ++ myBitmapsDir ++ "/mtall.xbm)"
"Full" -> "^i(" ++ myBitmapsDir ++ "/full.xbm)"
"ResizableTall" -> "^i(" ++ myBitmapsDir ++ "/resizableGrid.xbm)"
"IM Grid" -> "^i(" ++ myBitmapsDir ++ "/im-layout.xbm)"
_ -> x
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn dzenSbar
All the dzen2 stuff is in there, all I am doing is piping conky-cli into it; here is my bottom conky config just for illustration.
# Set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background no
out_to_console yes
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1
# MPD host/port
mpd_host localhost
mpd_port 6600
^fg(#ce4d2d)|| ^i(/home/ishikawa/.dzen/net_up_03.xbm) ^fg(#403a2a)$uptime ^fg(#ce4d2d)|| ^fg(#1994d1) ^i(/home/ishikawa/.dzen/arch.xbm) ^fg(#403a2a)${texeci 1500 perl /home/ishikawa/scripts/} ^fg(#ce4d2d)|| ^i(/home/ishikawa/.dzen/diskette.xbm) /home ^fg(#403a2a)${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home} ^fg(#ce4d2d)| ^fg(#ce4d2d)^i(/home/ishikawa/.dzen/diskette.xbm) /root ^fg(#403a2a)${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ^fg(#ce4d2d)|| ^i(/home/ishikawa/.dzen/note.xbm) ^fg(#403a2a)$mpd_status : ${mpd_smart 80} ($mpd_elapsed / $mpd_length) ^fg(#ce4d2d)||
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Hey, I appreciate it ! This will give me something to tinker with while I'm offline through the week.
@milomouse, be careful with lifeafter2am's conkyrc, we recently discovered one needs to downgrade to 1.6 or patch 1.7 so that conky will accept #'s after TEXT.
@firecat53 and RagePie, as for xmonad, the most populoar choices for statusbars are dzen or xmobar, both of which can support xft (xmobar out of the box or dzen2-svn from AUR). my xmonad setup uses xft through dzen2-svn and i agree that it looks much better.
buttons wrote:Kowalczyk wrote:I have seen a lot off you has this line in the top left corner thay says one two three four or emacs web term mail and so on..
Like this:
what is that?
I use blackbox, can I get that line there? I know it has something to do with the desktops, but how do I do that?Those are 'tagged' desktops, a feature of most tiling window managers.
Do any of the tiling window managers support true type fonts? I recently tried Scrotwm but, like Dwm, it doesn't have ttf support and I want my terminal and bar to have the same font.
i use ttf w/WMii
# ls /usr/share/fonts/TTF/pragmata.ttf
URxvt*font: xft:Pragmata:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:bold:hinting=true
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Pragmata:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:bold:hinting=true
URxvt.keysym.C-0: command:\033]710;xft:Pragmata:pixelsize=13:autohint=true\007
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
@milomouse, be careful with lifeafter2am's conkyrc, we recently discovered one needs to downgrade to 1.6 or patch 1.7 so that conky will accept #'s after TEXT.
Doing a double crunchbang (##) solves that.
brisbin33 wrote:@milomouse, be careful with lifeafter2am's conkyrc, we recently discovered one needs to downgrade to 1.6 or patch 1.7 so that conky will accept #'s after TEXT.
Doing a double crunchbang (##) solves that.
shutup. documentation said \# was the way to do it, but it wouldn't work without the patch. and ## would've worked all along?
oh well, mine's patched now. good to know tho.
@milomouse, be careful with lifeafter2am's conkyrc, we recently discovered one needs to downgrade to 1.6 or patch 1.7 so that conky will accept #'s after TEXT.
@firecat53 and RagePie, as for xmonad, the most populoar choices for statusbars are dzen or xmobar, both of which can support xft (xmobar out of the box or dzen2-svn from AUR). my xmonad setup uses xft through dzen2-svn and i agree that it looks much better.
Actually I installed 1.7.0 and it worked with my configs. So it must be 1.7.1 that was broken.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
Thanks for all the replies. I did check out the Tiling Window Manager page before asking my question, but that page didn't mention anything about TTF support.
brisbin33: Thanks for the info. I'll check Dzen and Xmobar.
Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo)
Can I get your subtle.rb? and which version you're running?
Gave into nostalgia. Inspired by 4dwm, the window manager of sgi irix boxes. Colors modified of course.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
moved away from kde to something cleaner and faster :>
Is this OpenBox?
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
arch0r wrote:moved away from kde to something cleaner and faster :>
Is this OpenBox?
Doesn't it say openbox at the very bottom on the menu?
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
erikl wrote:Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo) I get your subtle.rb? and which version you're running?
No problem, I'll also include stoggle. Which I use to have a tabbing-like support.
edit: for switching between clients overlapping each other at the same gravity.
:border => 1,
:step => 5,
:snap => 10,
:gravity => 0,
:padding => [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
:font => "-*-nu-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
:top => [:views, :spacer, :sublets],
:bottom => [],
:stipple => false
:fg_panel => "rgb:a0/a0/a0", # Foreground color of bar
:fg_views => "rgb:a0/a0/a0", # Foreground color of view button
:fg_sublets => "rgb:a0/a0/a0",
:fg_focus => "#a1b5cd", # Foreground color of focus window title and view
:bg_panel => "rgb:00/00/00", # Background color of bar
:bg_views => "rgb:00/00/00", # Background color of view button
:bg_sublets => "rgb:00/00/00",
:bg_focus => "rgb:00/00/00", # Background color of focus window title and view
:border_focus => "rgb:a1/b5/cd", # Border color of focus windows
:border_normal => "rgb:1c/1c/1c", # Border color of normal windows
:background => "#000" # Background color of root background
@dmenu = "dmenu_run -fn '%s' -nb '%s' -nf '%s' -sb '%s' -sf '%s' -p
'Select:'" % [
COLORS[:bg_panel], COLORS[:fg_panel],
COLORS[:bg_focus], COLORS[:fg_focus]
# View Jumps
"A-1" => :ViewJump1, # Jump to view 1
"A-2" => :ViewJump2, # Jump to view 2
"A-3" => :ViewJump3, # Jump to view 3
"A-4" => :ViewJump4, # Jump to view 4
# View Jumps
"W-A-1" => :ScreenJump1, # Jump to screen 1
"W-A-2" => :ScreenJump2, # Jump to screen 2
"W-A-3" => :ScreenJump3, # Jump to screen 3
"W-A-4" => :ScreenJump4, # Jump to screen 4
# Subtle grabs
"A-C-r" => :SubtleReload, # Reload config
"A-C-q" => :SubtleQuit, # Quit subtle
# Window grabs
"A-B1" => :WindowMove, # Move window
"A-B3" => :WindowResize, # Resize window
"A-f" => :WindowFloat, # Toggle float
"A-space" => :WindowFull, # Toggle full
"A-s" => :WindowStick, # Toggle stick
"A-r" => :WindowRaise, # Raise window
"A-l" => :WindowLower, # Lower window
"A-Left" => :WindowLeft, # Select window left
"A-Down" => :WindowDown, # Select window below
"A-Up" => :WindowUp, # Select window above
"A-Right" => :WindowRight, # Select window right
"A-S-c" => :WindowKill, # Kill window
# Gravities grabs
"A-KP_7" => :GravityTopLeft, # Set top left gravity
"A-KP_8" => :GravityTop, # Set top gravity
"A-KP_9" => :GravityTopRight, # Set top right gravity
"A-KP_4" => :GravityLeft, # Set left gravity
"A-KP_5" => :GravityCenter, # Set center gravity
"A-KP_6" => :GravityRight, # Set right gravity
"A-KP_1" => :GravityBottomLeft, # Set bottom left gravity
"A-KP_2" => :GravityBottom, # Set bottom gravity
"A-KP_3" => :GravityBottomRight, # Set bottom right gravity
# Exec
"A-S-Return" => "urxvtc", # Exec a term
"A-p" => @dmenu, # Exec dmenu
# Stoggle
"A-q" => "stoggle previous",
"A-w" => "stoggle next",
# Ruby lambdas
"S-F2" => lambda { |c| puts }, # Print client name
"S-F3" => lambda { puts version }, # Print subtlext version
TAGS = {
"terms" => "xterm|[u]?rxvt",
"browser" => "Navigator",
"editor" => "[g]?vim",
"stick" => { :regex => "mplayer", :float => true, :stick => true },
"float" => { :regex => "gimp", :float => true }
{ "work" => "terms" },
{ "web" => "browser" },
{ "dev" => "editor" }
HOOKS = { }
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "subtle/subtlext"
class Toggle
def initialize(screen = ":0")
@subtle =
@client = @subtle.current_client
@clients = []
@position # in array
def get_clients
@subtle.clients.each do |client|
if client.gravity == @client.gravity
@clients.each do |client|
if ==
@position = @clients.index(client)
def lower
(1..@clients.length).each do
def next
(1..@clients.length).each do
if @position + 1 >= @clients.length
@clients[@position + 1].raise
def previous
(1..@clients.length).each do
if @position - 1 < 0
@clients[@clients.length - 1].raise
@clients[@position - 1].raise
toggle =
if ARGV[0] == "next"
elsif ARGV[0] == "previous"
Last edited by erikl (2009-08-12 03:20:10)
is that a qtcurve style? nice. so glad to see a kde screen that is not based on bespin.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo)
Can i have your terminal color scheme please.
Rasi wrote:is that a qtcurve style? nice. so glad to see a kde screen that is not based on bespin.
Yes its qtcurve. The only qt style that does not suck beside skulpure.
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
erikl wrote:Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo) i have your terminal color scheme please.
They should be somewhere in this thread, because the one I have now is the same, except that I've moved around two colours to make them intergrate with weechat better.
edit: page #3, post #66.
Last edited by erikl (2009-08-12 05:20:42)
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:Rasi wrote:is that a qtcurve style? nice. so glad to see a kde screen that is not based on bespin.
Yes its qtcurve. The only qt style that does not suck beside skulpure.
skulpture is a well done style no doubt.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
OT - I for one am glad more of us are using omploader or something other than imagecrap
/tuning out
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo)
How about a look at your irssi theme?
erikl wrote:Subtle. (kind of inspired by milo) about a look at your irssi theme?
It's weechat, but I'll paste it anyway. (Allt för nationen?)
Some of the colours will have to be tweaked, as weechat doesn't always play nicely with colours.
col_real_white = off
col_separator = black
col_title = white
col_title_more = lightmagenta
col_title_bg = cyan
col_chat = default
col_chat_time = default
col_chat_time_sep = magenta
col_chat_prefix1 = lightcyan
col_chat_prefix2 = white
col_chat_server = brown
col_chat_join = lightgreen
col_chat_part = lightred
col_chat_nick = lightcyan
col_chat_host = magenta
col_chat_channel = white
col_chat_dark = magenta
col_chat_highlight = lightcyan
col_chat_bg = default
col_chat_read_marker = yellow
col_chat_read_marker_bg = magenta
col_status = white
col_status_delimiters = lightcyan
col_status_channel = lightcyan
col_status_data_msg = lightcyan
col_status_private = lightmagenta
col_status_highlight = lightred
col_status_data_other = lightcyan
col_status_more = white
col_status_bg = cyan
col_infobar = black
col_infobar_delimiters = blue
col_infobar_highlight = white
col_infobar_bg = cyan
col_input = default
col_input_server = brown
col_input_channel = white
col_input_nick = magenta
col_input_delimiters = lightcyan
col_input_text_not_found = red
col_input_actions = lightgreen
col_input_bg = black
col_nick = magenta
col_nick_away = cyan
col_nick_chanowner = lightgreen
col_nick_chanadmin = lightgreen
col_nick_op = lightgreen
col_nick_halfop = lightmagenta
col_nick_voice = yellow
col_nick_user = blue
col_nick_more = lightmagenta
col_nick_sep = yellow
col_nick_self = magenta
col_nick_color1 = white
col_nick_color2 = white
col_nick_color3 = white
col_nick_color4 = white
col_nick_color5 = white
col_nick_color6 = white
col_nick_color7 = white
col_nick_color8 = white
col_nick_color9 = white
col_nick_color10 = white
col_nick_private = default
col_nick_bg = default
col_chat_dcc_selected = white
col_dcc_waiting = lightcyan
col_dcc_connecting = yellow
col_dcc_active = lightblue
col_dcc_done = lightgreen
col_dcc_failed = lightred
col_dcc_aborted = lightred
Thanks, will give weechat a go just because I really liked that look.
Ps. Och självklart allt för nationen