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$ VAR='AB' ; echo "$VAR" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}' # [1]
$ VAR='[AB]' ; echo "$VAR" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}' # [2]
$ VAR='[AB' ; echo "$VAR" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}' # [3]
awk: (FILENAME=- FNR=1) fatal: Unmatched [ or [^: /[AB/
$ VAR='AB]' ; echo "$VAR" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}' # [4]
Just read about this:
This is called a character set. It matches any one of the characters that are enclosed in the square brackets. For example:[MVX]
matches any of the characters `M', `V', or `X' in a string.
And I tried,
$ echo "[AB]" | awk '{gsub(/\[AB\]/,"Z");print}' #[5]
$ echo "[AB]" | awk '{gsub(/[AB]/,"Z");print}' #[6]
[2] is behaving like [6] when I actually want it to be acting like [5].
What syntax should I use?
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-08-16 10:58:28)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
I'm not entirely sure what you want to do.
[] - is part of a regular expression. So why you would add it to the thing you want to manipulate is rather confusing to me. Unless you wanted that as part of the input?
$ echo "AB" | awk '{ gsub(/[AB]/,"Z"); print;}'
This outputted two Z's because I said replace the letters A OR B from the input with the letter Z.
$ echo "AB" | awk '{ gsub(/AB/,"Z"); print;}'
This looks for the string AB to replace it with the character Z.
I hope that helps.
Last edited by fumbles (2009-08-16 05:39:53)
fumbles, I'm sorry I didn't explain myself clearly.
$ VAR='[AB]' ; echo "$VAR" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}'
[ZZ] --> awk replaces each of A and B with Z, and left '[]' intact.
What I want is:
Z --> awk treats '[AB]' as a whole normal input, just like 'ABCD' or whatever...
Just like what I said, "[2] is behaving like [6] when I actually want it to be acting like [5]."
I need to do this because I'm writing a script where shell variable is assigned to awk variable, which contains '[]'. Like you said, awk is treating it as part of a regular expression...
Ok, an ugly solution::
$ VAR='[AB]'
$ VAR=$(echo "$VAR" | sed 's/\[/\\\\\[/;s/\]/\\\\\]/') #now VAR='\\[AB\\]'
$ echo "[AB]" | awk -v foo="$VAR" '{gsub(foo,"Z");print}'
This almost sovles the problem I encountered in the script.
But there should be a better answer!
Say, is there a way to turn off awk's regular expression? --> Just found out grep's -F option. How about awk??
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-08-16 08:42:36)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
echo "[AB]" | awk -v foo="${VAR/[/[[]}" '{gsub(foo, "Z"); print}'
${VAR/<match>/<replacement>} is a bash variable expansion trick. In this case, it replaces the first '[' it find with '[[]' (a character list contraining only a '['). This negates it's special meaning, which automatically negates the special meaning of the following ']'
edit: typos
edit2: if var is something like '[ab][AB]' (multiple character lists), use ${VAR//[/[[]} (<pattern> starts with a '/') to replace all occurences of '['
Last edited by klixon (2009-08-16 10:31:24)
Stand back, intruder, or i'll blast you out of space! I am Klixon and I don't want any dealings with you human lifeforms. I'm a cyborg!
So we can either escape [A] with \\[A\\] or [[]A]. they both work.
But I have to escape "(A)" too, in the same manner. sed can do serial substitution in a row, how about bash's internal variable substitution?
Also, I think there's more I'd have to escape... takes some writing. It'd be best if awk had a switch like grep's -F.
-v foo="$(echo "$VAR" | sed 's/./[&]/g')"
The final answer!
# This replaces every character X in $VAR with [X]
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-08-17 15:36:28)
This silver ladybug at line 28...