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###Qname: Quick basic batch renaming.
MODE="" #single, global
function help_me () {
cat << END
USAGE: $(basename "$0") -g -t "STRING" -f "FIX"
$(basename "$0") -s -f "FIX" -i "FILTER"
--directory|-d) Specify target directory. [PWD]
--target|-t) Specify a string to be replaced/removed.
Don't use this option when you're doing prefixing!
Use -i for the filtering instead. [NONE]
--fix|-f) Specify a string to replace the target string, or
to put as prefix to the filenames. [NONE]
--include|-i) Use filter. Useful when prefixing.
Also useful if you don't want to rename all files
which contains STRING. [ALL]
--single|-s) Single replace MODE: only replace/remove the first
occurance of target STRING.
--global|-g) Global replace MODE: replace/remove all instances
of target STRING.
--force|-F) Do not ask for confirming.
--help|-h) print this help.
NOTE: -s -g options are incompatible. If you specify more than
one of these, only the last one is respected.
-s -f without -t, it does prefixing!
function display_rename () {
TGT="$1" ; FIX="$2" ; INC="$3" ; MODE="$4"
#Note we need to escape "Regular Expression Operators" for awk, with every character enclosed by [ ].
case "$MODE" in
ls -1 | grep -F "$TGT" | grep -F "$INC" |
awk -v tgt="$(echo "$TGT" | sed 's/./[&]/g')" -v fix="$FIX" '{ printf("mv -- \"%s\" ",$0);sub(tgt,fix);printf("\"%s\"\n",$0) }'
ls -1 | grep -F "$TGT" | grep -F "$INC" |
awk -v tgt="$(echo "$TGT" | sed 's/./[&]/g')" -v fix="$FIX" '{ printf("mv -- \"%s\" ",$0);gsub(tgt,fix);printf("\"%s\"\n",$0) }'
function do_rename ()
cd "$DIR" 2>/dev/null && echo -e "\x1b[0;32m""$PWD""\x1b[00;00m"
if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
echo '** Directory "'"$DIR"'" does not exist! **' ; echo ; exit 1
if [ "$SHOW" == "yes" ] ; then
echo '* Careful *'
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
display_rename "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'
echo -n '* Rename Files? [y/n].. '
read ANS
case "$ANS" in
y|Y) display_rename "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" | sh
echo '* Files renamed.'
n|N) echo '* Nothing renamed.'
*) echo '* Wrong answer!' ; exit 1
elif [ "$SHOW" == "no" ] ; then
display_rename "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" | sh ; echo '* Files renamed!'
OPT_TEMP=$(getopt --longoptions directory:,target:,include:,fix:,single,global,force,help --options d:t:f:i:sgFh -- "$@")
eval set -- "$OPT_TEMP"
while : ; do
case "$1" in
--directory|-d) DIR="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
--target|-t) TGT="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
--fix|-f) FIX="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
--include|-i) INC="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
--single|-s) MODE="single" ; shift ;;
--global|-g) MODE="global" ; shift ;;
--force|-F) SHOW="no" ; shift ;;
--help|-h) help_me ; exit 0 ;;
--) shift ; break ;;
*) echo 'Wrong option!' ; exit 1 ;;
#Do it
case "$MODE" in
do_rename "$TGT" "$FIX" "$INC" single
do_rename "$TGT" "$FIX" "$INC" global
echo '** You must specify MODE, see -h for more info. **'
What it does is very basic. It replaces a specific STRING in filenames from DIR with FIX: replace the first instance only or replace all. It also does prefixing. With interactive mode and force mode. The --help describes it rather clearly.
Example Output:
Qname -s -t '[ANBU-Frostii]' -f '[BSS]' -d ..
/media/A/Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
* Careful *
mv -- "[ANBU-Frostii]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_01_-_[720p][E5C69941].mkv" "[BSS]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_01_-_[720p][E5C69941].mkv"
mv -- "[ANBU-Frostii]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_02_-_[720p][C527D655].mkv" "[BSS]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_02_-_[720p][C527D655].mkv"
mv -- "[ANBU-Frostii]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_03_-_[720p][74F4FEC9].mkv" "[BSS]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_03_-_[720p][74F4FEC9].mkv"
mv -- "[ANBU-Frostii]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_04_-_[720p][0DCD1E0D].mkv" "[BSS]_Tokyo_Magnitude_8_-_04_-_[720p][0DCD1E0D].mkv"
* Rename Files? [y/n].. n
* Nothing renamed.
I believe there is something like this already out there, probably much more sophisticated. Please let me know.
BTW, the rename command on my machine seems to be a really basic version... I remember there is another better rename command out there? Please also let know. --> Oh, found it! It's prename from debian based distros. prename is in AUR, and the GTK2 gprename is in community! Alternatively, you can get the prename script here.
Also, if somebody's gonna improve my code above, you're welcome! I'll be very interested Thanks.
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-08-17 15:35:37)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
MPyC - A simple pygtk util for changing the playing MPD song. Requires mpc, pygtk.
When started, shows a windows with only a text field. You start typing the name of an artist, album or song. The filtered songs from your currently playing mpd playlist will appear. There is autocompletion - I'm not sure if it even works (I didn't get it quite right), but if you press enter while typing, the first song in the filtered list will start playing. Ctrl+Q to quit.
It was from my early days with python, so I don't remember how the gtk.EntryCompletion works or what other hacks there are.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygtk
import gtk
import commands as cmd
import sys
class MPDCompletion:
def __init__(self):
window = gtk.Window()
window.connect('destroy', lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
#--- Accelerators
accel_group = gtk.AccelGroup()
accel_group.connect_group(ord('q'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, gtk.ACCEL_LOCKED, lambda w,x,y,z: gtk.main_quit())
vbox = gtk.VBox()
label = gtk.Label('Type song name to search')
entry = gtk.Entry()
completion = gtk.EntryCompletion()
self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(str)
self.liststore.set_column_types(str, str, str, str, str)
playlist = self.mpd_get_playlist()
for song in playlist:
completion.set_text_column(4) # show the full song string
completion.set_match_func(self.compare_func, None)
completion.connect('match-selected', self.match_cb)
entry.connect('activate', self.activate_cb)
def compare_func(self, completion, entrystr, iter, data=None):
This function checks if a row from the liststore should be filtered. It searchs for arist name, title and album
entrystr = entrystr.lower()
model = completion.get_model()
artist = model[iter][1]
title = model[iter][2]
album = model[iter][3]
#~ print modelstr, "+", entrystr, ":", modelstr.lower().startswith(entrystr)
artist_match = artist.lower().startswith(entrystr)
title_match = title.lower().startswith(entrystr)
album_match = album.lower().startswith(entrystr)
if artist and title and album:
return (artist_match or title_match or album_match)
def match_cb(self, completion, model, iter):
This callback is invoked when a matching entry has been selected
song_num = model[iter][0]
full = model[iter][4]
#~ print "Playing:", song_num, full
def activate_cb(self, entry):
This is activated when Enter is pressed in the entry without a selected match.
We get a list of songs mathing only the title, and play the first one
text = entry.get_text().lower()
for row in self.liststore:
if row[1].lower().startswith(text) or row[2].lower().startswith(text):
def mpd_parse_line(self, line):
Break a line into a (song number, artist, title, album) tuplea
line = line.strip()
num, data = line.split(' ', 1)
num = num.strip('()> ')
tags = data.split('%')
artist = self.mpd_filter_special_symbols(tags[0])
title = self.mpd_filter_special_symbols(tags[1])
album = self.mpd_filter_special_symbols(tags[2])
full = artist + " - " + title + " (" + album + ")"
return num, artist, title, album, full
def mpd_filter_special_symbols(self, string):
Filter-out some special symbols I can't display. There are more, but I haven't found the codes yet.
TODO: Un-ugly-fy this function. Is this even needed? I don't remember.
if string=="":
return "Unknown"
symbols = {}
symbols["\xc3\x82"] = "A" # Â
symbols["\xc3\xa4"] = "a" # ä
symbols["\xc3\xb6"] = "o" # ö
symbols["\xc3\xbc"] = "u" # ü
symbols["\xc3\x9c"] = "U" # Ü
for sym in symbols.iterkeys():
if sym in string:
string = string.replace(sym, symbols[sym])
return string
def mpd_get_playlist(self):
Returns a list of tuples, each tuples represent one song
playlist_cmd = 'mpc playlist --format [%artist%]%[%title%]%[%album%]'
status, playlist_raw = cmd.getstatusoutput(playlist_cmd)
if status == 256:
sys.exit("MPD not running")
playlist_lines = playlist_raw.split('\n')
playlist = []
for line in playlist_lines:
return playlist
def mpd_play_song(self, num):
Plays the song at the given position.
cmd.getoutput("mpc play "+str(num))
if __name__ == "__main__":
mc = MPDCompletion()
Last edited by spupy (2009-08-17 22:49:06)
There are two types of people in this world - those who can count to 10 by using their fingers, and those who can count to 1023.
I have a script that does the same with googles define feature
dictionary(){ echo Definitions of $1 on the Web: echo " " curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''$1 | html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 | grep "*" | head -n 5 }
Oooohhh! Very nice. Been working on this for awhile trying with wordnet but this is a pretty good way to go about it. Hope you don't mind but I decided to add on to it. Added newlines between definitions, highlighting, and indentation:
# define - command line dictionary
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo " define <word-to-lookup> - command line dictionary"; else
curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''$1 \
| html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 | grep "*" | head -n 5 \
| fold -s --width=79 | sed -e 's/ \*/ \*/g' | sed -e 's/*/\n&/g' | \
sed -e 's/^/ /' | sed -e '$G' | grep -i --color -A 111111 -B 99999999 -e \
$1 -e "\*"
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
markp1989 wrote:I have a script that does the same with googles define feature
dictionary(){ echo Definitions of $1 on the Web: echo " " curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''$1 | html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 | grep "*" | head -n 5 }
Oooohhh! Very nice. Been working on this for awhile trying with wordnet but this is a pretty good way to go about it. Hope you don't mind but I decided to add on to it. Added newlines between definitions, highlighting, and indentation:
#!/bin/bash # define - command line dictionary if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo " define <word-to-lookup> - command line dictionary"; else curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''$1 \ | html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 | grep "*" | head -n 5 \ | fold -s --width=79 | sed -e 's/ \*/ \*/g' | sed -e 's/*/\n&/g' | \ sed -e 's/^/ /' | sed -e '$G' | grep -i --color -A 111111 -B 99999999 -e \ $1 -e "\*" fi
Looks neat, i like the indentation one thing i noticed is that if i do define "arch linux"
i get the error : grep: linux: No such file or directory
with the 1 i did, it would work if you quoted 2 words.
Desktop: E8400@4ghz - DFI Lanparty JR P45-T2RS - 4gb ddr2 800 - 30gb OCZ Vertex - Geforce 8800 GTS - 2*19" LCD
Server/Media Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX I-E - E5200 - 4gb Ram - 2* ecogreen F2 1.5tb - 1* wd green 500gb - PicoPSU 150xt - rtorrent - xbmc - ipazzport remote - 42" LCD
@markp1989 and Gen2ly: Here's my version of the script. It has a reduced pipeline (less programs piping output to each other - the main reason I did this), similar formatting to Gen2ly's script, and a code cleanup of various mistakes and pet peeves of mine. I have implemented the fold command in sed some time in the past as well, so I'm convinced I could reduce everything after html2text into a single sed command, but it's not worth the effort. There are some things you may want to change: the google URL is now, so you could change it back to, and the highlighting uses bold blue for the asteriks and bold green for the search term, so you could change the escape sequences I use to change the colors to your preference (google for "xterm color escape sequences").
# command line dictionary
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
printf ' %s <word-to-lookup> - command line dictionary\n' $(basename $0)
curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''"$1" \
| html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 \
| sed -n '/^Definitions/ {N;N;N;N;N;s/ //g;p;q}' \
| fold -s --width=79 \
| sed -e '/^ / !s/.*/ &/' -e '/\*/ s/.*/\n&/;$G' \
-e 's/*/\c[[1;34m*\c[[m/' -e 's/'"$1"'/\c[[1;32m'"$1"'\c[[m/'
Last edited by fflarex (2009-08-20 04:33:15)
So… I'm the only one who used a DICT server for that?
@Barrucadu: I know there is a better way to do it, but I just couldn't stand to see a script with so many unnecessary pipes. I rarely need to look up words anyways.
/me thinks you have unnecessary pipes!
┌─[ 16:31 ][ blue:~ ]
└─> grepp define .bash_functions
# go to google for a definition
define() {
local LNG=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '_' -f 1)
local CHARSET=$(echo $LANG | cut -d '.' -f 2)
lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump -hiddenlinks=ignore -nonumbers -assume_charset="$CHARSET" -display_charset="$CHARSET" "${LNG}&q=define%3A+${1}&btnG=Google+Search" | grep -m 5 -C 2 -A 5 -w "*" > /tmp/define
if [ ! -s /tmp/define ]; then
echo "No definition found."
echo -e "$(grep -v Search /tmp/define | sed "s/$1/\\\e[1;32m&\\\e[0m/g")"
rm -f /tmp/define
I really don't think your solution looks any better than mine. For one thing, you haven't cut down on pipes at all; we both use 4 of them. You've also added a temporary file and invoked echo twice as much as necessary (plus I just hate the echo command in general).
In any case, Barrucadu's solution is both simpler and more elegant than any of ours. It could maybe use a bit of formatting for the output, though.
Last edited by fflarex (2009-08-19 22:01:35)
Looks neat, i like the indentation one thing i noticed is that if i do define "arch linux"
i get the error : grep: linux: No such file or directory
with the 1 i did, it would work if you quoted 2 words.
Yeah, this could probably be fixed by using "$@" but I haven't tried it.
... and the highlighting uses bold blue for the asteriks and bold green for the search term, so you could change the escape sequences I use to change the colors to your preference (google for "xterm color escape sequences").
#!/bin/sh # command line dictionary if [ -z "$1" ]; then printf " %s <word-to-lookup> - command line dictionary\n" $(basename $0) else printf "Definitions of \x1b[1;32m%s\x1b[m on the Web:\n" "$1" curl -s -A 'Mozilla/4.0' ''"$1" \ | html2text -ascii -nobs -style compact -width 500 \ | sed -n '/^Definitions/ {n;N;N;N;N;s/ //g;p;q}' \ | fold -s --width=79 \ | sed -e '/^ / !s/.*/ &/' -e '/\*/ s/.*/\n&/;$G' \ -e 's/*/\c[[1;34m*\c[[m/' -e 's/'"$1"'/\c[[1;32m'"$1"'\c[[m/' fi
Got more to learn with sed looks like, does chomp it down nicely. Didn't know that -e could be defined multiple times, and still have no idea what '/^ / !s/.*/ &/' does. Looks like: beginning of line, do not replace, everything, &(???). I also like the idea of useing escape sequences inside sed. Didn't know that was possible.
So… I'm the only one who used a DICT server for that?
Last time I used the dict server the definitions were pretty aged (at least the wordnet ones) and incomplete. I don't think it's been updated for quite a bit.
Brisbin, good to think charset and lang, definitely makes the script more portable.
This inspired me to fix my wordnet script. Wordnet is the Princeton database of words. Can be pretty slow at times, but good for more technical definition of words (more like you see in common dictionaries). Added spell-suggestion (needs aspell and local language dictionary installed), and used fflarex suggestion for coloring:
# define - command line dictionary
DICTCHECK=$(echo "$1" | aspell -a | sed '1d' | wc -m)
# Usage if parameter isn't given
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo " define <word-to-lookup> - command line dictionary"
exit 1
# Suggestions if word is not in dictionary, otherwise define
if [[ $DICTCHECK -gt "3" ]]; then
echo "$@" | aspell -a | sed '/Ispell/ c\\nNot in dictionary, possible alternatives:\n'| sed 's/^.*: //'
exit 2; else
links -dump"$1" | sed \
'1,5d' | sed '$d' | sed '$G' | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/^ / /' | sed \
's/S\: //' | sed -e 's/*/\c[[1;37m*\c[[m/' -e 's/'"$1"'/\c[[4;37m'"$1"'\c[[m/'
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
'/^ / !s/.*/ &/' will add 3 spaces to the beginning of any line which does not already begin with a space.
The first part is a pattern which means to only apply this command to lines which contain the pattern (similar to the line numbers you just used in the above script). The exclamation negates that, so that it applies to all lines which do not match the pattern. The ampersand is shorthand for "the pattern matched earlier in the command". So it replaces the 'line' with '3 spaces + line'.
It's not as complicated as it looks. You could learn all of sed's syntax in one weekend if you wanted. Perl is probably a better tool for manipulating text, but it would take a lot longer to learn so I've never bothered (although if I ever did, I've heard that sed knowledge transfers nicely to perl).
Last edited by fflarex (2009-08-19 23:04:35)
Update all out of date dependencies of a given package
pacman -S $(comm -1 -2 <(pacman -Qqu) <(pactree -u PKGNAME | sort))
Last edited by Daenyth (2009-08-20 00:48:01)
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
How can I get the bash prompt to show before the time? Time is \A after the first YELLOW:
PS1="\[$BLUE\]┌─\[$PURPLE\][ \[$YELLOW\]\A \[$PURPLE\]][ \[$LIGHTGREEN\]\w \[$PURPLE\]]\n\[$BLUE\]└─\[$YELLOW\]> \[$LIGHTGRAY\]"
Use $(date --format foo) ?
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Ahh, beautiful, didn't think about that for .bashrc, just added $(date +%c), thanks fellas
I like to add `pom` next to `date` in my .bashrc (pacman -S bsd-games)
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
lol, what?
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Hi everyone, I have made a twitter client in Ruby:
It's very colorful.
I hope everyone likes it, as I find it very useful. I work from the Terminal (rxvt-unicode, to be exact) for hours on end, and posting to twitter is a nice break. I want a way to do it quickly, so I made this.
Any criticism/comments are appreciated, as always.
Here is a script which waits until the currently playing song in MPD has changed, then exits. It is useful for doing things like shutting off the computer after 4 more songs have finished, etc. It is the direct successor to mpd-on-change, but with a couple advantages: it doesn't constantly poll MPD, and it works correctly even if the same exact file is played twice in a row. I consider it pretty much complete, except for possible bug fixes (and also if I can figure out how to make it work without the named pipe voodoo). It requires some version of netcat (tested with nc, ncat, and gnu-netcat). I'm interested in hearing how it works for other people, especially those who connect to remote instances of MPD or use a password.
Example uses:
mpd-wait -n4; halt
env MPD_HOST=password@host MPD_PORT=port mpd-wait
while mpd-wait --songs=2; do
# Script to wait for the currently playing song in MPD to change.
# Uses netcat to communicate directly with the MPD server.
# Name of the script
progname=$(basename "$0")
# Find and save a unique file name for the temporary FIFO
while [ -e "$tmpfifo" ]; do
tmpfifo="$tmpfifo.$(tr -dc 0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c2)"
# Remove temporary FIFO if the script is killed
trap "rm \"$tmpfifo\"; exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
# Print a help message
usage() {
fmt --split-only --width=$(tput cols) <<- EOF
Usage: $progname [options]
Wait for the currently playing song in MPD to change, then exit.
-n, --songs
Set the number of songs to wait for (defaults to 1).
-h, --help
Display this help message and exit.
Environment Variables:
The host and port of the MPD server you wish to connect with. The default is to connect to localhost on port 6600. To use a password with MPD, set MPD_HOST to password@host.
Note that if no song is currently playing, then the script will wait for one to start instead. This script requires netcat or some compatible derivative thereof.
# Default values for MPD's host and port
# Check environment variables for alternate values
if [ "$MPD_HOST" ] && $(printf %s "$MPD_HOST" | grep @ &>/dev/null); then
mpd_host="$(printf $MPD_HOST | sed 's/.*@//')"
mpd_pass="$(printf $MPD_HOST | sed 's/\(.*\)@.*/\1/')"
elif [ "$MPD_HOST" ]; then
if [ "$MPD_PORT" ]; then
# Number of songs to wait for. Default is 1.
# Detect command line arguments
argv=$(getopt -a -o n:h --long songs:,help -n "$progname" -- "$@")
test $? != 0 && exit 1
eval set -- "$argv"
while [ "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
-n | --songs ) shift
-h | --help ) usage
-- ) shift
* ) printf '%s: uh oh, major internal error!\n' "$progname" >&2
exit 1
# Determine netcat executable to use
for exe in nc ncat netcat; do
nc="$(which $exe 2>/dev/null)" && break
test -z "$nc" && printf '%s: netcat is a dependency of this script\n' "$progname" >&2
# Tests that MPD is running
printf 'ping\nclose\n' | $nc $mpd_host $mpd_port | grep '^OK MPD [0-9.]*' &>/dev/null \
|| { printf '%s: daemon is not running\n' "$progname" >&2; exit 2; }
# Tests that $nsongs is a non-negative integer
test $nsongs -ge -1 2>/dev/null \
|| { printf '%s: argument to '\'--songs\'' or '\'-n\'' must %s\n' "$progname" \
'be a non-negative integer' >&2
exit 1; }
# Gets MPD's internal ID for the current song, which is unique even for
# identical files in the playlist
getsongid() {
printf '%s\nstatus\nclose\n' \
"$(test \"$mpd_pass\" && printf 'password %s' \"$mpd_pass\")" \
| $nc $mpd_host $mpd_port \
| sed -ne '/^state: stop$/ q' \
-e '/^songid: / s///p'
# ID for the song we're waiting for
# Create temporary FIFO
mknod --mode=600 "$tmpfifo" p
# $count keeps track of how many songs have changed
# This is the meat of the script, which keeps track of the current song and
# whether or not it has changed. The very confusing voodoo with the named pipe
# is to prevent netcat from hanging after the "idle" command has finished.
# (Possible security risk - attacker could manipulate the daemon by piping to
# the named pipe before the script does.)
until [ $count -eq $nsongs ]; do
while [ "$songid" = "$(getsongid)" ]; do
printf '%s\nidle player\n' \
"$(test \"$mpd_pass\" && printf 'password %s' \"$mpd_pass\")" \
| cat - "$tmpfifo" \
| $nc $mpd_host $mpd_port \
| sed -n "/^changed.*/ s//close/w $tmpfifo"
count=$(($count + 1))
# Remove temporary FIFO
rm "$tmpfifo"
EDIT: Please note that if you just copy/paste this, the help message will not display as intended. This is because the tabs were converted to spaces by the forum. Just change the leading four spaces in the usage() function to tabs to fix it.
Last edited by fflarex (2009-08-23 04:31:32)
Here is a perl version of the define function. Still needs some clean up, but no pipes used . Should make brisbin happy.;)
use strict;
use LWP::Simple qw/get $ua/;
my $content; #What is found at $url
my $url; #url to get
my $word2define=join (' ',@ARGV); #
my $definitions;
my @definitions;
my $TXTYLW="\e[0;33m"; # Yellow
my $TXTGRN="\e[0;32m"; # Green
my $TXTRST="\e[0m"; # Text Reset
sub define{
$content = get("$url");
die "Cannot open $url " unless defined $content;
sub parse{
@definitions = ($content =~ m#<li>(.*?<br>)#g);
foreach (@definitions){
print ("$_");
so here's a really short one i use to convert < and > to < and > for use in an html document. typically, i'll be editing a webpage in vim so i can just:
:r ! text2html < /some/
to pull a script right into the <pre> blocks of whatever page i'm currently writing. you can also just run it on commandline; it's a simple STDIN -> STDOUT filter.
the script:
while read -r LINE; do
sed 's/</\<\;/g;s/>/\>\;/g' <<< "$LINE"
unset IFS
/edit: sorry, found my own useless use of cat... and removed a pipe!
Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-08-25 20:13:25)
You should s/\&/&/ before anything else also. Personally I'd rather use perl + a module to escape it.. there's too many cases that a sed would have to cover.
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Not sure if anyone would be interested, but i've created a small script that I use right after I (re)install Arch. It's a post-install script that is somewhat based off what is done on the wiki (adding users, installing xorg, etc). Since I tend to install arch on numerous machines, this has came in very handy..
Note: It's a bit messy. The script installs random things at some times, just cause I was too lazy to move them somewhere else. Take a look for yourself.
# Description: A small script I created to speed up the configuration process of Archlinux. This script assumes
# you already have configured your network adapters and rc.conf for basic settings so pacman will work.
# Last Updated: 8.10.09
# Author: brenix
#-------Check for root-------#
if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then
echo -en "$red Error:$default you cannot performan this operation unless you are root."
exit 1
#------Edit nameservers------#
read -p "Edit Nameservers[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
vi /etc/resolv.conf
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#---Verify the database is up to date before installing anything---#
pacman -Syy
#---Install yaourt/powerpill----#
read -p "Install yaourt/powerpill[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman --noconfirm -S abs aria2 subversion git python rxvt-unicode bash-completion #random stuff added here
abs # Sync ABS Tree
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf yaourt.tar.gz
cd yaourt
makepkg -i --asroot
vi /etc/yaourtrc
pacman -S --noconfirm abs
chmod -R 777 /var/abs # Dont ask... heh..
echo -en "$blue You must add user ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman and /usr/bin/pacdiffviewer to the sudoers" # Reminder..
sleep 10
yaourt -S --noconfirm powerpill
cd ~
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#----Install pkgd--------------#
read -p "Install pkgd[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
yaourt -S --noconfirm pkgd
vi /etc/pkgd.conf # Customization
vi /etc/pacman.conf
vi /etc/rc.conf # Add pkgd daemon to rc.conf
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#----Sort mirrors by their speed----#
read -p "Sort Mirrors by Speed[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman -S --noconfirm python
cd /etc/pacman.d
cp mirrorlist mirrorlist.backup
rankmirrors -n 6 mirrorlist.backup > mirrorlist
pacman -Syy
cd ~
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#--------Update System-----------#
read -p "Update System[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman -Syu --noconfirm
# echo -en "$bold Re-ranking mirrors... $default"
# cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup
# rankmirrors -n 6 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#---------Add user---------------#
read -p "Add a new user[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
echo -en "$green Enter username: $default "
useradd -m -G audio,optical,storage,video,wheel,power,network -s /bin/bash $USERNAME # Add new user with common groups
passwd $USERNAME
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#---------Install Alsa----------#
read -p "Install Alsa[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman -S --noconfirm alsa-utils
read -p "Was your sound card detected[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
echo -en "$bold Testing sound... $default"
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav # Test audio
vi /etc/rc.conf # Add alsa to daemons line..
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
vi /etc/rc.conf # Add alsa to daemons line..
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#--------Install Xorg----------#
read -p "Install Xorg[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman -S --noconfirm libgl xorg xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse ttf-ms-fonts ttf-dejavu ttf-bitstream-vera gtk2
echo -en "$green Enter video (i.e. nvidia or xf86-video-intel): $default"
read VIDEO
yaourt -S --noconfirm $VIDEO
Xorg -configure
cp /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc /home/$USERNAME/
echo exec xterm >> /home/$USERNAME/.xinitrc
chown $USERNAME:users /home/$USERNAME/.xinitrc
chmod 755 /home/$USERNAME/.xinitrc
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#-------Istall VIM------------#
read -p "Install VIM[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
powerpill -S --noconfirm vim
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#-------Install MPD/NCMPCPP----#
read -p "Install mpd/ncmpcpp[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
powerpill -S --noconfirm mpd ncmpcpp mpc
gpasswd -a mpd users
cp /etc/mpd.conf.example /etc/mpd.conf
mkdir /var/lib/mpd/music
sed -i 's|#music_directory.*$|music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"|1' /etc/mpd.conf
touch /var/lib/mpd/db
touch /var/lib/mpd/mpdstate
touch /var/run/mpd/
touch /var/log/mpd/mpd.log
touch /var/log/mpd/mpd.error
chown -R mpd:mpd /var/lib/mpd
chown -R mpd:mpd /var/run/mpd
chown -R mpd:mpd /var/log/mpd
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#------Install Xmonad---------#
read -p "Install xmonad[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
chmod -R 777 /var/abs # Again, dont ask... :)
yaourt -S --noconfirm haskell-x11-darcs
yaourt -S --noconfirm xmonad-darcs
yaourt -S --noconfirm xmonad-contrib-darcs
pacman -S --noconfirm xmobar
mkdir /home/$USERNAME/.xmonad
chown $USERNAME:users /home/$USERNAME/.xmonad
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#-------Install autofs--------#
read -p "Install autofs[y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
pacman -S --noconfirm autofs
sleep 7
vi /etc/autofs/auto.misc
vi /etc/autofs/auto.master
echo -en "$blue Add autofs4 to modules and autofs to daemons $default"
sleep 5
vi /etc/rc.conf
echo -en "$blue :: Completed :: $default\n"
#--------Reboot System---------#
read -p "Reboot system (recommended) [y/n]? "
if [ "$REPLY" == "y" ]; then
Not sure if anyone would be interested, but i've created a small script that I use right after I (re)install Arch. It's a post-install script that is somewhat based off what is done on the wiki (adding users, installing xorg, etc). Since I tend to install arch on numerous machines, this has came in very handy..
Note: It's a bit messy. The script installs random things at some times, just cause I was too lazy to move them somewhere else. Take a look for yourself.
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
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