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#I hope its the right forum to post that in, if not im very sorry!
This here is a script i wrote to automate all the stuff i do after installing arch, i have several computers and it has options for a additional one
Some important points:
1) this script is very specific, its made for my computer and my needs, this means that its useful right now only to people who know bash
and will find use in altering it to their own needs, also if someone wants he can make it more general for a wider use
2) this is one of the first scripts i wrote, it may be that it doesn't implent some of its features in the best way possible
3) use it at your own risk, if it breaks your system don't blame me please, you should check it before you use it, anyway its meant to be used
on a FRESH arch install, not on a working system.
What the correct script actually does:
The script as stated in the comments does the next things:
1) First of all it consists of several files, one the "install" file is the actual script, the others are just meant to run the script and split its output to
show both on the terminal and in a file named: /var/log/MySysInstall.log, here is an example of main.install:
./install Main | tee /var/log/MySysInstall.log
in the current script Main in the last row can be replaces with Laptop, Game for computer specific arguments or without argumets for a general install
the two files should be in the same folder, i think it could have been implented with one file but im new to scripting..
2) The script will ask some general questions to make sure everything is currect, some of the questions and checks in the script are not relevant at all
to anybody other than myself, they usually make sure that i have a samba shared partition running (it could lose connection on wireless).
3) Adds the repo, it will be used for yaourt.
4) The script installs lots of stuff, at first general stuff used by all computers in my house, then stuff based on the argument given in 1)
please inspect the packages and change according to your needs
5) The script nano's to /etc/yaourtrc
6) Adds users to the system, change to your users.
7) It creates my /home/samba share dir if its not created (probably irrelevant to you)
8) Configures sudo in a nasty way that maybe can damage the sudoers file, delete this line if you dodnt know sudo well enough.
9) Edits samba if needed, this is the first line in the script that relies on additional files i have on my comp or the samba share (main and game are the same
comp (dual boot of arch32 and 64) and they are the hosts of /home/samba all the other computers will mount it from them, this is why a samba check is not
present here.).
10) Adds some commented lines to fstab and nano's it for easier configurations, this is the regular workflow in the script BTW (adding comments to the file
before editing it)
11) Helps edit the gpm daemon
12) Helps to configure alsa
13) Helps to configure xorg
14) Does some post install copies of files AND creates a file in my main users home with further instructions, mostly for stuff that needs to be done with xorg runnig
or stuff i was to lasy to add to the script
15) chowns and sets my regular permissions for user folders
16) ends the script
The script itself, ENJOY:
# Copyright 2008 Leon Vayman
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is found in
# <>.
#Check that the user updated the kernel and restarted before proceeding
while [ 1 ] ; do
echo ; clear
echo -n "Have you already used pacman -Syu and Restarted? (y/n) "
read Keypress
case "$Keypress" in
echo "Then do it now.."
#Check if samba is accesible and warn the user if its not (offering to quit)
if [ ! -e /home/samba/Config/ ] ; then
while [ 1 ] ; do
echo ; clear
echo -n "Samba is not accesible, do you want to proceed? (y/n) "
read Keypress
case "$Keypress" in
#Make sure the app wasnt ran accidently with wrong arguments
while [ 1 ] ; do
echo ; clear
echo -n "The comp you are on is $1 is that correct? (y/n) "
read Keypress
case "$Keypress" in
#Edit /etc/pacman.conf
echo ; clear
echo >> /etc/pacman.conf
echo "[archlinuxfr]" >> /etc/pacman.conf
if [ "$1" = "Game" ] ; then
echo "Server =" >> /etc/pacman.conf
echo "Server =" >> /etc/pacman.conf
echo -n "Make sure the right repo was added "
read n1
nano /etc/pacman.conf
echo ; clear
#Install all packages
echo "Installing packages"
pacman -Syu
pacman -S yaourt
pacman -S xorg
pacman -S gstreamer0.10-plugins
yaourt -S abiword alsa-lib alsa-utils alsa-oss bash-completion cabextract centerim conky exaile hal epdfview feh freetype2 gamin gconf-editor geany gksu gmrun gnome-icon-theme gpicview \
gtk-engines zip irssi jre links-g libdvdcss tcl lxappearance lxpanel lxde-common lxrandr lxtask mesa moc mousepad mplayer-plugin numlockx openbox obconf obmenu openbox-themes \
p7zip pcmanfm pidgin pm-utils powertop screen terminal ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-freefont ttf-ms-fonts unace unrar unzip xarchiver xchat xmahjongg
yaourt -S stjerm
case "$1" in
yaourt -S vlc keytouch keytouch-editor xf86-video-i810 synaptics cpufrequtils flashplugin
yaourt -S swiftweasel-pentium-3
yaourt -S wpa_supplicant-beta
yaourt -S xcompmgr-git
yaourt -S flashplugin cpufrequtils epiphany catalyst deluge amule xmoto abs samba
yaourt -S icecat
yaourt -S xcompmgr-git
yaourt -S ekiga3
yaourt -S ov51x-jpeg
yaourt -S vlc-branch
yaourt -S brasero-no-gnome
yaourt -S epiphany catalyst deluge amule xmoto abs samba ##!! add gnash or swfdec
yaourt -S icecat
yaourt -S ekiga3
yaourt -S ov51x-jpeg
yaourt -S vlc-branch
yaourt -S brasero-no-gnome
echo -n "No extra packages installed "
echo -n "Press Enter to continue "
read n1
echo ; clear
#Configure yaourt.rc
echo -n "Replace the editor in yaourtrc "
read n1
nano /etc/yaourtrc
echo ; clear
#Add users
echo "Adding User vleon"
useradd -d /home/vleon -g users -G disk,wheel,games,video,audio,optical,storage,power,dbus,hal,avahi,log -m vleon
echo "Set vleon's password"
passwd vleon
echo ; clear
echo "Adding User masha"
useradd -d /home/masha -g users -G disk,wheel,games,video,audio,optical,storage,power,dbus,hal,avahi,log -m masha
echo "Set masha's password"
passwd masha
echo ; clear
#If for some reason samba dir doesnt exist, create it
if [ ! -e /home/samba ] ; then
mkdir /home/samba
chown vleon:users /home/samba
chmod 770 /home/samba
#Configure visudo
echo -n "uncomment wheel in visudo and make sure the added lines are correct "
read n1
echo "#%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate" >> /etc/sudoers
echo "#%power ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown" >> /etc/sudoers
echo ; clear
#Edit samba if needed
if ( [ "$1" = "Main" ] || [ "$1" = "Game" ] ) ; then
echo -n "Edit swat "
read n1
cp /home/samba/Config/etc/xinetd.d/swat /etc/xinetd.d/swat
nano /etc/xinetd.d/swat
echo ; clear
echo -n "Edit Hosts "
read n1
cp /home/samba/Config/etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.allow
nano /etc/hosts.allow
echo ; clear
echo -n "Edit smb.conf "
read n1
cp /home/samba/Config/etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
echo ; clear
echo "Set vleon's samba password"
smbpasswd -a vleon
echo ; clear
echo -n "Add samba and xinetd daemon to rc.conf "
read n1
nano /etc/rc.conf
echo ; clear
#Edit fstab
echo -n "Edit fstab "
read n1
echo >> /etc/fstab
if [ "$1" != "Laptop" ] ; then
echo "#UUID=92D8DA69D8DA4ADD /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
if ( [ "$1" != "Main" ] && [ "$1" != "Game" ] ) ; then
echo "#UUID=0E15-1D06 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,noatime,umask=0000 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "#// /home/samba cifs defaults,noatime,noauto,user=vleon%pass 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "##change the above password!!" >> /etc/fstab
nano /etc/fstab
echo ; clear
echo "#UUID=0E15-1D06 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,noatime,umask=0000 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "#// /home/samba cifs defaults,noatime,noauto,user=vleon%pass 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
echo "##change the above password!!" >> /etc/fstab
nano /etc/fstab
echo ; clear
#Edit gpm
echo -n "Edit gpm "
read n1
echo "#GPM_ARGS=\"-m /dev/input/mice -t imps2\"" >> /etc/conf.d/gpm
nano /etc/conf.d/gpm
echo ; clear
echo -n "Add gpm daemon to rc.conf "
read n1
nano /etc/rc.conf
echo ; clear
#Configure alsa
Alsa Config
echo -n "Edit alsamixer "
read n1
while [ "$test" = 1 ] ; do
alsamixer -V all
echo "Testing Sound"
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav
while [ 1 ] ; do
echo ; clear
echo -n "Did You Hear Any Sound? (y/n) "
read Keypress
case "$Keypress" in
alsactl store
echo -n "Add alsa to daemons "
read n1
nano /etc/rc.conf
echo ; clear
#Configure Xorg
if [ -e /home/samba/Config/etc/X11/ ] ; then
echo -n "Edit xorg.conf "
read n1
if ( [ "$1" = "Laptop" ] ) ; then
cp /home/samba/Config/etc/X11/laptop.xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
cp /home/samba/Config/etc/X11/main.xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo ; clear
echo -n "add \"ru\" to "
read n1
cp etc/X11/xorg.conf etc/X11/
nano /etc/X11/
echo ; clear
echo -n "No samba connection found, manually editing xorg.conf "
read n1
X -configure
mv /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"XkbLayout\" \"us,il\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"XkbOptions\" \"grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# DefaultDepth 24" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Modes \"1680x1050\" \"1280x1024\" \"1024x768\" \"800x600\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
if [ "$1" = "Laptop" ] ; then
echo >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "#Section \"InputDevice\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Identifier \"Touchpad\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Driver \"synaptics\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"Device\" \"/dev/input/mouse0\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"Protocol\" \"auto-dev\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"LeftEdge\" \"1700\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"RightEdge\" \"5300\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"TopEdge\" \"1700\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"BottomEdge\" \"4200\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"FingerLow\" \"25\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"FingerHigh\" \"30\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"FingerPress\" \"100\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"MaxTapTime\" \"180\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"MaxTapMove\" \"220\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"VertScrollDelta\" \"100\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"MinSpeed\" \"0.06\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"MaxSpeed\" \"0.12\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"AccelFactor\" \"0.0010\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "# Option \"SHMConfig\" \"on\"" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo "#EndSection" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo -n "Edit xorg.conf "
read n1
nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
echo ; clear
echo -n "add \"ru\" to "
read n1
cp etc/X11/xorg.conf etc/X11/
nano /etc/X11/
echo ; clear
#Start the post install document and copy files to homes if able and need to
echo "Post Installation Instructions" > /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "------------------------------" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "Usage: Follow the instructions and delete the lines that are not relevant anymore. you can delete" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo " this file after you finished." >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
if [ ! -e /home/vleon/.config] ; then
if [ -e /home/samba/Config/ ] ; then
cp /home/samba/Config/.bash_profile /home/vleon/ ; cp /home/samba/Config/.bash_profile /home/masha/
cp /home/samba/Config/.bashrc /home/vleon/ ; cp /home/samba/Config/.bashrc /home/masha/
cp /home/samba/Config/.xinitrc /home/vleon/ ; cp /home/samba/Config/.xinitrc /home/masha/
cp /home/samba/Config/.xserverrc /home/masha/
mkdir -p /home/vleon/.config/openbox ; mkdir -p /home/masha/.config/openbox
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/rc.xml /home/vleon/.config/openbox/ ; cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/rc.xml /home/masha/.config/openbox/
if [ "$1" = "Laptop" ] ; then
cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.laptop /home/vleon/.conkyrc ; cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.laptop /home/masha/.conkyrc
cp /home/samba/Config/.Xdefaults.laptop /home/vleon/.Xdefaults ; cp /home/samba/Config/.Xdefaults.laptop /home/masha/.Xdefaults
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/menu.xml.laptop /home/vleon/.config/openbox/menu.xml
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/menu.xml.laptop /home/masha/.config/openbox/menu.xml
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/ /home/vleon/.config/openbox/
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/ /home/masha/.config/openbox/
if ( [ "$1" != "Main" ] && [ "$1" != "Game" ] )
cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.laptop /home/vleon/.conkyrc ; cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.laptop /home/masha/.conkyrc
cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.main /home/vleon/.conkyrc ; cp /home/samba/Config/.conkyrc.main /home/masha/.conkyrc
cp /home/samba/Config/.Xdefaults.main /home/vleon/.Xdefaults ; cp /home/samba/Config/.Xdefaults.main /home/masha/.Xdefaults
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/menu.xml.main /home/vleon/.config/openbox/menu.xml
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/menu.xml.main /home/masha/.config/openbox/menu.xml
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/ /home/vleon/.config/openbox/
cp /home/samba/Config/.config/openbox/ /home/masha/.config/openbox/
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "!!Samba is not availble, you will have to create the following files yourself!!" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "The folowing files where probably created in your home folders:" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".bash_profile" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".bashrc" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".conkyrc" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".Xdefaults" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".xinitrc" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".xserverrc #<< only to /home/masha" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".config/openbox/" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".config/openbox/menu.xml" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo ".config/openbox/rc.xml" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "!!Make sure the above files created and are configured properly!!" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "Configuration Guidelines:" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "1) make sure width and hight are correct .Xdefaults" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "2) make sure to comment the \"xcompmgr\" line in, to fit the Computer and User" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "3) use obmenu and obconf later to tune up stuff" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "rc.conf Guidelines:" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "1) possible modules are: powernow-k8 or acpi-cpufreq, cpufreq_ondemand, ov51x-jpeg, fglrx" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "2) possible daemons are: hal, cpufreq, acpid [laptop], netfs, keytouch" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "General Guidelines:" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "1) copy or compare the files from /home/samba/Config/etc to /etc" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "2) on the laptop, dont forget to add the additional scripts needed from the /home/samba/Config/, dont forget to backup replaced files" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "3) add resume=/dev/sda3 to /boot/grub/menu.lst if its not there already" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "4) dont Forget to configure gksu after launching X" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "5) lauch and configure all the apps in the menu and the cmdline apps links -g, mocp, irssi, centerim" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "6) test logout, reboot, shutdown and hibernate" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "7) configure keytouch on the laptop" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "8) if it doesnt exist mkdir ~/.Theme for both users and add a jpg picture named theme.jpg to be the wallpaper" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "9) read /var/log/MySysInstall.log and make sure all was succesfull especialy AUR install's like icecat or iceweasel" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "10) run lxappearance, configure lxpanel, configure terminal" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
echo "11) run powertop after you restart again with all the modules and daemons and other stuff configured" >> /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt
#Return ownership to the approtiate users
chown -R vleon:users /home/vleon ; chown -R masha:users /home/masha
chmod /home/vleon 750 ; chmod /home/masha 750
chmod /home/vleon/.config 750 ; chmod /home/masha/config 750
chmod /home/vleon/.config/openbox 750 ; chmod /home/vleon/.config/openbox 750
echo "Install Finished, please additional instructions where created in /home/vleon/PostInstall.txt"
read n1
that scipt is nothing compared to mine.
I use 4 diffrent scripts that would be too long and too boring to post here.
im very happy for you.
i actually almost finished a rewrite of the script, this one is very general, i think its the wrong forum so ill post a new post with
the new script, and give a link from here.
The new post: … 34#p427434
I'm very interested! I would love to find out more.
script install
luckystar09 - I'd say you're on your own there. This thread is nearly a year old, and Black Mage hasn't posted here since. Read the script, and modify it yourself as required.
Forum rule - do not post in threads that have been inactive for six months of more. See here for full details.
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