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Tweaked it a bit.
Out of curiosity, has anyone been able to make fadeInactive and xmobar to play nicely with each other? I'm having trouble getting them both to use the logHook...
Last edited by Taters (2009-08-21 03:42:42)
Offline … hotacr.png
Last edited by edma2 (2009-08-21 07:59:43)
Offline … 9small.png
Wallpaper is plain black, for two reasons actually.
1) I have a tiling wm, so as soon an app is running it covers the whole screen.
2) I frequiently change between running only 1280x800, 1280x1024 and 2560x1024 and finding a wallpaper that I want that looks good on all these is somewhat difficult (and I like to create them myself too).
What vim scheme do you use?
flamelab wrote:esters wrote:@ flamelab
What font are you using in the menu bar ? : >
Can I have your wallpaper flamelab, thanks a lot
I just tested gnome-shell yesterday and indeed it wasnt that great as i thought, it was freaking slow for some reason maybe because of my Intel graphic chipset, so i went back to my Xmonad
Here you are
Nothing great, but works for me !
Wallpaper : Wallpaper by Ghost1227
ConkyRC, can be found in the Forums for conkeyrc..i just cannot remember which posting and rc i used for my Desktop.
Will try soon something lighter then Gnome. (any sugesstions, please IM me )
Last edited by kaliber (2009-08-21 13:47:24)
I've added some modifications. Now it saves the image (by default in ~/.covers) so you don't need to download it again later.
#!/usr/bin/python import os import shutil import commands import urllib def copycover(currentalbum, src, dest, defaultfile): searchstring = currentalbum.replace(" ", "+") if not os.path.exists(src): url = "" + searchstring + "&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music" cover = urllib.urlopen(url).read() image = "" for line in cover.split("\n"): if "" in line: image = line.partition('src="')[2].partition('"')[0] break if image: urllib.urlretrieve(image, src) if os.path.exists(src): shutil.copy(src, dest) elif os.path.exists(defaultfile): shutil.copy(defaultfile, dest) else: print "Image not found!" # Path where the images are saved imgpath = os.getenv("HOME") + "/.covers/" # image displayed when no image found noimg = imgpath + "nocover.png" # Cover displayed by conky cover = "/tmp/cover" # Name of current album album = commands.getoutput("mpc --format %artist%+%album% | head -n 1") # If tags are empty, use noimg. if album == "": if os.path.exists(conkycover): os.remove(conkycover) if os.path.exists(noimg): shutil.copy(noimg, conkycover) else: print "Image not found!" else: filename = imgpath + album + ".jpg" if os.path.exists("/tmp/nowplaying") and os.path.exists("/tmp/cover"): nowplaying = open("/tmp/nowplaying").read() if nowplaying == album: pass else: copycover(album, filename, cover, noimg) open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album) else: copycover(album, filename, cover, noimg) open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album)
Conky can display images now?! Wow! (I must be flagged out of date )
And here comes my bash version, if you don't mind.
#make sure hold_dir and non_cvr exists.
function update_cover ()
currentalbum="$1" ; src="$2" ; dest="$disp_cvr" ; fallback="$none_cvr"
if [ "$currentalbum" == "EMPTYTAGSARECOOL" ] ; then
ln -sf "$fallback" "$dest"
elif [ -f "$src" ] ; then
ln -sf "$src" "$dest"
searchstring="${currentalbum// /+}"
#only gets the 1st cover, modify if you can't get no satisfaction
cover_url=$( curl -s "$url" |
awk -F'src=' '/zoom-icon.jpg/{print $2}' | cut -d\" -f2 | head -1 )
if [ "$cover_url" != "" ] ; then
src_name=$(basename "$src") ; src_dir=$(dirname "$src")
cd "$src_dir" ; aria2c -q -o "$src_name" "$cover_url"
[ -f "$src" ] && ln -sf "$src" "$dest" || ln -sf "$fallback" "$dest"
touch "$play_log"
ln -s "$fallback" "$dest" 2>/dev/null
album=$( mpc --format %artist%+%album% | grep -v '^volume:' | head -1 )
last=$( cat "$play_log" )
if [ "$album" != "$last" ] ; then
if [ "$album" == "" ] ; then
update_cover "$album" "$filepath"
echo "$album" > "$play_log"
Edit: Made a mistake about aria2's -o option, works now.
Edit: Another cleaned up version, which grabs covers from
#make sure hold_dir and non_cvr exists.
function update_cover ()
current="$1" ; src="$2" ; dest="$disp_cvr" ; fallback="$none_cvr"
if [ "$current" == "" ] ; then
ln -sf "$fallback" "$dest"
elif [ -f "$src" ] ; then
ln -sf "$src" "$dest"
artist=`echo "$current"|cut -d+ -f1|sed 's/ /+/g'`
album=`echo "$current"|cut -d+ -f2|sed 's/ /+/g'`
cover_url=$( curl -s "$url" |
grep 'LFM.set("ParentResource"' | tr '"' '\n' | sed '/.*.jpg/!d;s/\\//g' | tail -1 )
if [ "$cover_url" != "" ] ; then
src_name=$(basename "$src") ; src_dir=$(dirname "$src")
cd "$src_dir" ; aria2c -q -o "$src_name" "$cover_url"
[ -f "$src" ] && ln -sf "$src" "$dest" || ln -sf "$fallback" "$dest"
touch "$play_log"
current=$( mpc --format %artist%+%album% | grep -v '^volume:' | head -1 )
last=$( cat "$play_log" )
if [ "$current" != "$last" ] ; then
update_cover "$current" "$filepath"
echo "$current" > "$play_log"
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-08-27 04:27:22)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
so I went back to dwm. I kept hitting my dwm shortcuts in KDE and realized I should never have left.
ncurses apps and keyboard control just work so much nicer with dwm on my laptop
br0tat0chip in #archlinux and on freenode
karabaja4 wrote:It's the -m flag in xcompmgr-dana:
-m opacity Specifies the opacity for menus. (default 1.0)
It only works if you have fades enabled, so set fade steps to 1 (if you don't want fades):
xcompmgr -I1 -O1 -Ff -m.75 &
Aha, so that was the magic, thanks ! Looks like it's not in the manpage, but it shows the option when doing a -h.
Thanks! I have been wrapped up in a home improvement project (yay tile floor is done!)
Yes, xcompmgr-dana has a -m#.## option to make the menus transparent. (first # can only be a 1 or nonexistent)
Just make sure you do not set the -c flag, it will cause a bunch of havoc because it is default. It seems to set twice somehow...
I use -m.86 myself. The -m.85 was a little hard to see with my theme and background, and anything higher might as well have been not transparent IMO.
By the way, I got the help from a google search that turned up a Gentoo forum post. I am glad it helped someone else.
My apologies for not getting the proper flag use up with the post. I tried to make it as simple of a how-to in the original post as possible, and simply forgot that step.
I keep getting distracted from my webserver project...
huh? oooh... shiny!
A bit late but oh well. I'm lazy.
GTK: Mire v2 Gray by lyare.
OB: axonkolorish by me.
Wall: From Jthree Wallpack 2009 by j3concepts.
@Taters: Nice taste in music and wallpapers. ^_^
Edit: url not ur; >_>
Last edited by anubis2591 (2009-08-22 18:38:24)
A bit late but oh well. I'm lazy.
GTK: Mire v2 Gray by lyare.
OB: axonkolorish by me.
Wall: From Jthree Wallpack 2009 by j3concepts.@Taters: Nice taste in music and wallpapers. ^_^
Edit: url not ur; >_>
What icons are those? Also, that's a nice looking obtheme you've made there!
Is that clock done with conky? Please share it!
phisphere wrote:Is that clock done with conky? Please share it!
yes it is. i got it from here: … -in-conky/
anubis2591 wrote:A bit late but oh well. I'm lazy.
GTK: Mire v2 Gray by lyare.
OB: axonkolorish by me.
Wall: From Jthree Wallpack 2009 by j3concepts.@Taters: Nice taste in music and wallpapers. ^_^
Edit: url not ur; >_>
What icons are those? Also, that's a nice looking obtheme you've made there!
Icons are ALLGREY. And thanks, credit does go to the original axonkolor XP visual style though. I just made a close port.
mind sharing your wallper?
phisphere wrote:mind sharing your wallper?
sure, here you are: … n_1440.jpg
Woohoo I never thought I would ever use leave my lovely tiling WMs, but tried KDE 4.3 and so far I like it. So here you go with my new screenshot.
The wallpaper is artwork by David Lanham
xmonad @ Arch + zsh
dwm @ freeBSD +zsh
Registered linux user #495331