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Pages: 1
TUR: Trusted User Repository
AUR: ?????
Diferences, objective.....
The poem is the ash of Fênix that the soul of somebody transforms into dream and transforms into body and later into light.
i always thought:
AUR == Access Usage Record
might that be what you're looking for?
AUR: Arch User Repository (i think...)
Right now TURs are made so only certain people can put their packages up. Under AUR, anyone can submit a new package. It then goes through some approval process and is put into the AUR... I'd assume after some time the package could be moved to staging->testing->extra...
AUR is not yet implemented, but is being worked on.
The AUR will replace the TUR. It provides an easy way for the TUs to manage packages, and the ability for users to submit PKGBUILDS to them. It also allows users to vote on packages, track bugs, etc.
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
Pages: 1