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Whordijk: If you've got some time on your hands, sure. It's loads of fun if you don't know haskell - you know it is the "feeling your way around a pitch black room with a long narrow stick breaking stuff along the way until you suddenly hit the light switch" sorta feeling.
That's my story with XMonad.
Whordijk: You should give it a try, I simply love it, it's the perfect WM for me! That said I don't have much experience with dwm so I cannot really compare the two. If you have time to spare, go for it!
Last edited by myrkiada (2009-08-25 20:49:21)
My Configs @ Github
Ashren and myrkiada:
Thanks for your replies: I think I might be taking a shot at Xmonad this weekend, just before my new semester starts
Ashren and myrkiada:
Thanks for your replies: I think I might be taking a shot at Xmonad this weekend, just before my new semester starts
Good luck. I just switched a few days ago, mainly for ResizableTall and so i wouldn't have to keep updating all my dwm patches. I'd also been drooling over contrib for a few months. I'm liking it alot so far.
whordijk wrote:Ashren and myrkiada:
Thanks for your replies: I think I might be taking a shot at Xmonad this weekend, just before my new semester starts
Good luck. I just switched a few days ago, mainly for ResizableTall and so i wouldn't have to keep updating all my dwm patches. I'd also been drooling over contrib for a few months. I'm liking it alot so far.
Is there any wmii style tiling layout yet?
I still kinda miss wmii, I hear from wiki the latest code from the repo has xinerama support. I may have to check this out. I've been using xmonad since i got dual screens.
Offline to my anime walls :3
Link to Wallpaper, and more good anime-walls, please?
I'm still lagging far behind the average knowledge in customisation here, but i'll get there
xfce 4.6 + murrine theme
dr0p wrote: to my anime walls :3
Link to Wallpaper, and more good anime-walls, please?
Arch i686 User
xmonad :: xmobar :: urxvt :: vim
ARCH64 | XMonad | Configs | myAURpkgs | ArchWiki Contribs | Screenies
Not much has changed: I've changed my wallpaper and adapted my conky configuration. Still with dwm, although I must say I am getting a bit curious because of all the people who are so positive about Xmonad Should I give it a try...?
Could I see your .Xdefaults terminal color scheme?
@firecat53: Could you post your todo, and conky-calender scripts?
Last edited by semperfiguy (2009-08-26 16:21:29)
whordijk wrote:Not much has changed: I've changed my wallpaper and adapted my conky configuration. Still with dwm, although I must say I am getting a bit curious because of all the people who are so positive about Xmonad Should I give it a try...? I see your .Xdefaults terminal color scheme?
Sure thing!
*background: #3f3f3f
*foreground: #dcdccc
! black + red
!urxvt*color0: #3f3f3f
*color0: #1E2320
*color1: #705050
! green + yellow
*color2: #60b48a
*color3: #dfaf8f
! blue + purple
*color4: #506070
*color5: #dc8cc3
! cyan + white
*color6: #8cd0d3
*color7: #dcdccc
! bright-black + bright-red
*color8: #709080
*color9: #dca3a3
! bright-green + bright-yellow
*color10: #c3bf9f
*color11: #f0dfaf
! bright-blue + bright-purple
*color12: #94bff3
*color13: #ec93d3
! bright-cyan + bright-white
*color14: #93e0e3
*color15: #ffffff
droog wrote:whordijk wrote:Ashren and myrkiada:
Thanks for your replies: I think I might be taking a shot at Xmonad this weekend, just before my new semester starts
Good luck. I just switched a few days ago, mainly for ResizableTall and so i wouldn't have to keep updating all my dwm patches. I'd also been drooling over contrib for a few months. I'm liking it alot so far.
Is there any wmii style tiling layout yet?
I still kinda miss wmii, I hear from wiki the latest code from the repo has xinerama support. I may have to check this out. I've been using xmonad since i got dual screens.
Thats true and it even works pretty good
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
As I did this setup on a very old laptop, this is a very minimal configuration to gain maximum speed
Usually I prefer Firefox over Opera, but at least opera-snapshot from archlinuxfr repo is a whole lot faster than Firefox.
Panel: lxpanel
WM: Openbox
The graph near the clock displays the CPU load.
EDIT: YES! posted on 13:37 servertime
Last edited by thoughtcrime (2009-08-26 17:42:02)
- blog (about arch and other stuff):
- x86_64 user
@firecat53: Could you post your todo, and conky-calender scripts?
The todolist is based on, which I manage on my server (so I can run a little aimbot to send/receive todo's from my non-smartphone), and copy over to my laptop periodically with cron ( and run through a wrapper script ( to put the output in the format I prefer.
The Google calendar listing is based, which I found online (I believe througth the ubuntu forums). I run via cron, which stores the most recent calendar in a file, then displayed with conky. I use a basic cache, so it will only copy the calendar if it can successfully pull it in (i.e., i'm connected to the internet)...otherwise it saves the old one to use.
It's all a bit convoluted, but it works for me
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
much patience can be found in #xmonad. much patience.
main screen; standard Tall layout with golden ratio sized master:
im layout, can cycle through all my standard layouts in the other 9/10th of that workspace; current background showing in mirage:
nifty circle layout, magicFocus keeps the focused window front and center, additional windows are placed circularly around the outside:
Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-08-27 02:26:42)
Daisuke_Aramaki: Nice as always.
brisbin33: What's the "golden ratio"?
brisbin33: What's the "golden ratio"?
the wikidetails. think big part, small part. the ratio of the whole to the big part = the ratio of the big part to the small part. its an irrational number thought to be an aesthetically pleasing ratio. lots of examples in nature, anatomy, architecture, etc.
in xmonad you can define what percentage the master pane should take up, and i found some xmonad.hs online that had this:
ratio = toRational (2/(1 + sqrt 5 :: Double)) -- golden ratio
which (thanks to haskell) is about as close an approximation to an irrational number you'll ever get to use in a config file
Thanks mate.
sehr schön!
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange