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I can just start twm. Gnome, xfce, openbox all failed. The error information:
Gnome -
#: gnome-session
#: **(gnome-session:1594):WARNING**: Cannot open display
openbox -
#: openbox-session
cannot find hsetroot or esetroot
#xsetroot: unable to open display ' 'Who can help me?
Does it work if you use another xorg driver (like vesa or uvesafb) ?
I would like to be sure it is linked to the psb packages.
I am currently running kde4 successfully.
I tested over again.
XFCE works well with vesa and psb. Gnome, kde and openbox do not work neither with psb nor vesa (I don't know uvesafb, and I never find it...-_-!). The reason seems to be that $DISPLAY is not set. But I don't know how I can fix it.
What's more, "modprobe psb" cannot load all the needed modules automatically. I have to write a script to modprobe i2c-core, i2c-algo-bit and agpgart, and insmod /lib/moudules/.../drm.ko and psb.ko.
At least XFCE works well now, finally! Thanks!
I tested over again.
XFCE works well with vesa and psb. Gnome, kde and openbox do not work neither with psb nor vesa (I don't know uvesafb, and I never find it...-_-!). The reason seems to be that $DISPLAY is not set. But I don't know how I can fix it.
What's more, "modprobe psb" cannot load all the needed modules automatically. I have to write a script to modprobe i2c-core, i2c-algo-bit and agpgart, and insmod /lib/moudules/.../drm.ko and psb.ko.
At least XFCE works well now, finally! Thanks!
If gnome, kde, openbox does not work with the vesa driver, I doubt the psb driver is faulty. You may try setting your DISPLAY with "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" before starting X... but it shouldn't be needed.
For the module loading it's strange on my laptop it works at boot... without anything else but "psb" in rc.conf...
Do you see any file related to the poulsbo in /etc/modprobe.d/ ?
Can you give me the output of `uname -a` ?
I'm sorry I made a stupid mistake. Because of so many annoying problems, I reinstalled the system. I only installed the basic system, xorg and openbox. But "openbox-session" still does not work with vesa. However, when I add "exec openbox-session" into ~/.xinitrc, everything goes well.
uname -a
Linux Arch 2.6.30-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Aug... i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU Z520 @ 1.33GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
My computer is acer 751h.
Last edited by seeking (2009-08-27 13:16:26)
And there is a more serious problem. It costs CPU almost up to 100% to just drag windows!
Thanks for digging into this huge Poulsbo-pile of sh** for us.
I removed libdrm, then installed the xorg-driver via pacman.
I have one problem though: I can load both modules (after modprobing the dependencies, modprobe psb doesn't work for some reason), however, when i eventually load the psb.ko my display switches to full brightness, then blanks, then shows some garbled fonts. Everything works (i can still operate the console) but i just see some gibberish on the screen. I'm using a fully upgraded Archlinux with 2.6.30-ARCH on a EEEPC 1101HA.
Any ideas?
I agree the driver is still far from perfect.
I am still working on the libdrm-psb package...
I will be on hollydays until next tuesday, so do not expect any feedback from me soon.
If you solve issues in the mean time I would be glad to hear it
lavataucher: I experienced the same issue when I loaded the psb module while running in vesa. Try disabling vesa (start in text mode) then load the psb module.
Last edited by ixar (2009-08-27 20:51:35)
lavataucher: I experienced the same issue when I loaded the psb module while running in vesa. Try disabling vesa (start in text mode) then load the psb module.
You are my hero
psb is working now. Native resolution console + working xorg. Yay! Now i have to figure out how to control the display brightness, the psb module switches to full brightness and i can't control this with the fn-keys.
Hailstorm wrote:nevermind, i loaded all the dep modules manually and it is working now
Using modprobe should load the dependencies automatically.
At least it works on my netbook.Please tell me if it doesn't on your side.
modprobe psb returns an error saying it cannot find such module
the only way i could find to fix it is loading the modules manually (and make this happen automatically at every boot by adding the commands to rc.local)
modprobe agpgart
modprobe i2c-core
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/drm.ko
modprobe i2c-algo-bit
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/psb.ko
modprobe psb returns an error saying it cannot find such module
the only way i could find to fix it is loading the modules manually (and make this happen automatically at every boot by adding the commands to rc.local)
Same for me, except that i added the depending modules in rc.conf. This somehow broke my fanspeed-daemon though, hopefully i'll find out why
nevermind, i loaded all the dep modules manually and it is working now
I always get:
# insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/psb.ko
insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/psb.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
# modprobe psb
FATAL: Error inserting psb (/lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/psb.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
when dmesg | tail -60 , I get 60 lines with the following message:
psb: Unknown symbol drm_*
but drm is well loaded, at least there are no errors when modprobe drm and
# lsmod | grep drm
drm 154753 0
agpgart 32756 1 drm
i2c_core 22776 1 drm, i2c_algo_bit, i2c_isch
when insmod /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/drm.ko
insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra/drm.ko': -1 File exists
there also no errors when executing:
# modprobe agpgart
# modprobe i2c-core
# modprobe i2c-algo-bit
I cannot figure out what's happening... :(
I think I might have an idea about what your problem is. If before you were using the VESA drivers then there is another version of the drm module for that. So what I think is happening is that the incorrect drm module is being loaded and that drm module is missing some symbols needed by the Poulsbo (psb) driver.
What I would do is the following (or at least this is what worked for me):
1. rmmod drm
2. cd /lib/modules/2.6.30-ARCH/extra
3. insmod drm.ko psb.ko
You can combine steps 2 and 3 if you like.
It seems that the PKGBUILD isn't quite setting up the modules correctly. First, it seems that the modules should be in the kernel subtree of /lib/modules so that you can load them without specifying the complete path. Second, the existing drm module should be replaced with the Poulsbo module.
Good luck.
jbromley is right, do not use modprobe for the 2 modules as it loads the wrong deps
as it turns out, there is a bigger problem tho: the performance of the vga is really poor, even with psb up and running
the 2d acceleration is barely enough to watch a youtube video
is it similar for all of you? or is it only me experiencing this performance?
I think I might have an idea about what your problem is. If before you were using the VESA drivers then there is another version of the drm module for that. So what I think is happening is that the incorrect drm module is being loaded and that drm module is missing some symbols needed by the Poulsbo (psb) driver.
It worked (more or less)...
Now the modules are well loaded
No problem when loading drm.ko, and no problem when loading psb.ko, but as the same instant the psb.ko is loaded, the screen blanks (but it is still working).
The only thing I see are some small stripes like a video card error. This stripes are in fact the framebuffer, very very small, repeated several times all over the screen. Its like each character were formed by only two pixels.
The height of this frame buffer is the same (in proportion) as the default one, the width is all the screen, but repeated all over.
Also I've tried /startx/
Changing the driver to /psb/ in /xorg.conf/, X won't work. After rebooting and reading the X log file, I get only one error:
Fatal server error:
xf86MapVidMem: Could not mmap framebuffer (0x7f6a3010, 0x80000000) (Operation not permitted)
- thanks... again.
Well, that sounds a little better. I have seen the screen you are seeing before, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Do you have a vga= or any uvesafb parameters on your kernel boot line? If you do, you might try removing those so your system boots up in normal console mode. Perhaps there is some conflict between different video drivers? Oh yeah, have you rebooted and tried this?
Good luck.
Well, that sounds a little better. I have seen the screen you are seeing before, but I'm not quite sure how to fix it. Do you have a vga= or any uvesafb parameters on your kernel boot line? If you do, you might try removing those so your system boots up in normal console mode. Perhaps there is some conflict between different video drivers?
I did,... how fool of me!
I've removed the vga tag on the kernel line in the grub, and everything is just OK now.
There is a minor problem. I have to readjust the bright every time I enter in X.
Brightness can be controlled with this script (as root by now):
I put this script in /usr/local/bin
Thanks for your time
I am back from vacation.
I will have a look at the module conflicts to solve it.
The libdrm conflict should be solved soon.
Brightness can be controlled with this script (as root by now):
This script is a good idea, I will try to package a rc script to do it as well.
Ideally I will add mappings for the function buttons on my Acer 751 to handle the brightness.
I'll get back to you as soon as I have updates
Hi, ixar. Thank you for a work.
I try to use your package, and don't get luck with Xorg.
When I do
insmod psb.ko
My screen blinking and it seems that I get native resolution for a console(I also have Acer 751h and 1366*768).
When I try to startx, my laptop freeze.
Also I find that BEFORE insmod I can type my local symbols(russian) in console.
After I see only square.
Before your package I use 915resolution and v86d for a native resolution.
What have I do to get psb module working with Xorg?
Last edited by NorthDragon (2009-09-01 14:29:30)
What have I do to get psb module working with Xorg?
Your problems comes from the fact that you must disable the vesa console framebuffer as it conflicts with the native driver.
So if you boot in text mode, and repeat the steps you already did, it should work
Good luck !
Yes I try it. Probably I did error while disabling framebuffer.
I just delete mkinicpio.conf hooks(915resolution and v86d) and edit my /etc/inittab to load in text mode.
After that I insert both modules and try to startx - It just freeze.
What else should I do?
Yes I try it. Probably I did error while disabling framebuffer.
I just delete mkinicpio.conf hooks(915resolution and v86d) and edit my /etc/inittab to load in text mode.
After that I insert both modules and try to startx - It just freeze.What else should I do?
Did you relaunch mkinitcpio to rebuild the images without the hooks ?
Did you relaunch mkinitcpio to rebuild the images without the hooks ?
Yes .
#vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
#mkinitcpio -p kernel26
ixar wrote:Did you relaunch mkinitcpio to rebuild the images without the hooks ?
Yes .
#vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
#mkinitcpio -p kernel26
So you confirm that your console is in text mode (ie no vesa).
Did you install all the packages ?
Did you insmod the modules ?
So you confirm that your console is in text mode (ie no vesa).
How can I check it?
Did you install all the packages ?
Did you insmod the modules ?
Some news
I have tried changing the libdrm-psb name to avoid the conflist with the standard libdrm. Unfortunately the binary driver provided by intel is linked against ... so it does not work. I guess some binary relinking might be possible, but I had no success in it (I do not even know if it is allowed by the binary license).
I have also encountered performance issues so I am a bit disappointed by this driver.
I'll keep the packages in case futur intel updates improves the performance and compatibility,
during that time I suggest you use uvesafb unless you want to experiment on this driver.