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Can anyone recommend me a good python IDE? I've only seen lists of them on the internet rather then something that can tell me which is better then the other.
Out of curiosity, why do you need/want an IDE?
IDLE is the only one I've heard of, but that's not really an IDE. (It comes with Python, I think.)
I would recommend Eric4 if you want "eclipse-like" IDE.
PyDev for eclipse if you've got too much RAM.
Other than that, I'm pretty happy with ipython and ipdb.
on there is the full list and some useful notes, and some reviews: … vironments
Some of them are a little bit outdated.
I personally use vim with some plugins (minibufexplorer, supertab, NERDTree, taglist etc.) see:
If you are familiar with eclipse pydev could be a good choice.
From time to time I try KomodoEdit. It was quite usable last time I checked. I think it's a bit lighter than eclipse+pydev and there are some useful plugins on the komodo website.
I think it really depends on what do you need an IDE for. Just for code complition is a bit unnecessary. Geany knows that. For help on functions/classes I use the documentation and the help() in python shell. It's more than enough.
I also heard pida is great too. But it uses vim/emacs, so for me it seemed unnecessary - gvim is enough for me.
I highly recommend Geany, its brilliant IDE for many languages.
There is a difference between bleeding [edge] and haemorrhaging. - Allan
I have used netbeans for almost every coding project i have done.
One can say i have been addicted to it
I use vim and sometimes gedit.
I looked at pida once and it was quite good. Now I just use Geany.
Not an IDE, but I highly recommend ipython as your interactive shell. It has excellent help and completion, and you can type "edit <file>" or "edit <function>" at the command line and it will start up e.g. vim then reload the file when you've finished editing. Makes for a very convenient working environment.
I switched over to Eclipse (with Pydev module) a few weeks ago - still getting used to it, but they do have some good on-site tutorials on how to get aquainted with it, and how to setup new development environments.
It has good project management tools, nice editing functions - code completion, highlighted & coloured syntax etc, a customisable interface, and can easily be expanded to use other languages - Java, C/C++, PHP, Ruby etc.
Yeah, i find it a bit on the "heavy" side after using Vim for so long, but i would highly recommend it.
I used to use Editra. It is actually written in Python itself and provides all the features I needed without having too many.
Now I use gvim. I decided to take the plunge one day and although it was hard not to switch back to Editra at first, I stuck to it and I love it now. It's so easy to navigate through files.
I used to use jEdit, back before I learned how to really use Vim. It's not strictly an IDE, but a very nice editor. Rumor has it there's a plugin that allows you to use it with Jython to run interactively. Of course you can always bind compilation commands to shortcuts, and it has a rich set of other plugins. If I didn't have Vim, I would probably be using it full-time.
Eric and geany if you are a gui junkie, vim and emacs if you want cli.
Btw, bpython is saner than ipython.
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
Btw, bpython is saner than ipython.
First I've heard of it. I'll check it out, thanks.
ipython is going through growing pains right now. current release is last stable release before some major rewriting starts being merged in.
Last edited by Profjim (2009-08-27 14:51:07)
+1 Geany.
Capable but not bloated.
Microsoft stole my computer, Linux gave it back.
I propose Geany as well.
I use both vim and komodo depending on how lazy I feel.
GIT d- s-:- a--- C++++ UL++++ P--- L+++ E--- W+++ N++ o K++ w-- O M V-- PS++ PE-- Y++ PGP++ t+ 5+ X R !tv b+ DI++ D++ G
YaPe? This is a good one. Lightweight and comes with a lot of features.
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz | 2x1GB 667MHz | 250+750GB Seageate SATAII | Samsung 19" TFT 1440x900
Openbox + obmenugen + PyTyle | bmpanel2 | oblogout | conky | pyBgSetter (with Esetroot as backend)
Projects: obmenugen, pyBgSetter
I use pydev under eclipse, it's pretty heavy but the debugging feature is awesome....
I use pydev under eclipse, it's pretty heavy but the debugging feature is awesome....
I use winpdb for that
bpython is saner than ipython
It's missing pretty much all the features that make ipython so great (there's more to it than just tab completion and syntax highlighting). As it says on the website "the ideas behind IPython are pretty different to bpython". Plus it uses curses.
I use winpdb for that
ipython/ipdb for me.
Komodo is probably the most comprehensive IDE for Python available but it's not free. The student license is a good value though and would recommend it to anyone. It comes with a fantastic debugger as well.
i like emacs and use it for pretty well everything.
in friendship,
Can anyone recommend me a good python IDE? I've only seen lists of them on the internet rather then something that can tell me which is better then the other.
Vim+FiSH. Hands down best evar for almost all dev work. Besides Java.