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I updated my xfce4 like instructed and I'm encouintering some problems :
When I log in I don't have a pannel. I can manualy run it and then it comes up mostly like what it was before on xfce4.0.6. that is odd considering the fact I renamed my old xfce4 folder so I don't know where he got the configuration.
Second, I can't load any of the settings models for XFCE. I tried running the settings from the menu. I also tried to manually run the "xfce-setting-show" from command line. it doesn't do anything, no error no nothing...
anyone has any advice?
thank you
I thought this problem was fixed in one of the "rc" releases, but apparently not. I just updated another box and have been having some similiar problems on that one. Just some notes:
1. If you're still running "Xfree86" instead of "Xorg", you're gonna have some problems with a missing "" file. I updated Xfree86 package to the latest, and it seemed to fix that.
2. Make sure you're updated on "freetype2" and "gtk2" at least.
3. At least with the current 4.2 package, I had to remove my "~/.xfce4" directory and start clean. Otherwise, I didn't get a menu at all and some of the "settings" options were missing.
I'll post back with other items when I get around to updating this other box.
* If you want to try and atleast get a clean XFCE4 environment, and troubleshoot from there, start from your terminal (not in X) and:
1. Back up your ~/.xfce4 directory.
2. Blow away these 3 directories:
3. Run "startxfce4".
Did all these...
still no panel and stuff... :-(
Ok, I found the problem
I had gtk-qt-engines installed.
I Pacman -R it and moved the configuration files. Now I was able to run xfce the proper way for a while...
then It froze while I was editing the menues... It also had strange "hiccups" while it was still working...
It's a bit strange, 4.0.6 was very stable stright out of install on my computer, I only moved to KDE because I was hungry for some "eye-candy"...
4.2 seems rather shacky at the moment...
I know this is an old thread- but removing the gtk-qt-engine package let me run the settings app. in xfce 4.2.2 just now, thanks!