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ah thx a lot. I didn't know it was app-specific until I tried on urxvt. For console just edit profile colors. Takes a fair deal of fiddling to get it right. The settings seem to reflect over to other terminals too.. strange.
is there an option that 'always compile from source' even updates?
if not, I request this feature.
Its the only thing left that will make yaourt perfect!
Pacman+Yaourt+Powerpill =
is there an option that 'always compile from source' even updates?
if not, I request this feature.
Its the only thing left that will make yaourt perfect!
Pacman+Yaourt+Powerpill =
I believe "yaourt -Sybu" should do that for you.
gav616 wrote:is there an option that 'always compile from source' even updates?
if not, I request this feature.
Its the only thing left that will make yaourt perfect!
Pacman+Yaourt+Powerpill =
I believe "yaourt -Sybu" should do that for you.
but I think a global option in 'yaourtrc' such as; 'Always compile from source, including dependencies if not installed: True'
...would be better, it would work also when searching i.e.
[gav@gavhost ~]$ yaourt wine
1 extra/wine 1.1.19-1 [installed]
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs
2 community/ies4linux
is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on wine
3 community/wine_gecko 0.9.1-1
Wine's built-in replacement for Microsoft's Internet Explorer
4 community/winefish 1.3.3-5
LaTeX editor based on Bluefish with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
5 community/winetricks 20090227-1
entering '1' would fetch the source also.
Last edited by gav616 (2009-04-14 22:44:04)
but I think a global option in 'yaourtrc' such as; 'Always compile from source, including dependencies if not installed: True'
agreed. Anyone know a way to make yaourt build dependencies as well? If that is at all possible of course
TBH i think yaourt could easily add a feature like 'pacbuidler' into it, such as;
me request above (to build everything yaourt gets if needed)
something like list all files installed commands but then adding 'b' would build them too..
y -S athena-jot
==> Resuming previous build
==> Downloading athena-jot PKGBUILD from AUR...
Comment by: douglaswth on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:47:16 +0000
Athena jot - or simply jot - prints out increasing, decreasing, random, or
redundant data, usually numbers, one per line.
First Submitted: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:47:16 +0000
athena-jot 9.0-1 : print sequential or random data
( Unsupported package: Potentally dangerous ! )
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A
" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------
Please add EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:(replace gvim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit ./PKGBUILD with:vi
==> athena-jot dependencies:
- glibc (already installed)
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A
" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> athena-jot dependencies:
- glibc (already installed)
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A
" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> athena-jot dependencies:
- glibc (already installed)
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A
" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> athena-jot dependencies:
- glibc (already installed)
==> Edit the PKGBUILD (highly recommended for security reasons) ? [Y/n]("A
" to abort)
==> ----------------------------------------------
It goes on with that until i ansver no, or does a big change (rendering the PKGBUILD unusable)
Happends with everything from AUR
Small bug to report that has been annoying me for some time now:
# yaourt -S py++
does not yield any packages, yet it is available on AUR. I suspect a simple bug in the argument parser which gets confused about '+'s in the name and does simply not parse them. If you issue a
# yaourt -Ss py++
you will see that you get a list of all packages containing 'py' in the beginning.
py++ is the only package so far that has shown this behavior, and at the same time it is also the only package that I have seen so far that uses a '+' in the name. This also makes searching for 'c++' impossible.
Please fix
Small bug to report that has been annoying me for some time now:
# yaourt -S py++
does not yield any packages, yet it is available on AUR. I suspect a simple bug in the argument parser which gets confused about '+'s in the name and does simply not parse them. If you issue a
# yaourt -Ss py++
you will see that you get a list of all packages containing 'py' in the is the only package so far that has shown this behavior, and at the same time it is also the only package that I have seen so far that uses a '+' in the name. This also makes searching for 'c++' impossible.
Please fix
agreed, another example is searching for the pattern: 'c++'
pacman -Ss "c\+\+"
it's ok,
yaourt -Ss "c\+\+"
prints more than those packages containing c++
Another feature I would like in yaourt is a option of sorting by the votes.
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
xgalaga++ ... to add another one.
Just thought I'd share a brainwave...
Aur packages now takes the largest share of the whole update process due to the build speeds.
Wouldn't it be great if they could all download and build at the same time? It's already possible if you run yaourt simultaneously in different terminals.
yaourt -S nvidia-beta
yaourt -S .....
Only pacman can't be called more than once. Theoratically, the whole aur update process shouldn't much longer than building the biggest package on its own.
I think this will greatly speed up yaourt even more.
Last edited by onguarde (2009-05-12 06:11:19)
I'm having some trouble understanding the user interface in yaourt -C. The only documentation I found is a french one on your wiki site. Even that, when translated by google doesn't reveal much.
The first dialog involves some .pacsave files that are deemed "obsolete". Does that refer the packages are uninstalled?
.pacsave files
Maybe you have changed these files, but they have been
replaced during packages update:
1. The 05/09/2009 at 20:52:10: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26.preset[.pacsave] **same files**
2. The 04/09/2009 at 09:46:03: /boot/grub/menu.lst[.pacsave]
I presume the "replaced during packages update" means nothing more than per the .pacsave definition in the wiki?
What's the difference between those with **same files** and those without?
Afaik, .pacsave files are created whenever you remove a package regardless of whether you changed the original. If later on you reinstall it, a new config is created which might be the same as .pacsave, especially if you hadn't changed the original.
On a related note, will pacman use the config saved as .pacsave during package removal when the same package is reinstalled?
I suppose not if the answer above is correct.
So essentially, I can delete all these "same files" .pacsave. In fact, I wonder why pacman even saved it in the first place.
.pacnew files
New version of these files are available
These .pacnew files may contain enhancements
1. The 05/11/2009 at 06:24:25: /etc/sane.d/hp3900.conf[.pacnew]
2. The 05/11/2009 at 06:24:25: /etc/sane.d/epjitsu.conf[.pacnew]
3. The 05/10/2009 at 11:45:30: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist[.pacnew] **automerge is possible**
Is it safe to automerge?
Is there any reason why I got a lot of sane config .pacnew files? I don't remember changing any of those.
When I choose automerge, at times, I get the following error. What should I do next?
==> Do you really want to apply the above patch ? [Y/n]
==> ----------------------------------------------
==> WARNING: This patch can not be applied automatically
==> Saving patch in /tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/mirrorlist.diff
Press a key to continue
Hmmm.. not sure if it's doing this right. Isn't it suppose to mv *.pacnew file to *?
R: replace actual file by .pacnew
A: Automatically merge with .pacnew (use a diff between pacman-mirrorlist-20090509-1 and pacman-mirrorlist-20090405-1)
==> Press ENTER to return to menu
==> ----------------------------------------------
==>R==> /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file has been replaced
rm: remove regular file `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew'? y
Also, the process gets stuck here when run as normal user possibly due to permission issues. The weird thing is that even as root, the same things happens!
Diff Program
It is not possible to diff by kompare, both in root or user. I managed to run it once or twice. Then, out of the blue it stopped working and dumped me back to the menu.
Entering kdesu kompare under "Enter a command to use" also dumps me back to the previous screen. Is there a format for the syntax? Maybe use meld instead?
6: Enter a command to edit
S: suppress .pacsave file
R: replace actual file by .pacsave
==> Press ENTER to return to menu
==> ----------------------------------------------
==>6==> Enter the name of the program to use
(without /etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26.preset /etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26.preset.pacsave)
==> ----------------------------------------------
==>kdesu kompare
Sorry if this seems a bit much but it's really confusing at times.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by onguarde (2009-05-12 16:30:17)
Can't get it: if Shaman (a Qt frontend to Pacman, ABS, AUR) made it to Community, why Yaourt is still in Unsupported?
yes agreed why is yaourt in community..iam pretty sure it has enough votes
Acer Aspire V5-573P Antergos KDE
Can't get it: if Shaman (a Qt frontend to Pacman, ABS, AUR) made it to Community, why Yaourt is still in Unsupported?
Yaourt won't hit community - It allows to install AUR pkgs without almost any control from user and this may be unsafe. … candidates
Proud ex-maintainer of firefox-pgo
I noticed another small flaw concerning "ExportToLocalRepository" while rebuilding the catalyst packages (which you need to do after every new xorg-server pkg upgrade):
'yaourt -S catalyst-utils' -> package gets built, exported to the directory (deleting the old version beforehand) and installed
'yaourt -S catalyst' -> as above, but instead of the two catalyst*.pkg.tar.gz files, there's only catalyst-$pkgver.pkg.tar.gz -- somehow yaourt deleted the -utils package.
There's a quite serious security flaw with edit_file(): If the user types, for mistake, nothing at the following lines, yaourt try to execute ./PKGBUILD
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:(replace gvim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit ./PKGBUILD with:
/usr/bin/yaourt: line 67: ./PKGBUILD: Permissão negada
I created a patch to fix that. edit_file() should be edited to read:
local file=$1
while [ -z "$EDITOR" ] || ! which $EDITOR &> /dev/null; do
echo -e ${COL_RED}$(eval_gettext 'Please add EDITOR to your environment variables')
echo -e ${NO_COLOR}$(eval_gettext 'for example:')
echo -ne ${COL_ARROW}"==> "${NO_COLOR} $(eval_gettext 'Edit PKGBUILD with: ')
echo $(eval_gettext '(replace gvim with your favorite editor)')
echo -ne ${COL_ARROW}"==> "${NO_COLOR}$(eval_gettext 'Edit $file with: ')
read -e EDITOR
if ! which $EDITOR &> /dev/null; then
echo -e ${COL_RED}$(eval_gettext 'ERROR: File $EDITOR does not exist!')
echo $(eval_gettext 'Make sure the file exists in your PATH environment variable, or type the full path to it')
if [ "$EDITOR" = "gvim" ]; then edit_prog="gvim --nofork"; else edit_prog="$EDITOR";fi
( $edit_prog "$file" )
Now the output is, for example:
Please add EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:(replace gvim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit ./PKGBUILD with:
ERROR: File does not exist!
Make sure the file exists in your PATH environment variable, or type the full path to it
Please add EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:(replace gvim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit ./PKGBUILD with:file-that-doesnt-exist
ERROR: File file-that-doesnt-exist does not exist!
Make sure the file exists in your PATH environment variable, or type the full path to it
Please add EDITOR to your environment variables
for example:
==> Edit PKGBUILD with:(replace gvim with your favorite editor)
==> Edit ./PKGBUILD with:
How to disable [testing] repo in yaourt, while buiding from source with customizepkg? For example, when i type yaourt -S xorg-server with customized /etc/customizepkg.d/xorg-server, it fetches PKGBUILD for testing version 1.6.2, not for 1.6.1 from [extra].
Last edited by lism (2009-07-20 19:24:19)
Afaik, u just have to comment out the appropriate [testing] servers in pacman.conf. Yaourt will parse the file for settings too since its just a wrapper around pacman.
Afaik, u just have to comment out the appropriate [testing] servers in pacman.conf. Yaourt will parse the file for settings too since its just a wrapper around pacman.
No, this if for binaries only. I'm talking about PKGBUILDs. In any case, i have [testing] commented out in my pacman.conf, and it doesn't work for yaourt and building from source. Also, i have testing disabled in abs.conf, and abs responds to it correctly, while yaourt doesn't.
Last edited by lism (2009-07-21 07:10:00)
The problem is solved. It seems that abs is a bit late (probably few hours of difference), because and doesn't update PKGBUILDs at the same time.
But my question is still interesting: where yaourt keeps its repo settings? In yaourtrc? In /etc/abs.conf? But it does not use abs. In pacman.conf? But pacman handles only binary packages.
Last edited by lism (2009-07-21 09:39:01)
I encountered a performance problem with yaourt when attempting to upgrade a large number of packages.
Just now, I tried to run "yaourt -Syu". Among the upgrades was the upgrade from KDE 4.2.4 to 4.3.0, and the KDE 4.3.0 packages are now split into 1 package per program (rather than 1 package per Subversion module). This resulted in a total of 255 new or upgraded packages, and 9 packages to be removed. (The KDE meta-packages being installed were these: kde-meta-kde{base,games,graphics,multimedia,network,pim,plasma-addons,sdk}.)
When yaourt went to print the summary of new and upgraded packages and their version numbers, it took several seconds per package, and caused the CPU temperature to rise fast! When it reached 52°C, I killed yaourt, and did the upgrade with "pacman -Syu" instead.
I know how you can reinstall one package from source using yaourt, but how would I go about recompiling all core packages from source? I tried using pacbuilder but it seems to fail here and there.
There isn't 'yaourt -Sw' option (download only).
i have limited bandwidth in morning but unlimited in night.
i can put 'pacman -Sw --noconfirm pkg pkg' OR 'pacman -Syuw --noconfirm' in script and run it via cron at set time, then in morn do 'pacman -Su' so as to read all output; but not with 'yaourt'.
or can it be done in some other way?
Hello. I'm using the most recent yaourt from the git and the current pacman release from the arch repos. Yaourt ignores [testing] repo when -Sb.
[virus_found@arch ~]$ y -Sb testing/kernel26
==> Building kernel26 from sources
==> Retrieving PKGBUILD and local sources...
-> Downloading PKGBUILD in build dir
--2009-10-08 01:09:46--
Or is this intended? Then how do I build something from the testing repo? It's the topmost in my pacman.conf.
Last edited by virus_found (2009-10-07 21:36:17)