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#1 2009-09-24 00:34:27

Registered: 2006-05-30
Posts: 454

Upstart package in AUR

Hi all,
I've created a package for Upstart (the event based sysvinit replacement, known from Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian now) for ArchLinux. I've finally made it work almost out-of-the-box on ArchLinux, except one thing.

The package conflicts with the core sysvinit package, so you need to remove it first (be carefull it's DANGEROUS!). But on the other hand, I still need to keep /sbin/killall5, /bin/pidof and /sbin/sulogin from that package since Upstart doesn't provide them, and they are used in the Arch scripts and for the single user rescue mode.

On my test system I've copied them back manually, but how can I do put them in the package?

Here is the pkg:


#2 2009-09-25 01:00:19

From: Sacremende
Registered: 2008-12-14
Posts: 440

Re: Upstart package in AUR

damjan wrote:

On my test system I've copied them back manually, but how can I do put them in the package?

Add http://MIRROR/core/os/$CARCH/sysvinit-2.86-5-$CARCH.pkg.tar.gz to the source array.  Install those 3 binaries from their $srcdir locations to their corresponding $pkgdir locations.

Last edited by tdy (2009-09-25 01:03:57)


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