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I've installed Bittorrent but I don't know how to use it. When I used that under win I remember that I had to use abc but how to use it under linux?
Can you help me e.g. some short tutorial kind of how to set this than that
- you know what is needed you have experience and knowledge.
Thank you in advance.
BTW: In KDE desktop I'm not able to mount floppy - fstab seems to be O.K. because as root I can mount it easy (same thing with eject as user) I think it has something to do with user rights. I would apreciate very much if you could write down some help for this as well. Thank you
If you're for bittorent, try azureus - nice java client.
As for floppies, I won't help you, as I don't even have any floppy here to check :-)
If you're for bittorent, try azureus - nice java client.
As for floppies, I won't help you, as I don't even have any floppy here to check :-)
You can get bittornado from my repo below. Much better client, technically speaking. As for using it, there's tons of tutorials on the web - you get a .torrent file (save it to disk or open it from a browser) and you want to run it with the program "/usr/bin/".
# /usr/bin/ something_to_download.torrent
Much better client, technically speaking.
do you use any form of ip filter with bittornado? the major reason that keeps me with azureus is the safepeer plugin ..
ArchLinux (x86_64) w/ kdemod
Azureus is bad cause it's java which brings javavm overhead, but otherwise it's best client for *nix. BitTornado uses one windows per torrent and one port per transfer where azureus has one windows for everything and uses only one port for all transfers. Azureus saves peers lists so even if tracker goes down u can still download files. With Az u can also choose what files u want to download from batch and which u don't.
As for safepeer's possible to fetch list and just use iptables to block them. You can get all needed scripts at I still find azureus way to be better (speed wise).
Java isnt really that evil...
javavm overhead? oh please, the fact that it's written in java doesnt slow it down.
besides, in this day and age, im sure we are able to sacrifice 20mb on our / partition so we can use a wider range of apps..
we do it for python, perl, and we've got all our libs for our C programs, so if you look at it like that... its really not that big a deal
i'm not a java programmer, never programmed with it, but i do like the software that is made with it, such as jpodder and azureus. i personally prefer python ...
Thank you for your help but I'm pretty pissed on myself. Yesterday I've tried to install Pro Mepis over my win hdd - explenation - I'm using digital camera and camcorder and I wasn't able to make it work under Arch still wanted to get rid
of win. So as I've mentioned before I've installed mepis but it installs with grub about which I know practicaly nothing and now I'm not able to boot Arch which btw was installed during the August last year - without any need to reinstall it was running like a dream :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
What should I do now ???
Boot into MEPIS and just change /boot/grub/menu.lst to suit your needs. Read wiki for more info. If you need further assistance, post here or PM me, I don't know how familiar you are with Linux, nor your partition table.
I don't like Azureus: it's got a nice GUI and it's all point-and-click so very easy (even for noobs ) but the last version I played with crashed after a few hours. I'm running MLDonkey now (client for eDonkey, Gnutella (2), Fasttrack, BitTorrent, ...). It's a bit harder since it's only a "core", which means it sits in the background and manages the downloads. You interact with the core through numerous ways: the core comes with a HTTP-interface, so you can surf to localhost:4080 (by default) and manage your downloads there. If you're more into GUI's you can choose from a list of GUI's and control the core via that program. You can even install a console-GUI like giFTcurses and control MLDonkey from a terminal (eg. through SSH).
MLDonkey is very powerful, but it's a bit hard to start working with. Once you're used to it, it's very nice tho: I've got it running in the background and only once in a while I start the GUI to see how everything is coming along. After that, I just kill the GUI and let the core do what it does best.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
you can background bittorrent too with the standard command line clients..
thats funny that azureus crashed, its never crashed for me and i leave it running over night all the time
there is also "ctorrent" in arch' repos,
very nice cli program, just run "ctorrent -h" and you get the options,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Check out torrentflux - it's a web frontend both for the main bittorrent client and Bittornando - it's quite handy, esp if you want to download some legally backuped movies to your home computer, even if you're at work / school etc
You find it at
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
Java isnt really that evil...
javavm overhead? oh please, the fact that it's written in java doesnt slow it down.
On modern hardware it's not maybe noticable, if azureus with 3 torrents takes about 200M of Virtual memory, same ammount of torrents (exactly same torrents) working in C++ based client take about 40-60M so you do the math. Even azureus devel team says that azureus I/o code is a lot slower due to javavm that's why they implemented disk caching to reduce reads.
P.S. I think azureus and generally java is great, but mobility comes at price.
First of all thank you for this nice discussion As I mentioned I'm back as winfree and the only system that is running in my comp is Arch
So you are going to hear about me quite a lot cause I'll have to fix my digital camera as well as camcorder . Just the question off topic after instalation - and I've chosen udev - I went all over to fix the sound and what I dont understand the sound works for user and root as well but I'm not able to create alsactl . That was just some btw
Now back to topic as mentioned somewhere there I'm such a noob and what I need is nice graphical interface which is going to be easy to use.
ctorrent is pretty easy, it's just to run
€ ctorrent myfile.torrent , and it should begin to download,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Now back to topic as mentioned somewhere there I'm such a noob and what I need is nice graphical interface which is going to be easy to use.
if u want easy to use interface and all nice features...azureus is pretty much only choice for nix.
bittorrent / bittornado are pretty easy, considering if you set firefox (or any browser) to pass ".torrent" links to you click and a download box comes up....
no worry about managing other apps and things like that... click and download
Thanks to all of you. Now Im feeling totally mixed up
O.K seems that I will have to try all of these and decide which suits me the best.
"bittorrent / bittornado are pretty easy, considering if you set firefox (or any browser) to pass ".torrent" links to you click and a download box comes up....
no worry about managing other apps and things like that... click and download"
Is there some manual how to set firefox to pass .torrent" links to
"Check out torrentflux " . . . ; "Azureus" . . .
Where can I download Arch packages for these applications?
These are my last questions about torrent. Thank you
download azureus from and unpack it and run azureus...that's it. Also make sure u have java installed (I think pacman has it).
Is there some manual how to set firefox to pass .torrent" links to
find a ".torrent" link... if you like anime fansubs, check out
when you click the link, select "Open with..." and browse to the /usr/bin/ file. Then check the "always do this for this type of file" box
First of all I tried Azureus after installation and during first setup I wasn't able to setup NAT/Server port it said - Testing port 6881 NAT Error - so I'll have to find out how to setup NAT.
As for second post:
find a ".torrent" link... if you like anime fansubs, check out
when you click the link, select "Open with..." and browse to the /usr/bin/ file. Then check the "always do this for this type of file" box
I didn't try it yet cause I think it would have the same problem :cry:
I understand if you take me for total idiot but I have very little experience with linux so I have to learn everything it means I'm dependant on other's help.
Once more thank you
First of all I tried Azureus after installation and during first setup I wasn't able to setup NAT/Server port it said - Testing port 6881 NAT Error - so I'll have to find out how to setup NAT.
As for second post:
find a ".torrent" link... if you like anime fansubs, check out
when you click the link, select "Open with..." and browse to the /usr/bin/ file. Then check the "always do this for this type of file" boxI didn't try it yet cause I think it would have the same problem :cry:
I understand if you take me for total idiot but I have very little experience with linux so I have to learn everything it means I'm dependant on other's help.
Once more thank you
no problem man... MrGreen pointed out an error on my part - is not located under /usr/bin/ in the arch package but, for some reason, is in /opt/torrent or something like that.... just click around, you'll find it
If its bitching about NAT errors, it means that either you have a firewall or router, or something that is stopping incoming connections which are essentical for bittorrent.
Thank you Im working on it. Its router.
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