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I went through the tutorial on how to setup udev and everything, but I still have to run alsaconf everytime I boot up in order to get the sound to work. Modprobe.conf looks okay, so do you guys have any ideas about what i need to do so that my sound works without having to run alsaconf each time?
Also, I'm typically a GNOME user, but I've been trying KDE lately. It seems that KDE ties up the sound system so that only K apps work properly with sound. Apps like Xine and Rythmbox can't play sound at all.
I followed some of the Sound Troubleshooting in the UDev Wiki Document:
Told me to add these modules to rc.conf
snd-card-0 snd-pcm-oss
haven't had to run alsaconf since. Hope that helps.
John Gallias
Arch Linux v0.7 (Wombat), XFce 4.2, XOrg, Firefox
Maybe your sound is just muted? Do you use the alsamixer script?
Personally, I don't have any problems with sounds in KDE. You could tinker a bit with a sound system in the control center.
Run a root terminal and do a :
amixer set Master unmute
amixer set PCM unmute
alsamixer (set the volume you want)
alsactl store
echo "alsactl restore" >> /etc/rc.local
Pages: 1