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roofle wrote:I was up all night making a theme, borrowed a little here and a little there. But I'm really happy with it!
Looks nice
. Did you upload the theme somewhere ( and if not, could you do so?
I dunno if that is all that is needed. First time I tried making a theme. But hopefully all is included. As it says, there are some minor glitches with colors. Nothing serious tho.
Hi there
My last awesome (wm) settings :
wallpaper :
I used colors from to make a custom theme.
My EeePC 1000HD running Arch.
Pekwm, urxvt, Audacious, trayer, osdclock, etc.
Wallpaper from The Desktop Wallpaper Project @ Kitsune Noir: … r-project/
Now using i3 also at my desktop as primary window manager.
would you mind sharing your config?
B wrote:roofle wrote:I was up all night making a theme, borrowed a little here and a little there. But I'm really happy with it!
Looks nice
. Did you upload the theme somewhere ( and if not, could you do so?
I dunno if that is all that is needed. First time I tried making a theme. But hopefully all is included. As it says, there are some minor glitches with colors. Nothing serious tho.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Mountainjew wrote:What theme are you using? And what is that plasmoid in the bottom left corner (with album art)?
And are you happy with Daisy? I am not too pleased as for example Firefox is not behing properly with it - you open Firefox, but its not recognized as running, so there is no 'dot' beneath it, so if I press the button again, a new instance of Firefox is opened.
The plasma theme is called Oxywin, think it's new...And the now playing plasmoid is called Now Rocking.
Yeah i've noticed that too, though it doesn't bother me too much since i use mouse gestures in FF and Stasks to switch windows
Nothing special.
Im just moved to wmii from awesome/dwm.
And starting to use zenburn colors everywhere
Could you post your .Xdefaults?
Nice! LSDJ!
I'm trying to figure it out before my 32m cart arrives. I still can't seem to magic the wav channel though...
Also, nice colors
This wallpaper is so damn fine - it even works well with my setup. Thanks for sharing, guys.
Vince Masuka ftw!
"talk about bloodbath.. hehehehehehe"
Info in the screenshot, wallpaper can be found here.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
2rab can i haz your xdefaults colors?
rab wrote:@Reasons: Can i have your .Xdefault colors please?
*foreground: #DDEEDD
*background: #1C1C1C!black
*color0: #1C1C1C
*color8: #4d4d4d
*color1: #D81860
*color9: #F00060
*color2: #B7CE42
*color10: #BDE077
*color3: #FEA63C
*color11: #FFE863
*color4: #66AABB
*color12: #AACCBB
*color6: #5E7175
*color14: #A3BABF
*color7: #DDEEDD
*color15: #6C887A
*color5: #B7416E
*color13: #BB4466
rab wrote:Nice! LSDJ!
I'm trying to figure it out before my 32m cart arrives. I still can't seem to magic the wav channel though...
Also, nice colors
I might be able to help you out, catch me on the arch irc ( /nick gl0ria )
Last edited by rab (2009-10-06 01:44:35)
Atsutane wrote:Now using i3 also at my desktop as primary window manager.
would you mind sharing your config?
No you can find it at github, the i3 config at this machine is in the hell branch the files used untouched(/of which the modified ones derive) at both machines in the master branch.
nothing much
just Xmonad & dzen getting data from conky
How'd you get that neat terminal arrow thing?
vik_k wrote:nothing much
just Xmonad & dzen getting data from conkyHow'd you get that neat terminal arrow thing?
It's PS1 with box drawing characters
Last edited by vik_k (2009-10-07 02:36:40)
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
Looks good! Can you post your rc.lua and theme?
Can you please tell me what that terminal font is? It looks really nice.
Hmm..tint, dzen,..but what is that bar at the left and what icons does it use?
heazky wrote:Hmm..tint, dzen,..but what is that bar at the left and what icons does it use?
Looks like wbar
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
Barghest wrote:heazky wrote:Hmm..tint, dzen,..but what is that bar at the left and what icons does it use?
Looks like wbar
Yep, wbar it is