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I you enter in Matlab or Octave for example the three letters "plo" on the command prompt and like on the linux shell scroll via upkey through the history of Your commands it only gives You the commands starting with "plo" like "plot(x,y)", ...
Would be great to have that in the linux shell (bash, xterm, ..) as well - is there a terminal emulator doing that ??
Cheers Phil
Last edited by Gutti (2009-11-09 23:37:13)
or if you want to stick with bash put the following in your .inputrc
Excellent it works (even with the bash)!! - Thanks to both of You, that was a question
bugging me for some time.
Does zsh have other advantages over the bash ? (reasons to swap ?)
One more thought. - It makes really a difference when working on the command line - couldn't that
be activated by default (for the bash). Quite a few people are probably unaware of this possibility - or does
it cause trouble when writing scripts ?