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Hi there! I'm not new to Arch and i´ve visited forum several times for the last 2 years. However, last week i bought an Eee Pc 1101HA and i decided to try and install Arch there... I thought it would be a piece of cake until i started looking for GMA 500 linux drivers. I tried to install poulsbo driver that i found here in the forum but couldn't get it to work because when i tried modprobe psb... module doesn't exist. That's my major problem because i'd like something to give me a smooth 2d experience and if possible 3d acceleration. Can someone give me a hint on what to do or where to go? I'm kinda lost...
Thank u!:lol:
I gave up on arch on my 1101HA. Installed Fedora 11 instead, it runs with 3d effects and without issues. Some people seems to have the drivers working on arch, though, just not me.
Can you tell me wich driver are you using in fedora? I really would like this to work on Arch but if that's not possible i might give it a try...
Oh hey, sorry for first replying now, somehow I missed subscribing to this thread. The driver is actually in the RPM-fusion repo now, for Fedora. Here's a link with install instructions, though most are obsolete by now since all you need to do is enable RPM-fusion repo: … z-support/
DON't upgrade to xorg 7.5!
Have you guys tried one of these?:
$ yaourt -Ss poulsbo
aur/libdrm-poulsbo 2.3.0-2 (3)
DRM(Direct Rendering Manager) runtime library for Poulsbo
aur/psb-firmware 0.30-1 (2)
Binary firmware for the Poulsbo (psb) 3D X11 driver
aur/psb-kmod 4.41.1-1 (3)
Kernel module for Poulsbo(GMA500) graphics chipsets
aur/xorg-x11-drv-psb 0.31.0-1 (2)
Xorg driver for the Intel Poulsbo (aka GMA500) graphic chipset
aur/xpsb-glx 0.18-1 (1)
X11 drivers for Poulsbo (psb) 3D acceleration
Hi there,
Have also bought one of these nifty netbooks. It is quite nice, with one exception. Why there is no driver for this f**kin' grafic card??? :'(
I had read
Had anyone managed to get the xorg-x11-drv-psb running with actual packages?
Any help is appreciated.
So maybe we all can do something like this: … &px=NzY2MA
To bring this thread back from the dead: have any of you had any luck yet?
I ran with fbdev with ok results for some time, but now I got a 17" external monitor and fbdev turned out to be blurry on that. So I changed to vesa which does video horribly. Does it work with ubuntu?
Linux user #403491
"Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect." - E. A. Poe from Eleonora
Probaby better to follow this thread rather than raising this one from the dead.
---for there is nothing either good or bad, but only thinking makes it so....
Hamlet, W Shakespeare
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