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#1 2009-10-07 10:18:43

Registered: 2008-10-24
Posts: 559

What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

The base-devel group is assumed already installed when building from ABS or AUR . Members of the group should not be included in makedepends , right ?

I don't maintain a lot of AUR packages but I had users commenting more than once reporting missing makedepends . So , I looked around today and didn't see this requirement obviously stated anywhere relevant . In fact , I wouldn't have known this If I wasn't subscribed to the Arch mailing lists where this requirement was mentioned .

Suggestions :
1) Edit relevant wiki pages to mention this requirement (base-devel is only mentioned as a convenient way to install different building tools) .
2) Add base-devel to abs optdeps .
3) Maybe add this info to the AUR homepage (not going to happen , I know) .
4) More consistency in the official PKGBUILDS (e.g 703 PKGBUILDS in my abs tree include pkgconfig in makedepends) .

English is not my native language .


#2 2009-10-07 10:31:12

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

1) was decided to solve this every time it is bought up.  If someone actually does it...
2) will not happen


#3 2009-10-07 11:10:22

From: Bucharest, Romania
Registered: 2006-07-05
Posts: 5,941

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

3) on the front page there is AUR User Guidelines link which contains of the first step pacman -S base-devel. Everyone is supposed to read it when they enter for the first time in aur

Last edited by wonder (2009-10-07 11:11:08)

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.


#4 2009-10-07 19:09:24

Registered: 2008-10-24
Posts: 559

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

Alright .
I added warnings and information in various wiki pages .

the AUR User Guidelines page is locked .
from the page:
"The package group "base-devel" should be sufficient, as it includes makepkg and the tools needed for compiling from source."

I suggest this to be changed to:
"The package group "base-devel" is required unless you like chasing makedependencies."

The Arch Packaging Standards page is locked too . There is no mention of "base" or "base-devel" at all in it.

English is not my native language .


#5 2009-10-07 19:17:45

Pacman Developer
Registered: 2006-05-10
Posts: 2,043

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

Nezmer wrote:

Alright .
I added warnings and information in various wiki pages .

the AUR User Guidelines page is locked .
from the page:
"The package group "base-devel" should be sufficient, as it includes makepkg and the tools needed for compiling from source."

I suggest this to be changed to:
"The package group "base-devel" is required unless you like chasing makedependencies."

Actually I would use these two sentences (without removing one or the other).

The package group "base-devel" should be sufficient, as it includes makepkg and the tools needed for compiling from source. It is required unless you like chasing makedependencies.

pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))


#6 2009-10-07 20:20:11

Misfit Emeritus
From: USA
Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 4,189

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

It actually reads :
"First make sure that the necessary tools are installed. The package group "base-devel" should be sufficient, as it includes makepkg and the tools needed for compiling from source:
# pacman -Sy base-devel

Seems pretty specific to me. (?)


#7 2009-10-07 20:44:45

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: What about more visibility to the base-devel requirement

Nezmer wrote:

The Arch Packaging Standards page is locked too . There is no mention of "base" or "base-devel" at all in it.

Not necessary IMO - that page describes the standards, not the implementation of those standards.


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