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I just converted my urxvt to zenburn-colors. All is working fine except in Nethack it's hard to tell apart the different monsters.
The question is, is it possible to tell the terminal to use different colors for nethack? Or is it possible in Nethack?
im pretty sure you can do this by having .Xdefaults lines for a urxvt with a specific title. then just use urxvt -e nethack to get the title to be "nethack".
i could be way off though...
Is it possible to change the terminal-title within urxvt, without having a new window opened?
you can do it all by reading the manpage. lets say you want a different colors for nethack, then edit your .Xdefaults and do something like that:
bananas*color1: #FFFFFF
bananas*color2: #00000
etc. etc...
the name doesnt matter. you can use anything.
for example. the only thing you have to remember is that urxvt*color1: is for urxvt and when you want to use that color profile start it with
urxvt -name bananas -e nethack
urxvt will then use the colors you specified. theres also an option for the title string but look that up yourself
yeah, I understand that, but would be a little more comfortable to just have a command to change the terminal-name instead of having a new window opened.
alias nethack='echo -ne "\033]2;nethack\007"; nethack'
Should do the trick.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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hmmm, the name changes to nethack, but the color-scheme stays the same...
Anyways, I just mapped "urxvt -name nethack -e nethack" to "Super-N" and it works fine...
Thanks for help, though.