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#1 2009-10-01 19:41:38

Xiong Chiamiov
From: central coast, california
Registered: 2008-06-18
Posts: 142

Patch to update Jython to 2.5.1

Installed Jython today and noticed it was woefully out-of-date.  It is in community and without a maintainer.  I have here a PKGBUILD that seems to work fine in my limited testing:

# $Id: PKGBUILD 82 2009-07-17 19:56:55Z aaron $
# Maintainer: Geoffroy Carrier <>
# Contributor: Richard Murri <>
pkgdesc="An implementation of the Python language written in Java"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('python', 'apache', 'unknown')
build() {
        cd "$srcdir"
        java -jar ${pkgname}_installer-${pkgver}.jar -s -t standard -d "$pkgdir"/opt/jython
        sed -i s*"${pkgdir}"**g "${pkgdir}"/opt/jython/jython
        sed -i 's#/opt/java/jre/bin/java#java#g' "${pkgdir}"/opt/jython/jython

I wasn't quite sure what I should do with this, since [community] things aren't supposed to go in flyspray, right?

If this package gets bumped out of [community] and back into the AUR, I'd be glad to maintain it.

Last edited by Xiong Chiamiov (2009-10-01 20:35:08)


#2 2009-10-01 20:27:15

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Patch to update Jython to 2.5.1

I think that there are still some maintained packages that haven't yet been adopted on the web interface by their maintainers. I'd recommend posting a message to aur-general about this to find out of it's actually maintained or not. If it is it will probably get updated (and adopted on the web interface). If not, it might get moved into the AUR where you could maintain it.

I would update this right now if I used Java but because I don't I wouldn't be able to properly test it before pushing the binary package onto the repo. Is there anything that actually gets compiled during the installation? If there isn't, maybe arch=('i686' 'x86_64') could be replaced with arch=('any').

Thanks for posting the patch. It might be simpler though to just post the updated PKGBUILD considering how small it is.

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#3 2009-10-01 20:45:43

Xiong Chiamiov
From: central coast, california
Registered: 2008-06-18
Posts: 142

Re: Patch to update Jython to 2.5.1

Xyne wrote:

I think that there are still some maintained packages that haven't yet been adopted on the web interface by their maintainers. I'd recommend posting a message to aur-general about this to find out of it's actually maintained or not.

Mail sent.

Is there anything that actually gets compiled during the installation? If there isn't, maybe arch=('i686' 'x86_64') could be replaced with arch=('any').

It just unarchives the .jar file, and then seds a bit.  I think 'any' would work.

Thanks for posting the patch. It might be simpler though to just post the updated PKGBUILD considering how small it is.

Right you are.  I've updated the original post.

If someone knows of a more robust way to test Jython, other than just running some code through it, I'd appreciate knowing it.


#4 2009-10-08 23:54:19

Xiong Chiamiov
From: central coast, california
Registered: 2008-06-18
Posts: 142

Re: Patch to update Jython to 2.5.1

Hmm, was doing something else and was reminded of this.  The mail I sent got stuck in the queue awaiting moderator approval (understandably, since I'm not subscribed to the list), but it hasn't seemed to have gotten through, as I've gotten no response, and the web archives show no mention of it.

Now, I _could_ subscribe to the list, but I'd rather not, since I have enough trouble keeping up to date on the mailing lists for things I actually care about.  If anyone feels like sending on a message, here's what I sent before:

The Jython package is currently a few versions out of date, and the web interface says that it is unmaintained.  I posted in the forums[0] about this, and Xyne recommended that I check here to see if is, in fact, actually being maintained by someone.  Maintainer listed in the PKGBUILD is Geoffroy Carrier.


Anyways, cheerio!


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