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Lich wrote:Rasi wrote:and i would love to use a smaller font, but all i tried were either ugly or did not support bold fonts which i need to see when someone has written anything in weechat
DejaVu Sans Mono has them, so does Monospace. And they're better looking
I just found dina fonts, really nice.. check updated screenshot
A noticeable improvement. Good setup!
edit: btw I like Dina too, but I despise it's "m", plus it does a really poor job of my language's "special" characters
Last edited by Lich (2009-10-08 11:11:46)
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
capnmoney wrote:Saint0fCloud wrote:Looks good! Can you post your rc.lua and theme?
I guess...
theme.lua wrote:Can you please tell me what that terminal font is? It looks really nice.
Ok, that one I have.
I thought that was another one
Thanks thou!
Hooray I finally am putting up a screenshot I would do it more often, but I never have time and its not worth it for a very bland wmii desk, but now I'm using pekWM, so here you go! This is using the Inda B theme and Mira conky, with a basic tint2 + trayer systray with skype, pidgin, wicd and gnome-power-manager, the image viewer is Feh, and the terminal is Aterm.
i have no clue what i'm doing
Just finished my custom icon theme, now testing it I'm still thinking of changing a few things here and there, but so far I really like it.
Gnome with AlunDark and a customised metacity. Cursors are DMZ. Application fonts are Myriad Pro with subpixel smoothing and slight hinting. Desktop font is Calibri Bold. Clock inspired by Hylke Bons
This should cover everything ^^
What package did you need to install to get the "Now Rocking" plasmoid to work? I installed it but when I try to use it I get
The object could not be created for the following reason:
Could not create a python ScriptEngine for the Now Rocking Widget
I do have python and kdebindings-python installed. Not sure what else I would need.
Just finished my custom icon theme, now testing it
I'm still thinking of changing a few things here and there, but so far I really like it.
Gnome with AlunDark and a customised metacity. Cursors are DMZ. Application fonts are Myriad Pro with subpixel smoothing and slight hinting. Desktop font is Calibri Bold. Clock inspired by Hylke Bons
This should cover everything ^^
Wow very nice Icon theme!
ArchLinux x86_64 on Dell Latitude E5410
Nice! LSDJ!
Is awesome dude, what panel are you using? (well, everyone in Archie )
some stuff:
(wallpaper is stollen from september screenshots iirc)
Just finished my custom icon theme, now testing it
I'm still thinking of changing a few things here and there, but so far I really like it.
Gnome with AlunDark and a customised metacity. Cursors are DMZ. Application fonts are Myriad Pro with subpixel smoothing and slight hinting. Desktop font is Calibri Bold. Clock inspired by Hylke Bons
This should cover everything ^^
Aren't those icons Xubuntu Studio ?
Mountainjew wrote:What package did you need to install to get the "Now Rocking" plasmoid to work? I installed it but when I try to use it I get
The object could not be created for the following reason: Could not create a python ScriptEngine for the Now Rocking Widget
I do have python and kdebindings-python installed. Not sure what else I would need.
Yeah i'm getting that too since the 4.3.2 upgrade. It's an ongoing bug, here:
robrene wrote:Just finished my custom icon theme, now testing it
I'm still thinking of changing a few things here and there, but so far I really like it.
Gnome with AlunDark and a customised metacity. Cursors are DMZ. Application fonts are Myriad Pro with subpixel smoothing and slight hinting. Desktop font is Calibri Bold. Clock inspired by Hylke Bons
This should cover everything ^^
Aren't those icons Xubuntu Studio ?
The folder icons are from the Ubuntu Studio icon theme, although they required some serious reworking to look this smooth. All of the svg (48x48) and 32x32 size icons from that icon theme have been modified to be more tango. I'm pretty sure I didn't take anything else from that icon theme. The entire icon theme is a huge mash-up from various pre existing awesome tango style icons, and a few customised ones by myself.
Using surf, xterm, and dwm. Pidgin and Transmission on another workspace.
May I ask what that game on the left side is? I know it's a roguelike but it doesn't look like nethack...
First ever shot of AwesomeWM.
Is that the vim colorscheme or Xdefaults? If they're xdefaults could you post them?
May I ask what that game on the left side is? I know it's a roguelike but it doesn't look like nethack...
That's crawl, probably the newer stone-soup version which is a damn good game.
lolilolicon, could I get a look at the apple trailer script you created?
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Is that the vim colorscheme or Xdefaults? If they're xdefaults could you post them?
Yeah that's Xdefaults colors in there. vim uses a modified candycode.
*color0: #181818
*color8: #353535
*color1: #852843
*color9: #a63253
*color2: #247d53
*color10: #2ea069
*color3: #d2c94c
*color11: #d7d163
*color4: #1768b4
*color12: #1c7cd6
*color5: #4b276d
*color13: #63338f
*color6: #3ac6ac
*color14: #53cdb7
*color7: #e1e1e1
*color15: #efefef
lolilolicon, could I get a look at the apple trailer script you created?
Sure. It's quite simple:
###:: Apple Trailer Checker and Downloader. (
Q='720p' # 480p, 720p, 1080p
C='1' # Yes, cURL
D='.' # Directory
J='20' # Threads
CLR='\x1b[37;22m' # Text Color
FAKE='QuickTime/7.6.2 (qtver=7.6.2;os=Windows NT 5.1Service Pack 3)'
while getopts 'q:012n' opt ; do
case $opt in
q) Q=$OPTARG ;;
0) M='ONE' ;;
1) M='WBO' ;;
2) M='OTW' ;;
n) C='0' ;;
shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
[ $C == 1 ] && curl -s $ROOT/trailers/ -o "$TEMP"
if [ "$M" == 'WBO' ] ; then
WBO_U=($(sed '/Weekend Box Office/,/weekendboxoffice/!d;/<li>/!d' "$TEMP" | cut -d\" -f4))
unset IFS
echo -ne "$CLR"
echo '--== Weekend Box Office ==--'
sed '/Weekend Box Office/,/weekendboxoffice/!d;/<li>/!d;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/&/\&/g;s/…/.../;s/^\t*/ /' "$TEMP"
echo -ne "$EOC"
echo 'Which ones are you interested in?' # e.g. reply:1 3 10
read -a WBO_C
for i in ${WBO_C[@]} ; do
#echo ${WBO_U[$i]}
curl -s $ROOT${WBO_U[$i]} -o "$TEMP"X
tr '<>' '\n' < "$TEMP"X | grep -F "$" | sed 's/.*\(http.*_\)\([0-9]*p\.mov\).*/\1h\2/' |
while read url ; do
#echo $url
aria2c -d "$D" -j "$J" -U "$FAKE" "$url"
elif [ "$M" == 'OTW' ] ; then
OTW_U=($(sed '/Opening this Week/,/openingthisweek/!d;/<li>/!d' "$TEMP" | cut -d\" -f4))
unset IFS
echo -ne "$CLR"
echo '--== Opening this Week ==--'
sed '/Opening this Week/,/openingthisweek/!d;/<li>/!d;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/&/\&/g;s/…/.../;s/^\t*//' "$TEMP" | sed '=' | sed 'N;s/\n/. /;s/^/ /'
echo -ne "$EOC"
echo 'Which ones are you interested in?'
read -a OTW_C
for i in ${OTW_C[@]} ; do
#echo ${OTW_U[$i]}
curl -s $ROOT${OTW_U[$i]} -o "$TEMP"X
tr '<>' '\n' < "$TEMP"X | grep -F "$" | sed 's/.*\(http.*_\)\([0-9]*p\.mov\).*/\1h\2/' |
while read url ; do
#echo $url
aria2c -d "$D" -j "$J" -U "$FAKE" "$url"
elif [ "$M" == 'ONE' ] ; then
url=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[0-9]*$/h&/')
aria2c -d "$D" -j "$J" -U "$FAKE" "$url"
This silver ladybug at line 28...
huh, yeah, relatively speaking .
Appreciate that.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Raffles10 wrote:robrene wrote:Just finished my custom icon theme, now testing it
I'm still thinking of changing a few things here and there, but so far I really like it.
Gnome with AlunDark and a customised metacity. Cursors are DMZ. Application fonts are Myriad Pro with subpixel smoothing and slight hinting. Desktop font is Calibri Bold. Clock inspired by Hylke Bons
This should cover everything ^^
Aren't those icons Xubuntu Studio ?
The folder icons are from the Ubuntu Studio icon theme, although they required some serious reworking to look this smooth. All of the svg (48x48) and 32x32 size icons from that icon theme have been modified to be more tango. I'm pretty sure I didn't take anything else from that icon theme. The entire icon theme is a huge mash-up from various pre existing awesome tango style icons, and a few customised ones by myself.
They do look better than I remember from those long distant days when I was using Xubuntu......:rolleyes:
x0rg wrote:May I ask what that game on the left side is? I know it's a roguelike but it doesn't look like nethack...
That's crawl, probably the newer stone-soup version which is a damn good game.
Yeah, that's crawl. The AUR version finally compiled for me, and I quite like it.
SavageMessiah wrote:x0rg wrote:May I ask what that game on the left side is? I know it's a roguelike but it doesn't look like nethack...
That's crawl, probably the newer stone-soup version which is a damn good game.
Yeah, that's crawl. The AUR version finally compiled for me, and I quite like it.
Nethack > crawl. Just making a game really unplayable doesn't make it better. I find crawl to be and exageration of what a dungeon crawler should be like. It does look better than Nethack though
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
Haha oldschool warcraft ftw!
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux