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Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Raffles10 wrote:Openbox, Conky & tint2. Setup inspired by #!Crunchbang.
Uzbl, Thunar, yaourt & ncmpcpp...all pytyled.
How do you get a transparent root menu ? xcompmgr only ?
brisbin33 sussed it: xcompmgr-dana in AUR
xcompmgr -I1 -O1 -Ff -m.80
Raffles, I need the .conkyrc that you used in the 1st ss.
The last section only tbh -> the one with the shortcuts.
zen3: The conky shortcuts are pretty much the defaults used in #!Crunchbang
Alt+F2$alignr Run Dialog
Alt+F3$alignr Dynamic Menu
Super+space$alignr Main Menu
Super+a$alignr Audio Player
Super+e$alignr Editor
Super+f$alignr File Manager
Super+s$alignr System Monitor
Super+t$alignr Terminal
Super+w$alignr Web Browser
PrtSc$alignr Screenshot
Openbox with Cairo Composite Manager
Is this Openbox only? No DE running? I ask because when I last used Cairo-Comp-Manager, it blacked out my wallpaper that I set with feh.
How do you get around it?
Is this Openbox only? No DE running?
That's right - Openbox with conky and tint2.
I ask because when I last used Cairo-Comp-Manager, it blacked out my wallpaper that I set with feh. How do you get around it?
For the wallpaper I use a patched version of Nitrogen and a "rotating wallpaper" script. Anyway, cairo-compmgr is still buggy: it doesn't play really nice with conky, for instance
pogeymanz wrote:Is this Openbox only? No DE running?
That's right - Openbox with conky and tint2.
I ask because when I last used Cairo-Comp-Manager, it blacked out my wallpaper that I set with feh. How do you get around it?
For the wallpaper I use a patched version of Nitrogen and a "rotating wallpaper" script. Anyway, cairo-compmgr is still buggy: it doesn't play really nice with conky, for instance
So, is the rotating wallpaper script the only reason it shows up, or do you think it would work with regular old Nitrogen?
The script does nothing but change the wallpaper every X minutes; "regular old Nitrogen" should work just fine - there's an option in the CCM config window for the wallpaper anyway: you can tell CCM to use the wallpaper you want.
Here's mine
Wallpaper found on deviantart + AWN + stalonetray + few conkies. Got here after KDE4 and this minimalism is absolutely awesome
I've upgraded a bit to print "err." instead of blank space when no internet connection is available.
[kuba@t61p ~]\$ cat ~/linux/bin/
import os
import string
if os.system("ping -c 2 > /dev/null"):
#connection broken
#connection established
#print net
#Enter your username and password below within double quotes
# eg. username="username" and password="password"
if net==1:
com="wget -O - https://"+username+":"+password+" --no-check-certificate"
if fc==0 :
print "0 new"
print str(fc)+" new"
print "err."
Moderator edit: remove your credentials...
Last edited by B (2009-10-05 13:19:06)
Thinkpad T61p : T7700 | 4GB RAM | nVidia FX 570M | Intel 4965
Arch64 @ Openbox
I hope both the username and password are fake .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
There has got to be some kind of award for that
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
i loled
Leave it be - I'm sure every single one of you has done stupid things yourself at least once in your lifetime .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Rotfl... This is surely number one on my stupid-things-i-did-online list. I'd even got an emali from myself.
@B - thanks!
Thinkpad T61p : T7700 | 4GB RAM | nVidia FX 570M | Intel 4965
Arch64 @ Openbox
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Rotfl... This is surely number one on my stupid-things-i-did-online list. I'd even got an emali from myself.
LOL ... that was me in fact you're lucky we're not the type who's steal your info and post it online
m_ad wrote:wow, can't get thumb to show right..
What file hosting are you trying to use ? Omploader will create a thumbnail for you and provide you with the code.
Thanks Raffles
I'm amazed at the performance of my netbook running Arch + Openbox. Take a look at the conky
Last edited by m_ad (2009-10-07 16:00:09)
wow, can't get thumb to show right..
What file hosting are you trying to use ? Omploader will create a thumbnail for you and provide you with the code.
Inspired by this link posted in another thread by Mr Green.
The conky files and weather script are located here
This one I came up with just for the hell of it, but I think it turned out quite nicely.
Conky & Tint2 configs/theme files located here.
And another one... This one was sorta a request. … st1227.png
And the configs
EDIT: And while I'm on this creative kick I'm taking requests.
Could you (re)upload the config files of the first two Desktops, because they are not available anymore at the links in your post. Thank you alot. (sorry for my bad english)