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afaik it isn't (easily) possible... i tryed it once when i was on wmii but it wouldnt work...
Further, i think you shouldnt bother anyway. The text you can change in wmii is to small to apply any special font nicely... (unless you choose to make it bigger, but thats just wasting the space you gained by using a tiling-wm, just my opinion...)
PS: Hi to the Forum!
Last edited by rostoQ (2008-06-25 13:05:15)
Updated: for people searching for this…
XFT support has now been added to WMII. Simply add the xft: prefix to your desired font eg.
wmiir xwrite /ctl "font xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-7"
Last edited by N30N (2009-08-12 16:04:48)
Updated: for people searching for this…
Sorry for bringing this thread up again.
But WHERE to put the fonts?
I always get "wmiir: fatal: cannot write file '/ctl': can't load font", no matter, what i want to use as font
You're probably missing the font path in your xorg.conf, try adding the below before running that
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local"
You're probably missing the font path in your xorg.conf
I don't even HAVE a xorg.conf I added it and copied a nice ttf font in the folder. Then i restarted X and tried N30N's command, but it always tells me "wmiir: fatal: cannot write file '/ctl': can't load font".
I tried the file name with and without suffix. I tried the font's name as shown in Writer and i tried the absolute path.
$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local"
$ ls /usr/share/fonts/local
Last edited by Dirk Sohler (2009-10-11 20:52:32)
Do you have plan9port installed?
You can install ttf-thai from extra, then
wmiir xwrite /ctl font xft:purisa
should work.
@rusty99: no, i don't do i need it for getting xft fonts support?
@portix: installed the font, updated font cache and even restarted X, but no result, it still says it can't load the font.
I honestly don't know I was just wondering if it's needed for using the virtual filesystem.
I honestly don't know I was just wondering if it's needed for using the virtual filesystem.
I guess not I can use wmiir as i want. Other things regarding to the virtual file system work.
I always get "wmiir: fatal: cannot write file '/ctl': can't load font", no matter, what i want to use as font
Are you using wmii-hg?
Dirk Sohler wrote:I always get "wmiir: fatal: cannot write file '/ctl': can't load font", no matter, what i want to use as font
Are you using wmii-hg?
No, i don't. Does this only work with wmii-hg?
Does this only work with wmii-hg?
Yeah, the 3.6 (the version in extra) is almost two years old and missing many improvements.
Dirk Sohler wrote:Does this only work with wmii-hg?
Yeah, the 3.6 (the version in extra) is almost two years old and missing many improvements.
I guess it should be updated
Pages: 1