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What games do you play on Linux? Which do you wish were compatible? What your favorite?
native: Supertuxkart, quake live, linux port of shadowground survivors (currently demu, but i think I'll buy full version)
by wine: WoW
also - I am working on my two own games, but they are too early in development stage to announce anything (I'm not sure if I'll manage to finish them )
Some applications are WYSIWYG, and some are WYSIWTF.
Quake Live, Nexuiz.
Quake Live, Skulltag(it's an Online Doom2 Port ), Urban Terror, lil bit of Tremulous, ioQuake3, Team Fortress 2(over WINE), GMOD 11( though halted right now until WINE stops bugging out on it ), Quake 4 and loads of emulators(VBA-M, Snes9x-GTK, Dolphin, Mupen64plus) 8)
EDIT: Ah yes, Doom3 as well.
Last edited by MP2E (2009-10-14 23:17:24)
17:23 < ConSiGno> yeah baby I release the source code with your mom every night
17:24 < ConSiGno> you could call them nightly builds if you know what I mean
Wesnoth, Tremulous, Crossfire, Nethack.
Right now, I'm all about Quake Live
I love Neverball, it is simple and my favorite. I also like Advanced Tux racer.
And in WINE, I use to play with an PC98 emulador called anex86, and I play some games like Portal and one shooter called Touhou project.
Btw, most of the games are compatible with wine, except for some cases that use Gameguard, mostly MMORPGs.
When I'm really bored: Sauerbraten in single player mode and Bubble Shooter over Wine.
Don't panic!
I MUDhop a lot if that counts, but MUDs aren't really restricted to any OS. ;s
dnyy in IRC & Urban Terror
xmoto - don't know why, but I love that game
Quake Live , a bit of Defrag with ioquake, nethack and zorg
I'd recommend extra/enigma. Very nice ASCII puzzle game (not to be confused with enigma_sdl in AUR which is another game).
openTTD is also very nice.
And my girlfriend loves Plants Vs Zombies on wine
Hm, I normally only play "Runes of magic" with a little help of wine... But now and then I also play cube, sauerbraten, kobo deluxe, xmille, chromium bsu and of course my selfprogrammed commandline-yahtzee (a little thing I have done for learning c).
thanks for the tip.. i bought it
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Mostly commercial games right now: Quake 3; Majesty; Left 4 Dead and Neverwinter Nights
Smarter than a speeding bullet
My Goodreads profile
Heroes of Newerth native linux!
mostly Spring (BA):
I play Urban Terror almost every day.
In the past I have played several action/adventure games like commercial single player FPS games like Doom 3, Hexen, Heretic, Far cry, KOTOR and such. Extremely easy to get into so I recommend downloading anything you can find.
And sometimes I play:
-Visual Novels, but I always put them off for later because they take up so much time. Currently playing Cross Channel and liking it, it's very well written. I really loved KiraKira and I thought Yume Miru Kusuri and Policenauts were pretty good. I didn't like Da Capo 1. Katawa Shoujo Act 1 is promising.
-Pinball Fantasy and Epic Pinball on dosbox
-Mystic Square on a PC98 emulator
I have been looking for a good RTS, I couldn't get any later Westwood RTSes to work in wine or virtualbox. I will try TA Spring, I found other open source RTSes really lacking.
Nexuiz, Heroes of Newerth, Mines, Halo (wine), Spore (wine)
Heroes of Newerth, Quakelive, Savage2 and sometimes UrbanTerror
Nethack, but have played through Neverwinter Nights 1 (native), Doom3, Diablo 2 under wine for like the...15th time and Disciples 1 with Wine. Ocasionally we do a Nexuiz battle at work.
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
Warsow, World of Goo, Lugaru, BZFlag