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code_swarm Have you seen this? I just stumbled across this today.
It's an app that renders a visualization of how a software project evolves via "code commits"! It's really interesting. Orbs of light (representing files) fly to each developer name commiting the changes to the project. The center ball of developer names and orbs get bigger as you see the software project evolve!
From what I gather.. it takes a log of commit changes from a repository and renders pictures so you can make a video with mplayer.
It supports -- Subversion, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Perforce, VSS, Starteam, Wikiswarm, Darcs based repos.
Take a look at some of the videos in the link above. Here are a few more...
amarok codeswarm
amarok vs banshee codeswarm
There's even one celebrating 10 years of Gentoo. Since gentoo is a large project compared to the above examples, it took some modifying.
Now I'm wondering what arch's development would look like!
The visuals are really nice. I can imagine developers of some projects "playing" this as a game too ("haha, stole half your orbs").
It would be nice to visualize some Arch projects with this.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
Free Software is beautiful *stares at the pretty pictures*
*zones out*
It would be interesting to visualize forked projects with this. You would see the great schism and then orbs split off, fly over and merge with other orbs on other branches.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
Or you could just interpret it as psychedelic art with us xD
The python video is really cool. Starts off with one guy and by the end it just goes crazy.
I'm preparing a code swarm right now, but that takes some time. I already have done it with our SVN at work, really funny to see the commits like this.
At the moment, code_swarm is rendering the commits of the Arch Linux SVN (only the SVN of the packages (PKGBUILDs and stuff)). I can't promise that it ever ends or a final video will come out, but I hope so. I will let you know if it's ever ready...
The video is finished. I proudly present the Arch Linux SVN repository code swarm:
It takes nearly 420 minutes to render it.
Last edited by ise (2009-10-17 12:56:49)
you didn't use arch linux svn repo for community
No, sorry. I have only took the repo of svn-packages. community is another svn repository and as far as I know codeswarm can only generate a video from one repo.
upsy...i've deleted my post and deciced to do it for community
Last edited by wonder (2009-10-17 13:29:21)
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Excellent work, looks very cool
here is the video for community svn repo.
managed to extract the history of community from cvs 2005-2009. i have to add a nice sound track and upload the youtube but i'll do it tomorrow.
Last edited by wonder (2009-10-18 02:24:06)
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
managed to extract the history of community from cvs 2005-2009. i have to add a nice sound track and upload the youtube but i'll do it tomorrow.
and the video that i promised:
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
wonder wrote:managed to extract the history of community from cvs 2005-2009. i have to add a nice sound track and upload the youtube but i'll do it tomorrow.
and the video that i promised:
That is pretty cool. I do not turn up unitl about 3min of the ~4:30. There were several people who I thought became TUs after me that actually were around before I was...
yep is nice to see that some of them are still in community. i never know about them until now.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.