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#1 2009-10-16 20:15:07

From: United States
Registered: 2009-09-21
Posts: 107

Arch Install Disc Locking Up

After failing to "cp -a" my Arch installation over to a new HDD, I decided to just reinstall Arch.
I bought a PCI SATA card as I didn't have enough SATA ports for my DVD, old HDD and new HDD.  Everything is working, I moved the DVD to the SATA card as the card is SATA1 and I want the two HDD on SATAII.  I have to go through and extra menu to boot the DVD now but that isn't a problem.  When I do boot the DVD is says "Loading Stage2 ....." and locks up.  I tried GParted & Ubuntu discs I have lying around and they lock also.  I did see (I think on the GParted disc) to use "edd=off" and that works.  If I pass that parameter on the GParted or the Ubuntu they both boot fine.  The Arch install disc doesn't ask/allow parameters does it?
I did get Arch installed again by unplugging the old HDD and plugging the DVD back into a "board" SATA.  Then when installed I plugged the DVD back into the "PCI" SATA and the old HDD back into the "board" SATA, everything works just fine.
My question is, can you pass anything to the Arch boot process?  Anyone ever get a boot disc locking up at "Loading Stage2 ....."?


archlinux x86_64


#2 2009-10-16 21:11:15

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 202

Re: Arch Install Disc Locking Up

If i remember correctly you have to press "e" in the grub menu to edit the grub parameters.


#3 2009-10-16 22:14:05

From: United States
Registered: 2009-09-21
Posts: 107

Re: Arch Install Disc Locking Up

miau wrote:

If i remember correctly you have to press "e" in the grub menu to edit the grub parameters.

Yes... that is correct.  But my Arch installation disc just goes straight into booting everything, there is no Grub menu?!


archlinux x86_64


#4 2009-10-17 07:47:10

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 202

Re: Arch Install Disc Locking Up

Are you talking about the installation CD?


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