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I've been having problems with my monitor going into suspend eradicaly while im working and im sure i have the correct driver for my video. It occurred to me that certain distros require plug and play in the bios to be off. Does anyone know if this is true for arch or does it not matter?
What video driver are you using? I had this problem with the ATI fglrx driver but haven't had it since switching to nvidia.
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro. Im using xorg's drivers. I'm really starting to despise ATI, I can't believe how much more this dam thing was than the other geforce4 i had and it doesn't even preform as well.
I had a Radeon 8500 128MB and it ran well other than the strange monitor thing. With the closed-source ATI drivers games like enemy territory ran well. After upgrading to Xorg 6.8 I found that the ATI drivers no longer worked. I bought a GeForce FX 5200 to replace my Radeon and got Xorg 6.8 support but the Radeon 8500 was a much better card performance wise. I gave that GeForce to my girlfriend to replace her old GeForce2 and now I'm using a GeForce FX 5700. It's a great card for the money (cheap from newegg) and the drivers are alot better than ATI. I haven't had any problems with the monitor going into power save since.
No matter what OS you use plug and play is pretty useless and does not hurt to have it disabled in the bios.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
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