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It seems that IBM has joined to and now made their own office suite based on OO. I don't know if this a good thing or bad. IBM is big corp which seems to get money from somewhere and stay big. I'm wondering if they are about to develop OO or just ripoff base for their own product. Too bad there doesn't seems to be any killer app to compete outlook. It seems that you have to register in order to download anything so I haven't tested it out yet.
How do you generally feel big corporations coming to opensource communities with their wast ranks of paid staff to do some development job? Well I guess theres been always corporates involved but now lately I get this feeling that commercial influence is growing all the time. I just wonder how things turn out for linux.
And what is even more frightening is those google ads in this forums offering some linux jobs all the time. Is just me or what.
Bear in mind that open office was originally sun microsystem's baby -- it already has corporate backing.
In the past, I've been impressed with both IBM and Sun's support in the open source community; they have a huge self-interest, of course, but they seem to be good "citizens" as well. It would be a shame if the two products started competing instead of working together though.
...Too bad there doesn't seems to be any killer app to compete with outlook...
This isn't bad:
Even if they don't contribute their improvements back to open office it'll at least offer some minor competition against microsoft's monopoly on office software. And seeing as it'll be using the ODF standard thats a very good thing for open office anyway.
Well zimbra looks good. Maybe I test it when I have extra free-time. I wonder if that desktop program will work with exchange, I know couple clients who might be interested about this.
Anyways it would be nice if IBM would turn some things from Lotus to opensource world.
I tested the Windows version and like it a lot. Not bulky like OO, the navigation is good (tab oriented), and features are easy accessible. Has anyone tried to make an Arch package? The Linux version is designed for RedHat and SUSE, not sure if run in Arch.
Word processor: … s_wpe.jspa
Spreadsheet: … s_sse.jspa
It's stated in the OOo wiki that release 3.0 will follow the GUI from LS.
Personally, I like the new 'Look 'n Feel' of Office 12. Yes, it's not open source, but it's very usable nevertheless. It's one of the reasons that make me look at OOo and feel it's kinda old.
I'm trying LS to see if it runs on Arch.
EDIT: I can't install it... After installing JRE the graphic wizard worked but it stalls with an error message when installation reaches 69%. I can't decipher it...:/
Last edited by el mariachi (2007-12-23 16:44:01)
Has anyone actually tried to install Zimbra? From their web page:
Important: You cannot have any other web server, database, LDAP, or MTA server running, when you install the Zimbra software. If you have installed any of the applications, before you install Zimbra software, disable these applications. During the ZCS install, Zimbra makes global system changes that may break applications that are on your server.
I downloaded open source version for debian and ran it in virtual machine. And it seems that Zimbra installer installs everything to /opt including its own version of amavis, apache, mysql, openldap etc. so I don't get good feeling at all about this.
I also tried Horde and even though it was a bit pain in ass to configure but is quite nice to use. Though kronoliths calendar sharing seems to suck.
Any news about making it work on Arch?
Apparantly it's open source, but where can I find the source-tarball?
IBM gets there money from us. No matter what hardware we buy, something, somewhere is going to IBM. I trust IBM, despite their large size.
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.