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During the "Install Packages" step, I keep getting segmentation faults during the download. I tried a few different mirrors, tried ftp and http protocols and it always gives a segmentation fault after a few packages are downloaded.
I'm installing from the 2009.08-netinstall-i686.
I see that in another thread a Pacman developer is asking for debug traces, but I have no idea how to do it during the system install itself. (And also no idea how to get it onto my NTFS partition without having completed the base install, so I can send the trace out.)
Anybody have ideas about this problem?
Last edited by claestw (2009-10-24 14:07:34)
This should be fixed in more recent pacman, which of course you do not have on the install CD... I would install using a core CD and then upgrade (which will pull in the new pacman first).
Ah, it worked perfectly. Why didn't I think of that. Thanks for the quick answer. I've got my base system installed and updated with -Syu.