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I think you must move udev before encrypted volumes but you should not have quick boot
Italian ArchLinux User
My projects on my homepage:
Hello, I like the idea of a static boot!
problem: quickinit assumes /etc/inittab is virgin and backups an original inittab from arch boot scripts, thats not very archlike. so here's a simple patch for that:
--- quick-init.install.orig 2009-10-19 16:37:56.030487686 -0430
+++ quick-init.install 2009-10-19 16:45:20.710442408 -0430
-1,43 +1,70 @@
post_install() {
echo ""
echo -e "\033[37;41;1m W A R N I N G \033[0m"
- echo "Copy these lines on line 28 into /etc/qinit.sysinit and save it"
+ echo "Copy these lines into /etc/qinit.sysinit, line 28"
echo ""
for dev in `fdisk -l | awk '{print $1}' | grep dev`;
- numero1=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F"," '{print $1}')
+ numero1=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F"," '{print $1}')
+ numero2=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $6}')
+ block=$(echo $dev | awk '{print $1}' | grep dev | cut -d/ -f3);
- numero2=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $6}')
+ makenode_block="/bin/mknod -m 660 /dev/$block b $numero1 $numero2"
+ echo $makenode_block;
- block=$(echo $dev | awk '{print $1}' | grep dev | cut -d/ -f3);
- makenode_block="/bin/mknod -m 660 /dev/$block b $numero1 $numero2"
- echo $makenode_block;
- if [ -b /lib/udev/devices/$block ]; then
- rm -r /lib/udev/devices/$block
- fi
+ if [ -b /lib/udev/devices/$block ]; then
+ rm -r /lib/udev/devices/$block
+ fi
+ /bin/cat /etc/inittab > /etc/inittab.bak
/bin/cat /etc/qinittab > /etc/inittab
- /bin/cat /etc/inittab.backup > /etc/inittab.original
- echo ""
- echo ""
- echo "Your /etc/inittab was replaced by /etc/qinittab"
- echo "Default copy inittab is saved in /etc/inittab.original"
- echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/inittab --> /etc/inittab.bak"
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/qinittab --> /etc/inittab"
+ echo ""
post_upgrade() {
- post_install
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\033[37;41;1m W A R N I N G \033[0m"
+ echo "Copy these lines into /etc/qinit.sysinit, line 28"
+ echo ""
+ for dev in `fdisk -l | awk '{print $1}' | grep dev`;
+ do
+ numero1=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F"," '{print $1}')
+ numero2=$(ls -l $dev | awk '{print $6}')
+ block=$(echo $dev | awk '{print $1}' | grep dev | cut -d/ -f3);
+ makenode_block="/bin/mknod -m 660 /dev/$block b $numero1 $numero2"
+ echo $makenode_block;
+ if [ -b /lib/udev/devices/$block ]; then
+ rm -r /lib/udev/devices/$block
+ fi
+ done
+ /bin/cat /etc/inittab > /etc/qinittab.bak
+ /bin/cat /etc/qinittab > /etc/inittab
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/inittab --> /etc/qinittab.bak"
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/qinittab --> /etc/inittab"
+ echo ""
post_remove() {
- echo ""
- echo -e "\033[37;41;1m W A R N I N G \033[0m"
- echo -e "\033[37;41;1m Before the reboot you MUST restore the default inittab with: \033[0m"
- echo " cp /etc/inittab.original /etc/inittab"
- echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "\033[37;41;1m W A R N I N G \033[0m"
+ echo -e "\033[37;41;1m Before rebooting you MUST restore /etc/inittab.bak \033[0m"
+ echo ""
it cats /etc/inittab > /etc/inittab.bak, it just touches .install
also, you wont have to repackage every time the bootscripts get upgraded. Thanks for the init scripts!
Last edited by gog (2009-10-20 01:56:08)
i was so annoyed by the fact this package actually deletes my personal inittab i didn't even post it
please fix
When using quick-init I cannot get my external to mount on startup.
I used to add "mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/Downloads" to my rc.local but this no longer works.
Any ideas?
i was so annoyed by the fact this package actually deletes my personal inittab i didn't even post it
please fix
It doesn't delete your inittab... it moves it to inittab.bak... just restore the file.
ugkbunb wrote:wouldn't boot on my system... hung on checking filesystems... complaining that I should run a manual check... doing that did nothing... ?
Same problem here.
:: Checking Filesystems [BUSY] /dev/mapper/root: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 <device> [FAIL]
I'm having this same problem. My root is /dev/sda2 and is ext2.
Any advice on this please.
#cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/sda15 /home ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda10 /pictures ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda11 /videos ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda12 /documents ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda13 /downloads ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda14 /misc ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda6 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda9 /music ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda5 /var ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda2 / ext2 defaults 0 1
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
tuxfusion wrote:+1
i was so annoyed by the fact this package actually deletes my personal inittab i didn't even post it
please fix
It doesn't delete your inittab... it moves it to inittab.bak... just restore the file.
It does delete inittab.
Check the .install. It moves a inittab included in the package that is the same inittab from the original arch initscript package.
This works nicely, from grub to X in 9.5 seconds with initrd for me. i'm not sure i will invest the time to compile a static kernel, since this is already really fast.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Any one have any ideas about post #106.
I'm dying to try this out but I wont' mount my ext2 root partition correctly.
The previous version finit-arc worked ok, but this one doesn't.
I've just installed quick-boot and it works great except one thing - HAL is not starting. I can't even start it by hand:
sudo /etc/rc.d/hal restart
:: Stopping Hardware Abstraction Layer [FAIL]
:: Starting Hardware Abstraction Layer [FAIL]
I have no idea why it is so - HAL is installed and was working fine before quick-boot. What's wrong?
I've just installed quick-boot and it works great except one thing - HAL is not starting. I can't even start it by hand:
sudo /etc/rc.d/hal restart
:: Stopping Hardware Abstraction Layer [FAIL]
:: Starting Hardware Abstraction Layer [FAIL]I have no idea why it is so - HAL is installed and was working fine before quick-boot. What's wrong?
Got the same problem. There is another report of the same problem on P.2 of this thread, however he was able to get hal running once in a while.
I suspect that hal is actually running. It is shown with
ls /var/run/daemons/
It's just that I seem to have lost control over hal. I cannot stop it or restart it. Also, I cannot load pulseaudio correctly with hal, but nothing is seriously wrong at this moment, while quick-init does cut my boot time down from 24 to 17. I don't really know if this 7 seconds is really worth the trouble---maybe just another incurable illness of a linux user.
Oops... forgot to say `good job' and `thank you' to adriano!
Last edited by allbluedream (2009-11-06 02:49:52)
Hi Adriano,
many thanks - quite a few time I tried to reduce the boot time with removing services and kernel kompiling but nothing worked properly. This is just amazing how much my boot time to console improved. (45s to 11s)
Only the xserver still takes quite a lot of time to finally display something (and I use just DWM) -- any tip ?? It seems like he's trying several modes before he displays a picture (or is it udev or wicd) ?
Last edited by Gutti (2009-11-11 23:20:08)
Only the xserver still takes quite a lot of time to finally display something (and I use just DWM) -- any tip ?? It seems like he's trying several modes before he displays a picture (or is it udev or wicd) ?
This is what gets better with KMS, just wait for it.
Hey Changaco,
thanks for the reply. I discovered this … ux-kernel/
Seems already available. So will KMS be directly integrated and activated for arch ?
But non-the-less in regard to speed nothing is better than hard-wiring settings. So is there a way to start Xorg in the right mode e.g. defining the modelines in xorg.conf and does that speed up the xserver start?
Cheers Phil
Last edited by Gutti (2009-11-12 07:49:20)
Offline … ux-kernel/
Seems already available. So will KMS be directly integrated and activated for arch ?
Whether you can use KMS depends on your graphic card and the driver you use for it. Searching the wiki for KMS gives you what you need although we don't have a dedicated page for KMS.
But non-the-less in regard to speed nothing is better than hard-wiring settings. So is there a way to start Xorg in the right mode e.g. defining the modelines in xorg.conf and does that speed up the xserver start?
I have no idea.
Hey Changaco,
But non-the-less in regard to speed nothing is better than hard-wiring settings. So is there a way to start Xorg in the right mode e.g. defining the modelines in xorg.conf and does that speed up the xserver start?
Cheers Phil
I'd say, try setting up your desired resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf . I'm not sure how much of a speed gain you will get, but if you want to hardwire it, that's the way to go. You can find more info on that on Arch's Wiki.
Good luck.
Hey guys,
I got KMS working, was easy and it seems really working well. Screen flicker during X11 start is gone ! - So really no need to mess with xorg.conf.
It however didn't solve mit X11 start time. Looks like its waiting for the network to come up, but I already started everything in the background.
DAEMONS=(@syslog-ng dbus !network !networkmanager !dhcbdb @wicd !rpcbind !nfs-common !netfs @crond @alsa @cpufreq @laptop-mode)
Additionally bootchart stops logging after 12s whereas the real boot process takes 25s. I don't know why bootchartd exits prematurely because I start none of these processes
local exit_proc="gdmgreeter gdm-binary kdm_greet kdm"
So I'm sort of taping in the dark
Cheers Phil
It waits for HAL, not for the network. BTW dbus is started by HAL, no need to add it.
Thanks You are right, I corrected that.
But even with disabling all daemons in that line I still got a very long X11 start time. I now got bootchart working. Perhaps somebody can comment on it. Eventually I just ask too much from an NC10. I hope the link below works for u - should show a boot-chart. … fullscreen
Two problems I discovered:
- xbacklight doesn't work anymore
xbacklight -set 60
No outputs have backlight property
- hibernate works, but it doesn't resume anymore
Last edited by Gutti (2009-11-14 08:33:08)
Thanks You are right, I corrected that.
But even with disabling all daemons in that line I still got a very long X11 start time. I now got bootchart working. Perhaps somebody can comment on it. Eventually I just ask too much from an NC10. I hope the link below works for u - should show a boot-chart.
The link doesn't work for me.
try that
I start a few things in .xinitrc before dwm (see below). You'll see them in the bootchart, but even with only starting dwm it waits for quite a while (more than five seconds, doesn't always seem to be the same amount of time). - Adriano mentioned something of X - quickstart, was that only related of starting x via autologin, or did he mean to disable hotplugging in X ?
By the way I hope all of this is still thread relevant. I'm relatively new here so give me a wink, when I should move it into a new thread
echo $(acpi | awk '{ print $3, $4 }' | sed s/","//g)
xbindkeys &
feh --bg-scale ~/Photos/2009/LakeDistrict/IMG_0965.JPG &
xscreensaver -no-splash &
Eterm &
skype &
while true; do
xsetroot -name "`batt``" " ``date '+%a %Y%m%d %H:%M'`"
sleep 1m
done &
exec dwm
Last edited by Gutti (2009-11-14 18:40:22)
Thank you, works great. Conflicts with splashy though, sysvinit module or something like that.
I start a few things in .xinitrc before dwm (see below). You'll see them in the bootchart, but even with only starting dwm it waits for quite a while (more than five seconds, doesn't always seem to be the same amount of time).
The delay is strange indeed, I have no idea on how to fix this sorry.
Hi Changaco,
thanks for Your effort after all. I have a couple of problems (eventually I did too many things at once). I guess I better roll back to my last safety copy and restart it from there.
Just figured something out. My boot chart said I had a boot time of 13 seconds, but that ain't true.
To improve my boot time and trying to get it below 10s, I started to look at the boot chart in more detail and I noticed my window manager didn't show up in there. It should because I wanted to measure 'from grub to operational status'.
I've also noticed that quick-init starts X in init 3, which results that bootchartd stops measuring at some-getty and not at my window manager. See code below, cut from /sbin/bootchartd, for more detail.
This results in 23 seconds on my boot chart instead of the beautiful 13 seconds.
# The processes we have to wait for
local exit_proc="awesome gdmgreeter gdm-binary kdm_greet kdm"
# early_login in FC4 starts gdm early, so fall back to mingetty
local early_login="no"
grep -q early_login /proc/cmdline && early_login="yes"
if [ "$runlevel" -eq "2" -o "$runlevel" -eq "3" -o "$early_login" = "yes" ]; then
#original: exit_proc="mingetty agetty rungetty getty"
So don't forget to adjust bootchartd's code.
Edit: typo + my window manager is awesome, if you couldn't figure that out
Last edited by Duologic (2009-11-17 21:43:42)