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Looks like you forgot this.
Posting Guidelines
* DO NOT post full resolution screenshots! You can use the "mogrify" command (pacman -S imagemagick) to make a thumbnail of your screenshot:
$ cp screenie.png thumb-screenie.png
$ mogrify -resize 20% thumb-screenie.png
Twenty percent of the original size is great for 1024x768 screenies. You can then upload these images to your server and use the following code to show them on the forum:
* Several websites also offer free image hosting. Here are some that supports thumbnails:
ImageShack | | iPICTURE | Omploader | ImageHosting | Imagebam
*** Screenshot changed. The old one was with "Error 404 - Not Found"" ***
Use the "Thumbnail for forums" link code that is supplied by the image hosting sites to post your thumbnail link.
* Once the new month begins please do not post new screenies in the old threads.
* If the screenshot has questionable material that might not be safe to view while at work or in a school setting, please post only a link and not a thumbnail, along with a mention of "Not Safe for Work". Posts that do not adhere to this are subject to deletion without notice at any time.
* Please try to include any links to your wallpaper or configs that you may have and/or the names of your icon theme, running apps, DE, etc. in the same post to reduce unnecessary clutter later.
Last edited by droog (2009-10-31 22:29:41)
Basic Zenburn vimperator scheme, and the excellent buftabs plugin.
You need to install an RTFM interface.
here is mine
...and very nice it is. You could have added a clean shot to reveal the wallpaper that is tantalizingly peeking out from behind the windows (just sayin' )
jordanmthomas: how did you get your tty1 to look like that? (font, colors, terminal management)
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
jordanmthomas: how did you get your tty1 to look like that? (font, colors, terminal management)
font: Install terminus-font and run
setfont ter-12n
# zenburn for the Linux console
echo -en "\e]P01e2320" #zen-black (norm. black)
echo -en "\e]P8709080" #zen-bright-black (norm. darkgrey)
echo -en "\e]P1705050" #zen-red (norm. darkred)
echo -en "\e]P9dca3a3" #zen-bright-red (norm. red)
echo -en "\e]P260b48a" #zen-green (norm. darkgreen)
echo -en "\e]PAc3bf9f" #zen-bright-green (norm. green)
echo -en "\e]P3dfaf8f" #zen-yellow (norm. brown)
echo -en "\e]PBf0dfaf" #zen-bright-yellow (norm. yellow)
echo -en "\e]P4506070" #zen-blue (norm. darkblue)
echo -en "\e]PC94bff3" #zen-bright-blue (norm. blue)
echo -en "\e]P5dc8cc3" #zen-purple (norm. darkmagenta)
echo -en "\e]PDec93d3" #zen-bright-purple (norm. magenta)
echo -en "\e]P68cd0d3" #zen-cyan (norm. darkcyan)
echo -en "\e]PE93e0e3" #zen-bright-cyan (norm. cyan)
echo -en "\e]P7dcdccc" #zen-white (norm. lightgrey)
echo -en "\e]PFffffff" #zen-bright-white (norm. white)
The color in the programs comes from cwrapper (just be sure to chmod -x gcc, g++, and make or you may have troubles)
management?: Are you referring to GNU screen?
also, got all my configs from anrxc at
Last edited by jordanmthomas (2009-11-01 03:32:25)
Since it's getting cold outside, I choose to go with some warmer colors for November
Openbox with Onyx-Citrus theme (included by default)
GTK with slightly altered NOX theme (murrine based)
Conky (System status at the top)
Tint2 (bottom bar)
Wallpaper is from here
Font is this one
Last edited by seiichiro0185 (2009-11-01 05:19:59)
My System: Dell XPS 13 | i7-7560U | 16GB RAM | 512GB SSD | FHD Screen | Arch Linux
My Workstation/Server: Supermicro X11SSZ-F | Xeon E3-1245 v6 | 64GB RAM | 1TB SSD Raid 1 + 6TB HDD ZFS Raid Z1 | Proxmox VE
My Stuff at Github: github
My Homepage: Seiichiros HP
Can i see your .Xdefault? Thanks
If you think of MS-DOS as mono, and Windows as stereo,
then Linux is Dolby Digital and all the music is free...
link to wallpaper please
the excellent buftabs plugin.
hey when i use buftabs plugin i m gettin an error
TypeError: tabs.getBrowser is not a function
know why this is happening?
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette