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robrene wrote:Clean: Theme is Alun Light slightly modified
Metacity window border is Murrine Clean Glass
Custom icon themeNice! Would you mind posting your iconset and modified GTK theme?
robrene wrote:Clean: Theme is Alun Light slightly modified
Metacity window border is Murrine Clean Glass
Custom icon themeCould you give us a link to the Wallpaper please?
I'm still working on the icon theme, so not yet. It's also not a very friendly icon theme, I didn't chase after all applications and whatever weird icon name they thought of using, I just went and edited my .desktop files for the correct icon to fit. Also, the theme follows the icon theme guidelines pretty well, there isn't a plethora of symlinks, so certain applications don't display the correct icons. I'm not planning on making thousand symlinks for each and every app, I might file bugreports to applications I notice it from though...
The GTK theme is hardly modified, the only thing I changed was the colourscheme, the gtk-icon-size and some names that were deprecated. here is the gtkrc
Wallpaper is Binary Butterscotch
November: do realize the humor in posting a tiling wm in floating mode, but how else would you see my wonderful wallpaper?
we wantz the wall!
Same old boring stuff I have always had....
nice colors, could you give the vimrc and xdefaults ?
Same old boring stuff I have always had....
That wallpaper is really disturbing to me...
Why are the lips's hands wet? Is that a BOMB back there?
It's time again to give my desktop a new look.
icon theme: GNOME-Carbonite
conky config: grindhouse
wallpaper: moviewall
EDIT: @spupy, that's boring try to re-design it from time to time!
Last edited by thoughtcrime (2009-11-04 00:26:58)
- blog (about arch and other stuff):
- x86_64 user
Same as the previous month, and the month before that, and before that..
lol.. that's why i only post every couple of months, havent changed mine since i first set up arch with kdemod3.
"I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here:
Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Offline … nthumb.png
Basically the same as October, only differences are a slight change to tint2 and a new background.
nice background, you have a link?
pillz wrote: … nthumb.png
Basically the same as October, only differences are a slight change to tint2 and a new background.
nice background, you have a link?
Yep, here you go:
Offline … v-mini.png
This is the first time i use Awesome and i hope some day the widgets works
Nice desktop! Mind sharing your conkyrc file and color scheme? by the way, I just started using ncmpcpp and I see your playlist is ordered by time - artis - album, etc. how did you (or anyone else that knows) accomplish this?
I ventured into OB theme tweaking.
For my first one, I took the buttons from xfzen-blue (because I liked the dot pattern) and then tweaked the hell out of the colors and margin widths of Miro_v2_blue to match up better with the Gtk theme Divinorum_Revisited, thus creating Divinorum_Revisited: The OB Theme!
I also started learning more about pipe menus for OB... so far the most useful of them has been an MPD client, displayed in Busy. I tweaked one I found online so the volume and a few other annoying things didn't show.
Here are my Screenshots:
Clean (Edit: Updated the background with a little Gimping to make the eyes match the color scheme.)
Busy (Also played around with the images in Divinorum GtK. The hard lines separating all of the gradients are gone. Makes a softer look that flows better with the gradient from blue to purple.)
~ If anyone wants anything out of my setup, here it is: … ent=114863 ~
Last edited by LeoSolaris (2009-11-04 17:32:40)
I keep getting distracted from my webserver project...
huh? oooh... shiny!
teh wrote: … v-mini.png
This is the first time i use Awesome and i hope some day the widgets works
Nice desktop! Mind sharing your conkyrc file and color scheme? by the way, I just started using ncmpcpp and I see your playlist is ordered by time - artis - album, etc. how did you (or anyone else that knows) accomplish this?
Thanks to you.
These configs files are from another users and i just modified.
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont saxMono:pixelsize=12
xftalpha 0.8
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 4
border_width 0
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
alignment bottom_right
gap_x 12
gap_y 30
mpd_host localhost
mpd_port 6600
no_buffers yes
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
use_spacer yes
${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${color #ffffff}$sysname-$kernel
${alignr}$font ${color #a2c3dc}| ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${color #ffffff}time ${color #a2c3dc}--| ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${color #6c9eab}${time %a %d. %b %k:%M} now ${color #a2c3dc}--| | ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #7f7f7f}$uptime uptime ${color #a2c3dc}--' | ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #a2c3dc}| ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #ffffff}system ${color #a2c3dc}--| ${color #7f7f7f}
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${alignr}$font $cpu% ${color #262729}// ${color #7f7f7f}used ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $loadavg${color #262729} // ${color #7f7f7f}load ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${top name 1}${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f}${top cpu 1} ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${top name 2}${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f}${top cpu 2} ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font processes ${color #a2c3dc}--| | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $processes${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f} total ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $running_processes${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f} running ${color #a2c3dc}--' | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${color #7f7f7f}music ${color #a2c3dc}--' | ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #6c9eab}$mpd_title ${color #a2c3dc}--| | ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #6c9eab}$mpd_artist ${color #a2c3dc}--' | ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #a2c3dc}| ${color #4d4d4d}
${alignr}$font ${color #ffffff}resources ${color #a2c3dc}--| ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $diskio_read ${color #262729}// ${color #7f7f7f}read ${color #a2c3dc}--| | ${color #7f7f7f}
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${alignr}$font ${color #7f7f7f}ram ${color #a2c3dc}--| | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $memperc% ${color #262729}// ${color #7f7f7f}used ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font $mem/$memmax ${color #a2c3dc}--' | | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${top_mem name 1}${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f}${top mem 1} ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
${alignr}$font ${top_mem name 2}${color #262729}//${color #7f7f7f}${top mem 2} ${color #a2c3dc}--| | | ${color #7f7f7f}
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About the playlist in ncmpcpp, just press 'p' key. That and all the 'tricks' are in Help menu (1 or F1).
Last edited by teh (2009-11-04 18:01:22)
@teh: your Xdefaults would issue some errors when loading. # is not a valid comment character, Xdefaults uses !
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
@teh: your Xdefaults would issue some errors when loading. # is not a valid comment character, Xdefaults uses !
I know but... it works for me...
Finally found an old nVidia card here at work and was able to get some xcompmgr going.
dub dromic - dotfiles!
evr wrote:pillz wrote: … nthumb.png
Basically the same as October, only differences are a slight change to tint2 and a new background.
nice background, you have a link?
Yep, here you go:
Which WM, panel do you use?
Can I have your theme, conky configuration, please?