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Pages: 1
Hi all,
I need help.
Yesterday I upgraded (about 50 packages with no problem) my arch. Today, when I start my computer the systems crash.
I can't start in init 5.
I can start in init 3.
When I try to change the content of a file, the system gives this message "read only file system"
The file system is mounted as non write, but the fstab is ok.
I can not read the message.log becouse is full of strange characters. Provably as a result of this situation.
Provably some package is not ok. Which one?
It would be grateful if someone can help me.
I hate upgrade an archlinux. This things happent too many times.
I got the problem.
The nvidia package halt the system and break the file system.
fsck to recover the file system.
then downgrade the nvidia package
Pages: 1