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#1 2009-11-05 00:58:54

From: Cambridge
Registered: 2009-05-02
Posts: 71

[SOLVED] Workrave

Hi there,

I am stuck with getting workrave without gnome-panel deps. One can configure it with option to disable gnome support, however I was not able to build it through ABS. Afterwards, I tried getting it working from GIT, but then it requires jw (Jade Wrapper) which I can not find in Arch Repositories.

It would be nice if someone would help me with this one. As I would really like this program. The only work around I have thought of to install it with "pacman -Sd". But I would like a more elegant solution.

Any thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.


Edit: Everything know is fine. It was bug in workrave itself. Now 1.9.1 is compiling well. smile

Last edited by Liuuutas (2009-11-05 09:01:22)


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