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WM: OpenBox
WM Theme: Dusk
GTK Theme: Azel
Icons: SimplyGrey
Font: Sansation
Wallpaper: Own creation (Arch logo thanks to Ghost1227)
For the clean version; what kind of terminal is that? how do you do that?
And could you share the conky config?
Same as the previous month, and the month before that, and before that...
Where can i get that wallpaper? … esized.png … sized2.pngmy setup on my eepc 1005ha...just changed the colors and wallpaper
That's also a neat wallpaper! Where can i get that one? and do you happen to know if there is a version without the earth and the moon in it?
EDIT : Never mind that. i found the source of that image:
Been a while since I posted a screeny..
I've moved from kde3 to gnome, and have been using more CLI apps as of lateclean:, tmux, conky, my bash prompt, other details in the screenshot.
Next I'll try xfce or lxde.
Nice console! Could you explain how i can do that? a 2 lined console input line (how do you even call that) and with the path on the right..?
^^ I think i've had all my quotes now ^^
Last edited by markg85 (2009-11-06 14:23:15)
dcc24 wrote:A very minimal Xfce setup, conky, some apps with a customized gtk theme.
Awesome wallpaper, mind sharing it?
Sure, here you go … 0x1200.jpg
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
Discovered Nitrogen and finally got rid of KDE's default way-too-large window borders. Also switched back to urxvt.
My desktop is suddenly much prettier (and snappier, thanks to urxvtd).
Updated dirty:
Very nice!
What color schemes are you using for vim and konsole?
I updated enough things to warrant a new screenshot, so here is my november one. Applications used are listed in the screenshot, just ask if you want to know more
I shudder at the thought of your electricity bill
I updated enough things to warrant a new screenshot, so here is my november one. Applications used are listed in the screenshot, just ask if you want to know more
LOL: that's not a screenshot, it's a freakin' mini-series...
GGLucas wrote:I updated enough things to warrant a new screenshot, so here is my november one. Applications used are listed in the screenshot, just ask if you want to know more
I shudder at the thought of your electricity bill
Oh, all of that only adds up to about 400 watts of power, which isn't all that much money, I most certainly pay more for my VPS each month. Monitors are pretty energy-friendly these days.
Last edited by GGLucas (2009-11-07 03:33:53)
I updated enough things to warrant a new screenshot, so here is my november one. Applications used are listed in the screenshot, just ask if you want to know more
Holy... that picture of your setup is awesome.
here is mine
please post settings
I updated enough things to warrant a new screenshot, so here is my november one. Applications used are listed in the screenshot, just ask if you want to know more
A few things I noticed:
Holy Hell! Firefox sure does struggle with that pic when scrolling sideways... and I've got a very quick Intel box..
The monochrome rtorrent looks out of place. You can enable colors for torrents based on status.
Interesting IRC conversation going on there
Information overload! I couldn't handle a similar setup ages ago. Now I'm down to one screen (max 3 frames/apps visible at any one time) and my ADD has been cured
But nice choice in apps though
ootput wrote:The monochrome rtorrent looks out of place. You can enable colors for torrents based on status.
lies! rtorrent has color now? link or it didn't happen.
It happened
Works with 0.8.5
Btw, saw B.L. for the millionth time yesterday with a bunch of stoners. Good times.
Last edited by ootput (2009-11-07 07:03:48)
Btw, saw B.L. for the millionth time yesterday with a bunch of stoners. Good times.
we could all learn a thing or two from the dude, that's for sure.
thanks for the rtorrent tip... man.
Just posted one, but this is the "final" revision.
I noticed you mentioned the terminals on the right
but what's the left? what editor?
Reasons wrote:Just posted one, but this is the "final" revision.
I noticed you mentioned the terminals on the right
but what's the left? what editor?
That would be vim.
@ootput, thanks for the rtorrent tip, and @brisbin33, thanks for asking
so here's a working PKGBUILD with that color patch, for anyone who's too lazy to write by h??self:
pkgdesc="Ncurses BitTorrent client based on libTorrent"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('libtorrent=0.12.5' 'curl>=7.14.3' 'xmlrpc-c')
source=($_pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz \
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver"
patch -p1 < ../rtorrent-0.8.4-SVN-canvas-fix.patch
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --with-xmlrpc-c || return 1
make || return 1
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
And then you can set colors in ~/.rtorrent.rc
$ grep '_bg\|_fg' ~/.rtorrent.rc
# _bg _fg colors, -1 for terminal default, 0~7 for colors
done_fg_color = 2
done_bg_color = -1
active_fg_color = 1
active_bg_color = -1
Any other cool patches for rtorrent?
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-11-07 08:06:39)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
i'll keep a similar format as last month. three desktops i typically sit on:
main: … -thumb.png
web: … -thumb.png
and chat: … -thumb.png
and why not this time a 'clean' shot showing off xmonad's great scratchpad terminal: … -thumb.pngxmonad as always.
Could you please post where did you get the wallpaper from?
Or maybe provide the wallpaper?
It looks awesome!
it's been a bit fun with imagemagick
generated with:
convert \( -size 50x80 xc: +noise Random -write mpr:rand -extent 100x80 -page +50-40 mpr:rand -page +50+40 mpr:rand -flatten \) -virtual-pixel tile -blur 0x10 -emboss 5 -edge 1 -normalize png:- | composite -tile - -size 1280x800 xc: tile.png
This silver ladybug at line 28...