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doesn't work anymore, donno why
, any one can help fix it ?
Yeah, dhp1080 updated kimages. I'll start working to fix it now, I should have something soon.
[ lamy + pilot ] [ arch64 | wmii ] [ ati + amd ]
Yeah, dhp1080 updated kimages. I'll start working to fix it now, I should have something soon.
I just have no clue... waiting for your hand
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Here's the updated version. It's no longer a single line due to a change in the way gives you the location of your image, but I actually like it better this way; you can see the helpful page with pre-made BBCode and HTML this way.
Usage: ` image.ext`
curl -# -F userfile1=@$1 -D kimagtemp
echo -n ""
cat kimagtemp|grep /view.php?i=|cut -c11-34
rm kimagtemp
[ lamy + pilot ] [ arch64 | wmii ] [ ati + amd ]
OOh! sweet..
the -D option , didn't know a thing about it
thanks, elmer_42 !
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Hey, elmer_42, how about this one::
This silver ladybug at line 28...
Here's the updated version. It's no longer a single line due to a change in the way gives you the location of your image, but I actually like it better this way; you can see the helpful page with pre-made BBCode and HTML this way.
Usage: ` image.ext`curl -# -F userfile1=@$1 -D kimagtemp echo -n "" cat kimagtemp|grep /view.php?i=|cut -c11-34 rm kimagtemp
I used one line to fix it for myself, but it is a lot uglier:
curl -# -F userfile1=@$1 && curl -# | grep|cut -d '"' -f8
Last edited by Zeist (2009-04-24 05:59:41)
I haven't lost my mind; I have a tape back-up somewhere.
GOod aproach , Zeist
you used "Recent Uploads" , right?
That's just enough for it , bravo
This silver ladybug at line 28...
I have signed an account there at , and i get my album page like::
i think here it's just ok to use the old script ... only i don't know how to pass the password or "cookie" through curl...
if it is done, it'll be better since with an account the images are safer in your hand.. should be simple... Help
Last edited by lolilolicon (2009-04-24 07:00:53)
This silver ladybug at line 28...
I used one line to fix it for myself, but it is a lot uglier:
curl -# -F userfile1=@$1 && curl -# | grep|cut -d '"' -f8
Eh, I personally don't care if it's ugly or not; this stuff will be hidden away in my .bashrc anyway. Interesting way to solve the problem. If I hadn't asked dhp (who says IRC isn't useful?) for help, I would have probably ended up doing something very similar to you.
[ lamy + pilot ] [ arch64 | wmii ] [ ati + amd ]
So I've been trying this script because I want to upload 1700 images which are in a folder, but I get an error, and I don't know why.
I execute the script by typing:
python all jpg. And it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in <module>
File "", line 39, in uploadall
file = open(tmp, "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
The temporary file has to be created? I have done it and it still not working. Some suggestions?
Thank you
I forgot to say that the console also says:
sh: gt: command not found
sh: command not found
So I've been trying this script because I want to upload 1700 images which are in a folder, but I get an error, and I don't know why.
I execute the script by typing:python all jpg. And it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in <module>
File "", line 39, in uploadall
file = open(tmp, "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''The temporary file has to be created? I have done it and it still not working. Some suggestions?
Thank you
Oh, I see what happened. The forum is displaying the < and > characters as html codes. In the code, simply replace all occurances of < with a <, and replace > with a >.
So I've been trying this script because I want to upload 1700 images which are in a folder, but I get an error, and I don't know why.
I execute the script by typing:python all jpg. And it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in <module>
File "", line 39, in uploadall
file = open(tmp, "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''The temporary file has to be created? I have done it and it still not working. Some suggestions?
Thank you
Also, for uploading 1700 files, this script should work, but if for some reason encounters an error in the middle, you'd need to find the last file that was uploaded or something, and start again from there. It's a very simple script, it's not meant to handle errors and stuff like that.
Also, Imageshack may have changed the way that files are uploaded, and the output page is displayed, so this script may not work and may need updating.
Last edited by solarwind (2009-11-09 23:55:42)
Thanks a lot buddy,
I will try it again
I think that wasn't the error because now the error is:
dhcp-125-167:feret_gender JoanRoig$ python all jpg
Uploading: *.jpg
Uploading: 00100fa.p.01_0.jpg
sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
sh: -c: line 0: `curl -H Expect: -F fileupload="@00100fa.p.01_0.jpg" -F xml=yes -# "" >;'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in <module>
File "", line 39, in uploadall
file = open(tmp, "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Mmmmm, regarding to the, do I have to create this file before launching the script? It has to have something inside?