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I imagine people view the screenshot thread in different ways, clicking on thumbnails based on WM, GUI v. CLI, colors, wallpaper. Some people consciously select/view the image, while others are just riding a wave of unconscious desire. What are you looking for when you make the decision to select certain thumbnails?
Once you see the screenshot, what do you look for? What makes a 'good' screenshot? (Feel free to provide examples of your favourite screenshot, but please explain why you love it)
I ask because I certainly have a bias. I prefer CLI shots, but will select a GUI if the content looks really original. I also find dirty CLI shots more attractive than clean ones ;) (or those with a floating window). I use a script to change my wallpaper every minute, which selects images from a directory of photographs. The combination of my appetite for street photography and the fact that I don't use a floating mode mean that I never really consider wallpapers in screenshots.
Once I select a screenshot, my impression is based upon (1) originality of content and (2) colors. Original content would be applications or scripts which I haven't seen before. [ex. aimeta, b1inks, and BalanceST]
Other things one might consider could be GUI, scantily clad members of the opposite sex, wallpapers, or an insightful and humorous irc chat.
I prefer clean desktops with nice backgrounds (I love macro photographs) and a fitting toolkit theme (and preferably icon theme too).
A desktop has to give me a feeling of spaciousness (if that is a word, even). Cluttered desktops make me puke.
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as far as desktops themselves go, i like the tiler/terminal shots b/c that's what i use and i like to get ideas for colorschemes/terminal fonts (though i haven't changed either of those in months...).
and as for the screenshot thread itself, i find my behavior to be... show new posts since last visit... screenshots thread... check out the recent ones and maybe scroll back for ones that other users have commented on.
i'll also watch the thread more closely for the first few days after i've posted mine .
I prefer tiling WM themes with a lot of terminal usage, and if some interesting looking program or colour scheme catches my eye, I'll look in more detail.
Also, I watch the thread more closely for a short while after adding mine. I'm sure everybody does
Also, I watch the thread more closely for a short while after adding mine. I'm sure everybody does
Same here, sadly, no one ever comments on mine I also occasionally throw in a comment regarding something someone wrote/asked. In the screenshots themselves, I look for interesting themes/programs I haven't seen before, simply to expand my knowledge or possibly to find an alternative to a program I use. A "good" screenshot (focusing on the screenshot thread) is, personally, any screenshot that's not just a black and white cluttered mess, and especially good screenshots are ones that explain what is running for those who are curious (after all, everyone's tastes differ, so I won't ever say that it's "bad" or "good" regarding the style).
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Besides the obvious cool backgrounds and nice color schemes. I have even picked up some cool new music like 'Dub side of the moon' from someones playlist. I like to see how other people work, sometimes I find a better way of doing things and sometimes it just makes me think about a solution from a different point of view. So its more about 'why' people work a certain way than 'how' that I find to be the gold in those threads.
[ Arch i686 + Dwm + Vimprobable ]
I skim over looking for some nice tiling ideas, terminal colors and the like, or anything which is different from the norm.
I find busy shots of tiling windowmanager extremely boring. There are normally only well known console-apps, no panel, no windowdecoration, nothing more. Except of the prompt and the terminal-colors they all look the same. So in my opinion it is as boring as plain CLI-shots.
I like clear shots manly for seeing the background pictures, which are sometimes really great! And I like the busy-shots with few non-maximized apps, so you can see how the colors and the background fits, you can see the windowdecorations, the panel(s), maybe the iconset and the widget style.
And I don't like screenshots without informations! Every monthly screenshot-thread starts with the informational posts how the postings should be designed. It is written there, that everyone should provide information about windowmanager, pictures, icon-set, color-set, etc. in the posting, but nearly nobody cares and the main part of the thread is about questions like "Where can I find your background picture?" and "Which font is it?". Must be really difficult to write some words about it in the postings...
I find busy shots of tiling windowmanager extremely boring. There are normally only well known console-apps, no panel, no windowdecoration, nothing more. Except of the prompt and the terminal-colors they all look the same. So in my opinion it is as boring as plain CLI-shots.
I like clear shots manly for seeing the background pictures, which are sometimes really great! And I like the busy-shots with few non-maximized apps, so you can see how the colors and the background fits, you can see the windowdecorations, the panel(s), maybe the iconset and the widget style.
And I don't like screenshots without informations! Every monthly screenshot-thread starts with the informational posts how the postings should be designed. It is written there, that everyone should provide information about windowmanager, pictures, icon-set, color-set, etc. in the posting, but nearly nobody cares and the main part of the thread is about questions like "Where can I find your background picture?" and "Which font is it?". Must be really difficult to write some words about it in the postings...
I am the same way as this person. While tiling, minimalistic window managers may be more efficient and such... they just aren't any fun for me to look at? Might as well just post a pic of a black screen IMO (I think I have seen some screenshots that were that.. in the ever growing competition of "I'm more minimalistic than you are". Really, I have nothing against these wm's... it is just that I won't look at their screenshots anymore because they bore me. I want to see originality, new ideas, nice decorations, a good color and icon scheme, with a matching wall paper, and a new app running for kicks.
I also agree everyone should provide as much info about their screenshot as possible within their screenshot post. I grow tired of skimming through three pages of "what kind of uberness are you using in that screenshot?" questions just to get to a new screenshot... only to find three more pages of questions. Really, if there's gonna b e a form on what info needs to be presented, then please, someone, make sure that these are followed.
I think I know why others don't provide info on their screenshots though, I doubt it is laziness. Perhaps they think others won't care... or perhaps they are using it as a way of encouraging replies to their screenshot.
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as far as desktops themselves go, i like the tiler/terminal shots b/c that's what i use and i like to get ideas for colorschemes/terminal fonts (though i haven't changed either of those in months...).
Do you have you dotfiles posted anywhere?
brisbin33 wrote:as far as desktops themselves go, i like the tiler/terminal shots b/c that's what i use and i like to get ideas for colorschemes/terminal fonts (though i haven't changed either of those in months...).
Do you have you dotfiles posted anywhere?
configs link in sig...
I look for dark GTK and Openbox themes. Also I like to see how people configure the titlebars for Openbox.
It's hard to say, I'll normally just go on tiling WMs, colours, etc, to see what others have done, and if there's anything I could use from their configuration.
that's an interesting question. I usually look for interesting wall papers and neat ideas for laying out the screen productively. conky's, xmobars, and other cool little doodles are always a plus because I beleive that they are not only asthetically pleasing, but also practical. basically, if there is some neat idea that I hadn't thought of or tried, I usually like it. but I'm not too big on eye-candy and theming.
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
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