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When you run cp -i in an interactive script and the destination file already exists, is it possible to get the user's reply to the "cp: overwrite" prompt?
well u can do something as
# it checks for the file
if [ -e "${destination_file}" ] ;
printf "are you sure you want to overwrite (y/n)?\n";
# i guess its scanf or scan or even read
scanf x;
[[ "${x}" == "y" ]] && cp -f "${source_file}" "${destination_file}" || echo "skipped" :
and notice this is a "bash-pseudocode"
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Thanks quarkup, but you don't know of a way to get the user's reply directly from a "cp -i fromfile tofile" command? I doubt it's possible, but I thought I'd check.
Never tried it, but you might look into seeing what
returns when cp -i is answered with y or n and compare the results.
Display exit status of the command:
$ echo $?
I'm not at my Linux machine at the moment, or I would test it for you.
Thanks, I've tried checking that -- $? == 0 either way.
It IS possible........ (i'm at home now ) ...... I wrote a silly little script to test .....
# Script to determine the answer to the interactive cp -i command.
# This example copies the "" program to "test3".
# Use the command "script" to log what your program is doing to "test.txt"
script -qc 'cp -i test3' test.txt
# Now, we grep for the line in the script file, and determine if it was y or n, and push it to a variable.
# We also remove that test.txt file so it doesn't clutter stuff up.
yesorno=`grep "cp: overwrite" test.txt | cut -d'?' -f2 | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//'` ; rm test.txt
# Ok...... lets test it and see if it works ! :)
echo "You answered : ${yesorno}"
exit 0
The output of the test script looks like this :
[crouse@Archie] ~
> ./
cp: overwrite `test3'? n
You answered : n
[crouse@Archie] ~
[crouse@Archie] ~
> ./
cp: overwrite `test3'? y
You answered : y
[crouse@Archie] ~
So, it's a roundabout way of doing things....but it DOES give you the exact answer you reponded to the question with.
Last edited by crouse (2009-11-08 03:40:04)
@crouse: That's very cool! As you say, it's a roundabout solution and not good for serious use, but it's great as a proof of concept!
Last edited by fumbles (2020-09-26 11:32:16)